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Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Go to the Redoran estate.
- Talk to the slave and follow her upstairs.
- Confront Nynach.
- Follow Nynach to his Oblivion plane, kill him, and recover the ring.
- Return to Da'Kharris.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Da'Kharris and Omton have found out that an authentic Spider Ring is located in an estate in Kathar. They'll give you a teleportation scroll, so all you have to do is pop in, get the ring, and pop out. Easy, right? Once you get there, however, you find that everyone (save one slave who hid) was slaughtered. She'll guide to the lord's quarters, where you find the source of the massacre: a dremora called Nynach who was summoned by Lord Redoran (who is also dead). He has the ring, and he'll give it to you in exchange for your scroll. You can hand it over, or attack him; either way, he'll end up dead (the spell misfires and kills him), but his body (along with the ring) is sent back to his plane, so you'll have to go there and kill him for real to get the ring. This is a standard Oblivion plane, so once you deal with him, take the sigil stone and you'll end up back in Tamriel. Use the scroll once more to return to Da'Kharris and hand over the ring.
Journal Entries[edit]
The Big Raid (ODDDesertAD05) |
Stage |
Finishes Quest |
Journal Entry |
2 |
5 |
10 |
Da'Kharris and Omton have discovered that an authentic Ring of Spiders is located in an estate in Kathar. They gave me a scroll that I can use to teleport myself straight into the house. |
20 |
I used the teleportation spell scroll. It seems like I ended up in some storage cellar. I should try to move upstairs unobtrusively. |
30 |
At the Redoran estate, I met a kitchen slave named Sanila. I said I wanted to see if everything was all right. She is very scared because she has heard strange noises from above and therefore wants to accompany me. |
35 |
40 |
50 |
Blood! There is blood everywhere. Apparently all of the estate's slaves were slaughtered. It almost looked like they were about to flee, but something happened to their flesh. Only the skeletons are left. Sanila says the exit is behind the dining room. So onward! |
55 |
60 |
65 |
70 |
80 |
Sanila wants to hide somewhere here while I go upstairs to the lord's chambers and look for the source of all this. |
90 |
95 |
100 |
Sanila is dead. Killed by a daedra. Whatever or whoever is responsible for this whole bloodbath will pay for it! |
105 |
110 |
Nynach, a dremora, is responsible for the goings-on at the Redoran estate. Apparently he was summoned by Lord Redoran, but he defied his master's will and slaughtered all the residents. However, he probably cannot leave the property. Presumably Lord Redoran has put a protective spell on the entrance door that the dremora cannot overcome. I gave him my teleportation scroll in exchange for the Ring of Spiders. or Nynach, a dremora, is responsible for the goings-on at the Redoran estate. Apparently he was summoned by Lord Redoran, but he defied his master's will and slaughtered all the residents. However, he probably cannot leave the property. Presumably Lord Redoran has put a protective spell on the entrance door that the dremora cannot overcome. |
120 |
130 |
Nynach is dead. Something about the teleport seems to have gone wrong. I should search his things - maybe I can still use the teleportation scroll. (If you give him the scroll.) or Nynach is dead. Maybe he has the Ring of Spiders with him. I should search him. (If you decide to kill him.) |
140 |
Nynach's body disappeared before my eyes. Surely he has returned to his plane. There's no helping it - I'll have to pass through the Oblivion gate. |
150 |
So this is Nynach's plane in Oblivion. Time to get the Sigil Stone and close the gate to the Redoran estate. |
160 |
Nynach is still alive, but he told me that he will die for real if he is defeated here in his plane. |
170 |
Nynach is dead for good. I should get hold of the scroll first. (If you gave him the scroll.) or Nynach is dead for good. I should get hold of the ring first. (If you decided to kill him before.) |
180 |
I have both the Ring of Spiders and the teleportation scroll in my possession. Time to take the sigil stone and leave this Mephala-abandoned place. |
200 |
I took the Sigil Stone in Nynach's plane and reappeared in front of the Oblivion gate. The teleportation scroll will hopefully work now. |
210 |
Finishes quest |
Finally back in the Arena. The raid didn't go quite as planned, but the Ring of Spiders is mine. |
- Notes
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in random order.
- If an entry is marked as "Finishes Quest" it means the quest disappears from the Active Quest list, but you may still receive new entries for that quest.
It is possible to use the console to advance through the quest by entering setstage ODDDesertAD05 stage
, where stage
is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) quest stages. See SetStage for more information.