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Oblivion Mod:Netherworld

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Mod Information
Author(s) M7
Current Version 1.1
Last updated 7 Jan 2008
Links Nexus Mods
Language English
Translations N/A
Requirements N/A
Playing Time  ??
Quests (Side Quests) 3


One Quest is the recovery of a cursed Cuirass inside the Well of Akatosh, in Anvil (Near Benirus Manor). You must speak with Martin's Friend, a priest at the Chapel of Dibella in Anvil City, to acquire the key. The well contains some undead and a Necromancer. The priest will purge the Cuirass of its curse and give it back to you.

Another Quest involves the recovery of an Amulet of Mara, which is being held by the Mythic Dawn Grandmaster in the Daedric Netherworld. You must go to the Imperial Palace and speak to Martin's Daedra Master first, outside Martin's Reserved Palace door. He will give you the key to the Cave. The cave is the entrance to the Daedric Netherworld, Aset Duat. This vile place is filled with undead. Go to the first Citadel, the Citadel Perseus. Inside is the Mythic Dawn Grandmaster, holding the Amulet. You can talk to him a bit, or just kill him and take the amulet. Then travel back to IC Palace and claim your reward.

The third Quest leads you back to the citadel (previously locked door in Citadel Perseus) to acquire the Amduat, a magical book. Martin's Daedric Cult will supply the key. The Amduat will grant a teleport spell for travel to Martin's Paradise. You will give the Amduat to the Ascended Martin and he will give you a teleport spell to return home, plus information relating to the other quest(in case you did this one first).

