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Oblivion Mod:Integration: The Stranded Light

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Integration: The Stranded Light[edit]

Mod Information
Author bg2408
Version 1.0
Last updated 27 Jun 2011
Links; (no mod requirements)
Language German and English
Translations N/A
Requirements Shivering Isles, Race Balancing Project (RBP), Less Annoying Magicka Experience (LAME)
Playing Time 50-100+ hours
Quests 35 (main), 57 (misc)


An invasion is coming! A war between the mortals of Tamriel, and the daedra of Oblivion will rage across Cyrodiil. In times of war it is common practice to demonize your enemy, and band together in hate for them, but what if there was more to this story than meets the eye?

Integration: The Stranded Light immersively expands on the Elder Scrolls: Oblivion story, and seamlessly integrates itself into the world offering a more well rounded, and expansive story which includes all of Elder Scrolls lore into its gameplay and story rather than just what's convenient.


  • 80+ Quests featuring: multiple solutions, Choices and Consequences, character/event checks, scripted fights, and more!
  • 24+ hours of dialogue making for a massive amount of deep, fully characterized, and interesting NPCs to become acquainted with.
  • 2 Fully functional guilds, and 3 faction style guilds* all of which you can join and rise up the ranks in!
  • Includes 8 new lore-correct races which breath new life into the populace of Cyrodiil.
  • Scripted combat situations which offer a multitude of tactics and strategies.
  • An epic, immersive optional romance with full recognition of your character, true progression, and character growth!**
  • Thought-provoking riddles, and quests with no hand holding. Now you have to use your skills, faction ranks, actions, and just about every asset you have to solve quests instead of a magic compass!
  • Average playing time of over 100 hours!!!

* No big guild halls for these, and you only have contact with a few people from the guild.
** She'll address you by the appropriate sex/race and even comment accordingly. Also this is no 3 conversation, deep meaningful undying love at first sight thing, or a romance that just randomly decides to get you married out of nowhere.

An important aspect of Integration: The Stranded Light is discovery. A lot of mysteries and surprises are waiting for you to be found and solved. Over eighty quests. Five guilds, of which two are in direct conflict with each other. Choices and consequences. Very dialog heavy, including dialog trees, arguing and a lot more you won't see in Vanilla Oblivion. Use of the "Telvanni Tileset" and other resources for some unique places. The riddle of a lost city will play a role.

Changing the face of Cyrodiil sounds easy - just take a look at the smoldering ruins of Kvatch. How about changing the world for the better, for once? Every organisation begins small, with just a little headquarters somewhere. Though if you succeed in helping a guild to grow, attracting new members, an expansion may happen. Maybe an outpost here or there? What if their goal goes even further? There's enough unclaimed land on Cyrodiil's map for experiments!

Integration: The Stranded Light offers even more than guilds and quests. You'll get to know a lot of people, some better than others. And you may also get one of them interested in getting to know you better - a reciprocal relationship, developing according to your actions, and your reactions to the actions of others. And a (con-)quest for itself, because just winning the friendship of a Daedroth* is not an easy task, even more so delving into dark secrets some may be hiding. Do not expect an easy or early victory, if you choose to walk on this path. (* = singular of Daedra)

The quests in Integration: The Stranded Light are not your usual hack & slay business: One goal was to add those kind of quests to Oblivion, that I felt missing. Those that require some thinking. Or have to be solved by other means than swords. Offering a multitude of different solutions.

What can you expect when playing Integration: The Stranded Light? The most important goal of this mod is to bring in new (although some would say "missing") kinds of quests into The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Quests with multiple solutions, using skills and accomplishments in dialogues, riddles and other possibilities to think.


  • Alternative NPC Faces: Tweaked facial features for almost all NPCs.
  • Better Telvanni Normals: Improved normal maps for the Telvanni tileset.
  • NPC Faces Refined Revamped: Tweaked facial features for almost all NPCs.
  • Three Small Edits: Three optional esps to remove Teshekru's sexy walk, make the Stranded Light cells non-respawning, and make the Stranded Light cells non-respawning as well as removing the guests who visit.
  • Unique Clothes: Adds new clothing items to Integration's NPCs, so they wear outfits more fitting to their personality than the vanilla outfits. Requires HGEC or Exnem.
  • A patch for Open Cities is available here.
  • Patches for UL Eastern Peaks and Silverfish River are available here.


  • There are no conflicts with Better Cities or FCOM.
  • For some extremely strange reason the author never was able to replicate, for an absolute minority of players, the game crashes when "In Memoria" is started. Usually rebuilding your Bashed Patch (if present) or taking off enchanted clothing/armor prevents this crash.
  • If you're updating from an earlier version and have either met Kanaane or solved the "Suthay Decree" quest, use this console command once: StartQuest IntegrationUpdate.
  • Some dialogue responses from the player seem a bit too short. Unfortunately they are; player responses can only be about 38 characters long, so no way for the player to give elaborate answers. Game limitation.
  • Integration's greeting topic may take precedence over Savlian Matius' dialogue after saving Kvatch. Complete the Suthay Decree quest if this causes any issues with Kvatch rebuilding mods.