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Oblivion:Pothole Caverns

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Pothole Caverns
(view on map) (lore page)
# of Zones 1
Necromancer Enemies
Console Location Code(s)
PotholeCavernsExterior, PotholeCaverns
Great Forest
Northwest of Bravil, south of the White Rose River
Pothole Caverns

Pothole Caverns is a small cave between the Imperial City and Bravil containing necromancers. It contains only one zone, Pothole Caverns.


Key to Maps
Map of Pothole Caverns, Exterior
  • This location's map marker (M on map) is named Pothole Caverns (editor name PotholeCavernsMapMarker). The entrance door is northeast of the marker, 50 feet away.
  • 3 Wilderness Creatures (Forest variety) are near the entrance
  • The following plants can be found near the entrance: 9 Fly Amanita plants, 9 Green Stain Cup plants, 37 Monkshood plants, and 4 Summer Bolete plants
  • Wayshrine of Zenithar is at location W on map
  • The exterior of this cave offers some clues as to the profession of its inhabitants: just outside the entrance you will find 3 coffins, one open to reveal a Zombie corpse, various tools and bones scattered around.

Zone 1: Pothole Caverns[edit]

Pothole Caverns
The hall of worship in the caverns

Upon entering Pothole Caverns you will immediately face a triple intersection: the wide southern path and the narrow northern path provide access to the main chamber of the dungeon, while the wide path straight ahead leads to a prison area. This area is made up of three cells: an unlocked one contains a dead captive (H), a locked one (G) holds up to two enemies, and the third one (F), also locked, only contains a bread loaf.

Heading north is advisable, as you'll find it easier to return to the entrance; the only drawback being that you will not be able to use the Falling Log trap at E to your advantage against the enemy nearby. After tackling the Swinging Mace traps at C (make sure to avoid the pressure plates that activate them), check out the small room to the right and then jump down a hole to find up to three enemies and a dangling corpse to greet you.

Using sneak is advisable in the large chamber as you may face up to four enemies at the same time. On the northeastern wall is an altar area with two altars, a corpse clamped to the wall and a sacrificial altar (b) that you can sleep on. Before heading back out, don't miss the room to the north which contains up to two enemies, a sleeping slab (b) and a chest (k) which holds the key to the cells.




Doors and Gates:


  • 1 Dead Captive (carries light armor greaves and gauntlets, 10% chance jewelry, all possibly enchanted) at location H on map
  • 1 Sacrificial Altar (can be used as a bed) at b (near the east wall of the large room)
  • 1 sleeping slab at b (in the northwest room)