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Ayleid Ruin:
(view on map) (lore page)
# of Zones 1
# of Welkynd Stones 8
# of Varla Stones 0
Monster Enemies
Important Treasure
1 boss-level Ayleid Reliquary
Console Location Code(s)
MorahameExterior, Morahame
Nibenay Valley
Just east of the Yellow Road, north of where it crosses the Panther River

Morahame is a small Ayleid ruin east of Bravil containing monsters. It contains only one zone, Morahame.


Key to Map
Map of Morahame Exterior

Zone 1: Morahame[edit]


Immediately to your right once you enter, there is a cluster of low-level weapons (C). Continuing down the stairs, you will reach a stone ledge overlooking a room, with a staircase to the west. One enemy patrols nearby, while another is found at the far southern end of the ledge, guarding a minor loot chest. Once you've claimed its contents, jump down into the room below and dispatch the two nearby enemies. There are now two corridors to choose from: the northern one takes you to a balcony overlooking the next room, from which you can snipe at an enemy, while the southern one brings you to the room itself and hosts a minor loot chest. Either way, grab the two Welkynd stones and then take the eastern tunnel which leads to the large, final room of the zone. This room is on two levels and you will arrive on the upper. On the northern side of the room you will find up to three enemies and two Welkynd stones, while on the southern side are up to three enemies guarding four Welkynd stones and a minor loot chest. Another minor loot chest can be found along the eastern wall. The boss chest (B) is located on a small platform surrounded by falling blades (D). Once you've looted it, jump down to the lower level, where an enemy and a Dark Welkynd Stone (E) guard another minor loot chest. From here wade through the ankle-deep water to the tunnel heading west, which will take you back to entrance.


  • 7-11 Monster Enemies (each 80% probability Monster, 20% Rat)


  • 1 boss-level Ayleid Reliquary (Monster variety) at location B on map
  • 2 Ayleid Casks 01 (1 locked)
  • 3 Ayleid Casks 02 (2 locked)
  • 8 Welkynd Stones
  • The following weapons will always be found: 2 Iron Bows, 2 Iron Daggers, 1 Iron War Axe, and 1 Steel Mace
  • Some of the above items are clustered at location C: 2 Iron Bows, 1 Iron Dagger, 1 Iron War Axe, and 1 Steel Mace


Doors and Gates:

  • There is one door (at Out) in/out of this zone, leading outside