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Knights of the Nine

Oblivion:Inius Colus

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Inius Colus
(RefID: xx001CEE)
Added by Knights of the Nine
Home City Cheydinhal
Location The Great Chapel of Arkay
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 25 Class Crusader
RefID xx001CEE BaseID xx000F5D
Available 6am-8am, 10am-6pm, 10pm-12am every day
When the Fighter's Stronghold download is installed, this NPC offers services at slightly different times. 6am-8am, 10am-6pm, 10pm-12am; 12am-6am
Training Trainer (Advanced)Speechcraft (Advanced) Speechcraft, Advanced
Other Information
Health 209 Magicka 64
Responsibility 50 Aggression 5
Faction(s) Cheydinhal Citizens; Nine Divines 9(Primate)
Inius Colus

Inius Colus is an Imperial crusader added as a replacement for Gruiand Garrana by the Knights of the Nine official download. He will only appear if Gruiand Garrana is dead (no matter what the cause) at the end of the quest Umaril the Unfeathered.

His schedule is identical to Gruiand's: he gets out of bed every morning at 6am, and wanders around in the Chapel Hall for two hours. After that, he will head upstairs and pray for two hours in front of the Altar of the Nine. Then, he heads downstairs to the Chapel Undercroft, for some more wandering and an occasional chat with the chapel guard. He surfaces again at midday, when he will wander around the upper level of the Chapel, and will keep doing so, until he heads back down to the Chapel Hall at 4pm. Here, he will drift around for another two hours, preferably near her Private Quarters in the southeastern end of the Hall. At 6pm, he will do another two hours of praying at the altar, until he finally finds a seat in the Hall and enjoy her dinner. At 10pm, he will take one last round in the Chapel Hall, before he goes to bed at midnight.

Similarly to Gruiand, he will offer Speechcraft training at all times, except when sleeping, praying or eating. However, Inius will not be able to provide you with the reference necessary to start Speechcraft Master Training with Tandilwe.

He wears a black & burgundy outfit and a pair of gold trimmed shoes. Inius carries a large amount of gold and the keys to the Cheydinhal chapel and the Cheydinhal chapel undercroft. He knows the standard leveled Crusader spells.