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Oblivion:Fort Grief

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Fort Grief
(view on map) (lore page)
# of Zones 2
Kurdan's Hunters
Important Treasure
2 Shadowbanish Wine
1 Nirnroot
Console Location Code(s)
FortGriefExterior, HuntersRun01, HuntersRun02
On an island in Niben Bay, just northeast of Bravil
Fort Grief

Fort Grief is a medium-sized fort northeast of Bravil containing NPCs (quest-locked). It contains two zones: The Hunter's Run and The Hunter's Abyss.

Related Quests[edit]


  • The gate to the Fort is locked but can be opened by turning the handle on the ground nearby. However, unless you have begun the Caught in the Hunt quest in Bravil you will receive a "... rusted ... won't open" message.
  • After the related quest is complete, the fort is only inhabited by rats and you will not be able to access the second zone.
  • You cannot fast travel when you are in the exterior part of the fort ruins.
  • Fort Grief also appears in ESO.


Key to Maps
Map of Fort Grief, Exterior
  • The exterior is located at coordinates: Tamriel 24, -6
  • This location's map marker (M on map) is named Fort Grief (editor name FortGriefMapMarker). The entrance door is ENE of the marker, 140 feet away.
  • Aleron Loche (non-respawning) is near the entrance
  • Ra'jhera the Keeneye (non-respawning) is near the entrance
  • 1 Wooden Chest containing 2 Shadowbanish Wine (locked) is at location W on map
  • The following weapons can be found near the entrance: 1 Fine Iron Bow, 1 Fine Iron Longsword, and 7 Iron Arrows
  • The other following items can be found near the entrance: 1 Red Silk Hood, 1 Red Silk Robes, 1 pair of Gold Trimmed Shoes, and 1 Iron Shield
  • Some of the above items are clustered at location C: 4 Iron Arrows, 1 Red Silk Hood, 1 pair of Gold Trimmed Shoes, and 1 Red Silk Robes
  • Kurdan's Boat is at location E on map
  • 1 bedroll is at b

Zone 1: The Hunter's Run[edit]

The Hunter's Run

This first zone contains two hunters and is littered with the skeletons of previous preys. You will immediately face the Imperial Hunter upon entering so be ready. Make your way down the winding corridor, fighting past two rats and cross the bridge in the next room, taking care to avoid the swinging maces above (E).

There are a bedroll (b) and minor loot chest on the other side, and a further chest to the southwest, guarded by a dart trap (G). Track back to the previous room and jump into the water below. Make your way up the tunnel and pick the Nirnroot at N.

In the next room you will face the Nord Hunter, so try to use the gas traps (I) and darts (G) to your advantage. Loot the two chests nearby and proceed to the next zone through door D.

When returning to this zone through door C, jump down to the bridge in the water filled room and make you way back out. Once you've killed Kurdan gro-Dragol, loot the real key to the fort from his body. You will now be able to unlock the gate at J, which in turn allows you to turn the lever (cyan dot on map) opening the exterior gate.




Doors and Gates:

  • There are three doors in/out of this zone
    • 1 door (at Out) leads outside
    • 2 doors (at C and D) lead out of dungeon to The Hunter's Abyss and The Hunter's Abyss
  • 1 Gate at J (locked, key required, opened by Fort Grief Real Key)


  • 1 bedroll at location b on map

Zone 2: The Hunter's Abyss[edit]

The Hunter's Abyss

Upon entering, you will immediately face two rats. Jump over the tripwire at E to avoid triggering the gas traps at G and run past the dart traps at F. In the second room are two minor loot chests and a bedroll (b). The next room has a pool in the center, with a large statue in the middle of it. Behind it, the Orc Hunter lies in wait. Once you've dispatched him, press on, loot the chest in the southeastern corridor and make your way to door C, which leads back to the previous zone.




Doors and Gates:

  • There are two doors (at D and C) in/out of this zone, both leading to the zone The Hunter's Run


  • 1 bedroll at location b on map