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Oblivion:Fathis Ules' House

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Summary: not written

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Residents: written by Beezer1029

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Fathis Ules' House
(view on map)
Console Location Code(s)
ICElvenGardensFathisUlesHouse, ICElvenGardensFathisUlesHouseBasement, ICElvenGardensFathisUlesHouseUpstairs
Imperial City, Elven Gardens District
Fathis Ules' House

Fathis Ules' House is located in the southwestern part of the District, right next to Wumeek's and across the street from Iniel Sintav's.


Fathis Ules

Fathis Ules' House[edit]

Fathis Ules' House[edit]

The front door opens to the sight of two sets of shelves along the eastern wall, with several scrolls to be found; one absorb speed, one absorb skill:blunt and one hindering touch. There are two handbills here as well, one from Jensine's "Good as New" Merchandise and one from Divine Elegance. A locked chest is also in this small study. At the foot of the stairs, on the table, a scroll of absorb health and two additional handbills, one from First Edition and another from Rindir's Staffs.

Fathis Ules' Private Quarters[edit]

The private quarters contains Fathis' wine collection with eleven bottles of Surilie Brothers Wine and a single bottle of cheap wine. The shelves on the eastern wall hold the Mercantile skill book The Buying Game to be studied.

Fathis Ules' Basement[edit]

The basement is spacious but contains little of interest; a copy of Varieties of Daedra has been carefully placed on an easel. An exit leading to the sewers underneath the District is behind a pillar in the center of the room, in a nook containing stored paintings.