Oblivion:Farwil Indarys
This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Oblivion NPC Redesign Project. The page is being rewritten and checked in several stages. If you make an addition to this page, please update this template accordingly, but make sure you have observed the project guidelines. Details
Quests: written by Manic (Already Written), checked by SerCenKing (CS & in-game)
Schedule: written by Already Written, checked by SerCenKing (CS & in-game) Services: written by Corevette789N/A, checked by Manic (CS) Personal Inventory: written by Alpha Kenny Buddy (CS), checked by Helenaannevalentine (in-game) House Contents: written by GK (N/A - doesn't own a house), checked by Emoboy64 (in-game) Unique Dialogue: written by SerCenKing (CS & in-game) Rumors: written by SerCenKing (CS & in-game) Faction: written by Already Written, checked by Jeancey (CS) |
Farwil Indarys (RefID: 00031BC6) |
Location | Cheydinhal Oblivion Gate | ||
Race | Dark Elf | Gender | Male |
Level | PC+1 | Class | Warrior |
RefID | 00031BC6 | BaseID | 00031BC5 |
Other Information | |||
Health | 45 + (6+3)x(PC+0), PC=4-18 | ||
Magicka | 100 + 1.5x(PC+0) (max=250) | ||
Responsibility | 40 | Aggression | 15 |
Follower | The Wayward Knight | ||
Faction(s) | Oblivion Pals; Cheydinhal Citizens; Cheydinhal Castle; Knights of the Thorn (Knight-Errant) |
Farwil Indarys is a Dark Elf warrior, and the son of Count Andel Indarys of Cheydinhal. He has a flair for the dramatic, and tends to rush right into battle without thinking or planning first. As the founder of the Knights of the Thorn, when an Oblivion Gate opens outside the city he led his knights into the gate in an attempt to prove themselves. You will have to rescue him during The Wayward Knight quest.
He seems to have a bad reputation around town, with Mach-Na commenting that "Andel Indarys doesn't help his case by having a prat for a son."
He wears steel boots, gauntlets, greaves, and a cuirass. He wields the Knights of the Thorn Shield showing his alignment with his order, and a steel longsword. The Indarys Signet Ring he wears reveals his relation to the Count. He also carries the quest reward Knights of the Thorn Medallion.
Related Quests[edit]
- The Wayward Knight: You must escort Farwil and his fellow knight through the Oblivion gate to retrieve the sigil stone to close the gate.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
If you speak to the Count after the Cheydinhal Oblivion Gate has appeared, he will tell you:
- "Not long ago, one of those foul gates manifested itself just outside the West Gates of our city. Nothing's come out of it yet, but we fear the worst. My son, Farwil, has taken some knights and entered the gate bravely in hopes of meeting the enemy head-on."
You may also hear the townsfolk saying:
- "Everyone is waiting to see if Farwil and his knights return from inside that dreadful Oblivion Gate. Such brave lads!"
When you meet Amminus Gregori just outside the Oblivion Gate, he will explain what's happening:
- "About two days ago, Count Indarys's son, Farwil, entered the Oblivion Gate with six other men. We haven't heard from them since then. The Count fears the worst, and has posted guards here so we can watch and see if anyone comes back out. So far, nothing. At this point, Count Indarys is offering a reward for the recovery of his son from inside the gate... or confirmed news of his demise. If you find him or the rest of the Knights of the Thorn, get them out of there. I'm sure that the Count would be pleased if the gate was closed."
He will then provide further background on the spoiled brat:
- Farwil
- "Farwil is a Dunmer, and he's wearing steel plate armor. His shield should bear the crest of the Knights. Nothing but the best for the Count's son."
- Knights of the Thorn
- "New to these parts, eh? The Knights of the Thorn are a bunch of rabble who fancy themselves true knights. Farwil formed the group around two years ago. They make grand boasts, and talk a good talk, but that's all they are. The real work goes to us, the City Guard. I hate to speak ill of them, as something horrible may have happened, but their own bravado got them into this mess."
- Why is this behavior tolerated?
- "It's tolerated because Farwil is the Count's son. Plain and simple. He has the power and the coin to put it all together. Most of the time, they lounge around the tavern drinking and making up stories of epic battles with impossible odds that they won. It's all garbage. They never patrol, they never help fight off the ocassional [sic] bandit that slips into the city. Ah well. I've said too much already."
If you speak to the Count himself, he will also explain:
- Oblivion Gate
- "Not long ago, one of those foul gates manifested itself just outside the West Gates of our city. Nothing's come out of it yet, but we fear the worst. My son, Farwil, has taken some knights and entered the gate bravely in hopes of meeting the enemy head-on. If you want to help, and we can use all the help we can get, head over to the gate and lend a hand to the guards."

You will find Farwil and his fellow knight Bremman Senyan just outside of the exit from The Bowels back to the main island of the Cheydinhal Oblivion World. Once he spots you, Farwil will make his way over:
- "It's about time someone got here. What took you so long?"
If you entered the Gate without speaking to anyone, you can ask him to introduce himself:
- Who are you?
- "Who am I? I'm shocked you don't know. My name is Farwil Indarys, son of Count Andel Indarys of Cheydinhal. The wounded one is Bremman Senyan. We are members of the Knights of the Thorn. We've sworn to protect Cheydinhal from any threat, and we've entered this Oblivion gate to do just that."
Should you leave conversation now, he will wail:
- "Wait... I have much to tell you!"
Either way, you can now ask him about his predicament:
- Oblivion Gate
- "I set out with the rest of the Knights to dispatch this blemish on the face of our fine world. When we arrived, we were overwhelmed. I myself was able to kill perhaps two score of them, but they just kept coming. Only Bremman and I remain alive. However, with you here now, we can take the sigil stone from that citadel and complete our quest for the good of all Cheydinhal! Huzzah!"
- Let's get you out of here.
- "Are you mad? A Knight of the Thorn never returns home until the mission is done. It's our way. Now, in my father's name as Count Indarys of Cheydinhal, I order you to lead me to that sigil stone! I suggest we use the Reman Sweep Formation. You'll assault and we'll guard the rear flank. Onward and upward! Huzzah!"
Asking Bremman about what happened reveals a rather different story:
- "I'm sure you wish to hear the real story rather than Farwil's version. Not long after the gate opened, Farwil decided an assault was in order. We charged inside, and promptly met resistance. Three of us were cut down in the first wave. We pressed on, at Farwil's behest. At the base of the citadel, we met a larger second wave of foes. We lost two more in that skirmish, as well as Farwil and I being wounded badly. It was at this point we considered retreat. We found the way back blocked by more daedra. So we were stuck here until rescued by you. It's just like Farwil to leap before he looks. Had we brought a City Watch contingent, we might have taken the sigil stone with minimal losses. Instead, Farwil wanted to prove his point. The City Watch and the Knights of the Thorn are always at odds. They think we don't have what it takes, and Farwil wanted to show them."
- Farwil
- "Don't judge Farwil too harshly. Most of what he says is... fabricated. But he's young, and therefore quite brash and inexperienced. All he wants to do is please his father. I've known him since he was a lad, and fighting to defend Cheydinhal is in his heart. I just wish his heart was bigger than his hubris."
You can now also ask him about his knightly order and about the gate again:
- Knights of the Thorn
- "We are Knights sworn to uphold the laws of Cheydinhal. We fear no being, and we strike fast and true as lightning. Many wish to join our ranks, as we are of the highest echelon. Only a select few may join the finest force ever to grace the lands of Cyrodiil. Until now, we numbered only seven, but attacked like a regiment. Our enemies quake at our approach, and falter at our charge. Huzzah!"
- Oblivion Gate
- "The sigil stone for this Oblivion Gate is the key. As soon as we have it, we shall rid Cheydinhal of its existence."
After this, he will leave conversation with:
- "The path is yours; lead on."
He will then begin following you everywhere, though he is more of a nuisance than a helping hand. Often he will get in the way of your attacks and you will hit him. He also tends to charge into the path of several Daedra, making it more difficult to keep him alive, and will not easily accept your yield if you hit him by accident.
If you approach and greet him now, he will say:
- "Hmph..."
- "I suppose you'll do..."
- "Lead on... to victory for the Knights of the Thorn! Oh, and you too of course."
Farwil dies[edit]
Should he fall in battle, Bremman will comment:
- "All this, and now Farwil is dead. Oblivion is truly cursed. Make sure you take his signet ring to bring to the Count. He would want proof."
- Farwil
- "There isn't much more to say. He'll be missed. We'll have to inform the Count... if we get home."
He can then be heard saying:
- "What a horrible turn of events."
- "We should continue for Farwil's sake."
Once you close the gate, Bremman will reflect:
- "It's a shame Farwil is gone. Although he was boastful and aloof, at least he treated me as an equal. I shall miss him."
When you deliver the bad news to Amminus, he will be upset:
- "You've done it! But what of Farwil?"
- He has been slain.
- "Then it's a sad day in Cheydinhal. The Knights were boastful louts, but they didn't deserve to be killed."
- Farwil
- "Cheydinhal will mourn his loss."
After you've received your debrief from Amminus, he will add:
- "Thank you for getting me out of that cursed place. Thank you for getting me out of that cursed place. 'Tis ashame [sic] Farwil didn't make it. At least he died doing what he loved."
- Farwil
- "It's ashame [sic] Farwil is gone. Although he was boastful and aloof, at least he treated me as an equal. I shall miss him."
The Count will be in a forgiving mood:
- "I'm pleased to meet the savior of Cheydinhal. And although the death of Farwil saddens me, I know you did the best you could. I realize he was trying at times, and he spoke before he thought, but he was still my son and I adored him greatly. I'm sure he was difficult to travel with, and I respect your patience. Whereas others would have left him to die, I'm sure you fought at his side."
- Allies for Bruma
- "I do not blame you for my son's death. He brought that upon himself, as hard as it is for a father to admit."
- Farwil
- "I'll miss him dearly. Don't feel upset, I know you did the best you could to bring him home."
Farwil dies at your hand[edit]
If Farwil was slain by you, Bremman will instead by outraged:
- "What's wrong with you? Farwil may have been a pain in the rear, but that was no reason to slay him!"
Once you report back to Amminus, he will also be enraged:
- "Are you mad? You killed Farwil, and now you casually speak to me as if nothing's happened? Begone from my sight before I kill you where you stand!"
Unsurprisingly, the Count also wants nothing to do with you:
- "You have some nerve addressing me after slaying my son. You're lucky I didn't have you executed on the spot! Now get out of my sight!"
Farwil survives[edit]
On the other hand, if he manages to survive, once the gate has been closed he will happily greet you and knight you:
- "We made it!... errr, I mean... victory is ours once again! Huzzah! [It's a shame that Bremman didn't make it though. He was a good knight.] You've done well. I wouldn't have expected such bravery from someone who isn't a Knight of the Thorn. Now that this battle between good and evil has been won, and the day is ours, you should go speak with my father. He will reward you greatly for escorting me home and closing the Oblivion Gate. Since you have led us to victory, I am hereby giving you the honorary title of a Knight of the Thorn. Your name shall be revered and your deeds placed into song to be performed by the greatest bards for generations to come. Congratulations!"
- Oblivion Gate
- "No more will the gate threaten the good people of Cheydinhal. The Knights of the Thorn have triumphed once more!"
He will now take his leave by saying:
- "It's good to be home."
If you speak to him again, he will provide you the medallion of the Order:
- "Why are you still here? You're supposed to go speak with my father!"
- Knights of the Thorn
- "As a Knight of the Thorn, you are now expected to carry this symbol of your knighthood. Carry it proudly and wear it well."
When saying goodbye, he will suggest:
- "Make sure you address the Count properly."
If he survived, Bremman will now reflect:
- "Perhaps in the future, Farwil will learn patience and careful planning before dragging us into a situation like that again."
The Count will similarly be overjoyed:
- "I'm pleased to finally meet the savior of Cheydinhal. I'm also overjoyed that you saved my son's life. I realize he is trying at times, and he speaks before he thinks, but he's still my son, and I adore him greatly. I'm sure he was difficult to travel with and I respect your patience. Most would have given him up for dead rather than deal with his ego."
- Farwil
- "Even though he may be a bit misguided, I'm still proud to call him my son."
- Knights of Thorn
- "I think if you'd had the chance to speak to any of the knights, they were happy to follow Farwil into battle. I'll be having a very long talk with my impetuous son. I don't blame him directly for their deaths, but he must learn to do things the proper way. He must realize he'll be ruling Cheydinhal one day. That's a responsibility I aim to make him ready for."
Once the quest is complete, Farwil will start a new routine, dutifully followed everywhere by Bremman, if the latter survived. He wakes up every morning at 6am in the Knights of the Thorn Lodge and relaxes there until 8am, when eats a two-hour breakfast. At 10am he heads over to the Cheydinhal Bridge Inn, where he stays at 4pm. At that point he tries to join the evening party at Riverview, but a bug means he instead spends the next five hours standing outside the door. From 9pm until his bedtime at midnight he will be found pacing around the Lodge.
When approaching and greeting him now, he will say:
- "Fellow Knight! I bid you welcome."
- "I'm pleased that a Knight of the Thorn has received such a worthy gift. Even if you're just an honorary knight."
- Knights of the Thorn
- "There are no quests for you right now, sir knight. Don't fret, though. The Knights will rise to the occasion once again! Huzzah!"
He will now take his leave by saying:
- "Goodbye, Knight. Remember to carry our symbol proudly as a beacon of hope for all Cyrodiil!"
Farwil's escape from Oblivion will also be reported on the Black Horse Courier and you may be handed a copy of the special edition by citizens:
- "Farwil Indarys almost got himself
If you complete Light the Dragonfires before saving Bremman from Oblivion he will instead greet you with:
- "Ah, I'm sure you've come to pay homage to the greatest fighting force to grace the lands of Cyrodiil!"
Thereafter, he will say:
- "What can Lord Farwil do for you?"
- Oblivion Gate
- "Yes, the Oblivion Gate. No match for the Knights of the Thorn! When the foul portal cursed Cheydinhal with its presence, we bravely entered to do battle with the vermin within. We killed scores... nay, hundreds of evil daedra! The ground ran thick with their dark blood. Then, with a mighty blow, I struck the very ground itself. My true strike sundered the magic of Oblivion and destroyed the gate. Cheydinhal is safe once again thanks to the Knights of the Thorn! Huzzah!"
Upon leaving conversation he will pompously declare:
- "You will remember the day you met Farwil Indarys and treasure every moment after."
Unused Dialogue[edit]
Farwil has a number of lines you will never hear due to his follower AI package:
- "I long to spill more foul daedra blood this day... for Cheydinhal!"
- "This place is cursed... we must not let its spoiled ichor spill into our fair lands."
- "The Knights of the Thorn triumph once again!"
- Farwil cannot be found in Cheydinhal before the related quest.
- Farwil shares his surname with a Redoran noble in Morrowind.
- Farwill and Bremman will remain locked out of Riverview when they try to attend the evening party there, as neither carries the key to the front door.
The Unofficial Oblivion Patch, version 1.7.0, fixes this bug.
- Oblivion-NPCs
- Oblivion-Dark Elf
- Oblivion-Dark Elf-Male
- Oblivion-Male NPCs
- Oblivion-Warrior
- Oblivion-Leveled NPCs
- Oblivion-Follower NPCs
- Oblivion-Permanent Corpses
- Oblivion-Factions-Oblivion Pals
- Oblivion-Factions-Cheydinhal Citizens
- Oblivion-Factions-Cheydinhal Castle
- Oblivion-Factions-Knights of the Thorn
- Oblivion-Factions-Knights of the Thorn-Knight-Errant
- Oblivion-Bugs Fixed by the Unofficial Oblivion Patch