Morrowind talk:False Incarnate
From whom can you receive the False Incarnate dialog topic besides the actual questgiver? 21:30, 28 May 2010 (UTC)
Convincing and killing him[edit]
I haven't been able to convince him without seeing a disturbing dream, the guy just says "I pity you (etc..)" and there isn't any more dialogue to select. On the other hand, you won't be prosecuted for killing him if you taunt him first, as usual.
Stealth detection[edit]
RE: "You are likely to be prosecuted for the killing of Elvil, even though it was ordered by the Temple. Be prepared to pay a fine of at least 2,000 gold. No amount of stealth seems to be sufficient to avoid detection - for example, killing with chameleon of over 100%."
Well, I have a 71 Sneak skill and, even without Moon-and-Star, was able to Sneak and kill him without incurring a bounty. Unless anyone objects, I'll modify that statement to mention so, and add that even taunting to 0 with a high Speechcraft, as well as powerful Frenzy effects, don't work as they would on a normal NPC. --Trep35 (talk) 00:42, 15 December 2012 (GMT)
I confirm being able to kill the guy in sneaking mode without bounty. Playing an otherwise vanilla GOTY edition with Galsiah's Character Development as the only mod. Sneak 139, and I also put on Chameleon 80% for good measure. As usual in outdoor areas, the sneaking mode icon never showed up. Perhaps being able to kill him with the first sudden blow (so you see Critical Damage message as he falls dead) is what matters here. 04:10, 10 December 2015 (UTC) jrp9000
Taunting has become impossible[edit]
Recently I've been trying to go for options I've never tried before, and the sequence of actions I took seem to have made Elvil impossible to goad into a fight with Taunting or even with a Frenzy spell.
- • 1. I spoke to him and chose "I don't know what you're talking about." as my reply.
- • 2. I spoke to him again and instead chose the option stating he was not the one I saw in my vision or whatnot. I know for a fact that I've experienced the first Disturbing Dream, but I have been avoiding MQ so Nebani Mesa has not counseled me about the prophecy etc. Elvil still gave me a negative reply stating "if not me, who?!"
- • 3. I perma-commanded him after Intimidating him a couple times.
- • 4. I perma-buffed his attributes and gave him QOL perma-effects like Slowfall 1 pt ♾️ and Water Breathing ♾️ as well as ~30% extra elemental resist ♾️. I also perma-Rally'd him since I had just Intimidated him and I thought that would correct the reduced Fight value.
- • 5. I led him to the Earthly Delights brothel to give him a taste of what's awaiting him if he gives up this nonsense. He even seemed interested in the show and seemed to be... writhing his hands like he was half clapping? He and I stood in front of the girls dancing, and I then spent 20 minutes Taunt-Admire-Taunt-Bribe-Admire-Admire repeat on repeat. I was refreshing my Fortify Speechcraft and Mercantile skill spells, and even included my Fortify Fatigue and Fortify Luck spells but this man was simply never crossing the threshold to say "That does it."
He was saying "Shut up and draw", and similar menacing, angry things but it never got to the point of him saying Goodbye, which is when he would attack.
I would like to know what exactly was the cause, whether it's because I'm not far enough in MQ or if my perma-buffs messed something up... This is my first time encountering someone who has put up this much resistance to Taunting. Are there any NPCs that are also known to be impossible to goad into combat? - Chill fridge (talk) 01:15, 9 July 2023 (UTC)