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Morrowind Mod:AFFresh/Books
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< Mod / Morrowind: Morrowind Mod: AFFresh
AFFresh adds several books to the game.
Title (ID) | ![]() |
Author | Description | |
Smuggler's Journal AF_bk_BenuniusTreasure |
40 | Entries from the journal of a smuggler in Morrowind | ||
House of the Big Walker AF_bk_BigWalker |
75 | Dro'Zhani, Carrier of the Mane, to Rodala of the Horse-Men, Circa 3E 30 | A Khajiiti tale about the Halls of the Colossus | |
Note on Blighted Kwama AF_bk_BlightKwamaNote1 |
0 | A note about hiding in an egg mine | ||
Books of Sand v1 AF_bk_BooksOfSand1 |
250 | Cassolar Draebo | An ancient Khajiiti work of literature | |
A Letter to Orvas AF_bk_BraleniToOrvan |
1 | Braleni Dren | A letter about a spy | |
Cunning, Contempt, Confusion AF_bk_CCC |
350 | A Dres view of the Tribunal values | ||
Letter to Darvam AF_bk_DarvamLetter |
1 | An encrypted letter | ||
The Eye of Argonia AF_bk_EyeArgonia |
250 | Shmij-Tei | A tale of Grognak on the hunt for a legendary gem | |
Geidar's Journal AF_bk_GeidarJournal |
150 | Geidar the Torch | Journal documenting a smuggler going insane | |
Karliah's Note AF_bk_KarliahNote |
0 | M | ||
Letter to Dralcea AF_bk_LetterToDralcea |
1 | Gals Arethi | A son's letter to his mother | |
Letter to Gals AF_bk_LetterToGals |
1 | Dralcea Arethi | A mother's letter to her son | |
Clagius' Shopping List AF_bk_LittleThingsList |
0 | Clagius Clanler | An outfitter's order | |
Mixed Unit Tactics v3 AF_bk_MixedUnit_v3 |
25 | Codus Callonus | A book about the strategies of the Khajiit during the Five Years War | |
Mixed Unit Tactics v4 AF_bk_MixedUnit_v4 |
25 | Codus Callonus | A book about the strategies of the Khajiit during the Five Years War | |
Mixed Unit Tactics v5 AF_bk_MixedUnit_v5 |
25 | Codus Callonus | A book about the strategies of the Khajiit during the Five Years War | |
Nchulem AF_bk_NchulemActual |
25 | Nchulem | A strange book that may not even exist | |
Nemon's Memorystone AF_bk_Nemon |
1 | Nemon | Scattered recollections of a great battle against the Sload of Thras | |
A Letter from Oran Dres AF_bk_OrenDres1 |
1 | Oran Dres | A letter about a Sload book | |
Second Letter from Oran Dres AF_bk_OrenDres2 |
1 | Oran Dres | A letter about a Sload book | |
Third Letter from Oran Dres AF_bk_OrenDres3 |
1 | Oran Dres | A letter about a Sload book | |
Fourth Letter from Oran Dres AF_bk_OrenDres4 |
1 | Oran Dres | A letter about a Sload book | |
Ra'Virr's Letter to Tsiya AF_bk_RavirrProposal |
1 | Ra'Virr | ||
Letter to Feldrelo AF_bk_ShannatRequest |
0 | Shannat Pansamsi | ||
Silver Weapon Samples AF_bk_SlippinSilverNote |
0 | A smuggler's letter | ||
Tappius' Journal AF_bk_TappiusJournal |
250 | Tappius Esdrecus | ||
Tappius' Journal AF_bk_TappiusJournal2 |
250 | Tappius Esdrecus | ||
Note Under the Bridge AF_bk_TappiusNote |
1 | |||
Tavia's Worn Note AF_bk_TaviaNote1 |
0 | Braleni Dren | A cryptic letter | |
Tavia's Bloodstained Note AF_bk_TaviaNote2 |
0 | Braleni Dren | A letter about a deal | |
Ancestor's Rest AF_Rec_AncestorsRest |
0 | Sorosi Radobar | A local recipe | |
Banor's Recipe AF_Rec_Banor |
0 | Banor Seran | A local recipe | |
Coda Soup AF_Rec_CodaSoup |
0 | Raril Giral | A local recipe | |
Graht-Planked Dreugh AF_Rec_FancyDreugh |
0 | Natesse | A local recipe | |
Farewell Feast AF_Rec_Farewell |
0 | Ashumanu Eraishah | A local recipe | |
Girls Daily Meal AF_Rec_GirlsDaily |
0 | Helviane Desele | A local recipe | |
Hackle-lo Salad AF_Rec_HackleSalad |
0 | Brathus Dals | A local recipe | |
Hero's Feast AF_Rec_HerosFeast |
0 | Manara Othan | A local recipe | |
Hound Sticks AF_Rec_HoundSticks |
0 | Boderi Farano | A local recipe | |
Kagouti Steak AF_Rec_KagoutiSteak |
0 | Burcanius Varo | A local recipe | |
Marshwater AF_Rec_Marshwater |
0 | Muriel Sette | A local recipe | |
Merrowed Yams AF_Rec_MerrowedYams |
0 | Benunius Agrudilius | A local recipe | |
Mudcrab in the Shell AF_Rec_MudcrabShell |
0 | Ery | A local recipe | |
Pucker and Squeak AF_Rec_PuckerSqueek |
0 | Agning | A local recipe | |
Cliff Racer Tails AF_Rec_RacerTails |
0 | Galore Salvi | A local recipe | |
Two Rat Recipes AF_Rec_Rats |
0 | Drelasa Ramothran | A local recipe | |
Scurryscales AF_Rec_Scurryfish |
0 | Thaeril | A local recipe | |
Scuttlerice AF_Rec_Scuttlerice |
0 | Gadela Andus | A local recipe | |
Slaughterfish Steak AF_Rec_SFSteak |
0 | Shenk | A local recipe | |
Sick Soup AF_Rec_SickSoup |
0 | Dulnea Ralaal | A local recipe | |
Sweet, Sweet Shalk Stalks AF_Rec_SweetShalk |
0 | Ra'niir | A local recipe | |
Yam Chips AF_Rec_YamChips |
0 | Darvam Hlaren | A local recipe | |
Yattle AF_Rec_Yattle |
0 | Lirielle Stoine | A local recipe |