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Morrowind:Yagrum Bagarn and Wraithguard

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Walkthrough: not written

Objectives: written by already written not checked

Reward: not written
Complete the Main Quest without divine aid.
Quest Giver: Yagrum Bagarn at the Corprusarium in Tel Fyr
Location(s): Tel Fyr, Endusal, Tureynulal
Prerequisite Quest: Kill Vivec
Next Quest: The Citadels of the Sixth House
Reward: Working Wraithguard if you killed Vivec
ID: CX_BackPath
Required Reputation: 20
Difficulty: Hard
Yagrum Bagarn

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Kill Vivec, and retrieve the Unique Dwemer Artifact from his corpse.
  2. Take it to Yagrum Bagarn in the Corprusarium in Tel Fyr.
  3. Find Kagrenac's Journal and Planbook in Endusal and Tureynulal.
  4. Bring the books to Yagrum, and wait a day while he studies them in order to harmonize Wraithguard to your magicka signature.
  5. Equip Wraithguard, and be prepared to lose 200-225 Health, permanently.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]


So, you killed Vivec, and you still want to complete the Main Quest? Don't worry, all is not lost. The Back-Path is much more difficult, but still possible. First you must retrieve the Unique Dwemer Artifact from his divine corpse. Nobody will tell you what to do with it. You must find out on your own. It might help to look at the scrolls found in the alcoves inside Vivec's Palace.

The Last Living Dwarf[edit]

Yagrum Bagarn is the last of the Dwemer, and he can be found in the Corprusarium in Tel Fyr. If you have done much of the Main Quest, you would have met him during the Corprus Cure quest. If you speak to him with the Unique Dwemer Artifact in your possession, he will recognize it as Wraithguard, and offer to help you activate it. Ask him about "mythopoeic enchantments" to hear his advice on the matter. Note that in order to receive his aid you must either have a Reputation of at least 20 or be able to show him Dagoth Ur's Plans and the Plan to Defeat Dagoth Ur, both found in Vivec's Palace.

Kagrenac's Books[edit]

Yagrum will ask you to retrieve two books written by Kagrenac, who helped to construct Wraithguard. They can be found in Endusal and Tureynulal, respectively. These two ancient Dwemer Ruins are located on either side of the Dagoth Ur Facility in the Red Mountain region. They are home to many powerful Ash Creatures, including the Ash Vampires Dagoth Endus and Dagoth Tureynul. Once you have found the Journal and Planbook, return to Tel Fyr and present them to Yagrum Bagarn.

Harmonizing Wraithguard[edit]

When you show him the books, Yagrum will ask you to give him a day to study them. Return in 24 hours (or just wait), and speak to him again. He will have Wraithguard ready for you, but he will give you a strong warning. Equipping the artifact will cause a permanent loss of 200-225 maximum Health. He will recommend that you use a Fortify Health; however, this is not practical. Fortifying your health only fortifies your *current* health and doing this will not avoid the loss to your *maximum* health. Once the spell or potion wears off, your health will then be reduced by however much you fortified it, and if this brings you below 0 you will die. Likewise for wearing Constant Effect enchanted items. If you remove them, or if they are damaged to the point of breaking, you may find yourself dead rather quickly. The safest thing is to have more than 230 health to begin with, and probably a lot more, as wandering around Red Mountain with only 20 maximum health is likely to be somewhat hazardous. Fortunately, this loss of health is one-time only, and if you survive, you may equip and unequip the Wraithguard as many times as you wish without worry.


  • Vivec has the largest soul in the base game. If you plan on killing him and capturing his soul, you will need to obtain Azura's Star first, as it is the only soul gem capable of storing his soul.
  • Wraithguard is only considered necessary to hold Keening and Sunder, but this is not a hard requirement. Without the Morrowind Patch Project, equipping the jury-rigged Wraithguard will deal massive, permanent health damage. As this is highly undesirable, Xbox and other non-MPP users may instead opt to forego it entirely. The "Mortal Wound" effect from holding Keening and Sunder without Wraithguard deals large (25-120?) amounts of damage per second, but they need not be held long and this is survivable with enough health.
  • Obtaining Wraithguard in this way does not trigger Wulf to spawn in Ghostgate, meaning it is impossible to acquire his lucky coin unless you have the Bloodmoon expansion.
  • Acquiring this Wraithguard will cause the right-handed version granted to you by Vivec (if you have it) to lose its ability to protect you from Sunder/Keening's mortal wound.


  • There are several bugs in Yagrum Bagarn's dialogue about "mythopoeic enchantments", which can be confusing, but do not result in any real problem:
    • At a reputation of at least 20 he will always help you, if you insist. The dialogue checks for disposition, but Yagrum, being a creature object, does not have any. You do not need the books from Vivec's palace.
    • If your reputation is 30 or higher, the dialogue skips to the point where he agrees to help, thanks to a missing 'choice' condition.
    • The Health condition check has a minor math error, affecting player characters with Health between 200 and 220 points, inclusive. If you have less than 200 Health points, he will refuse to perform the procedure; if you have more than 220, he will do it. There is no valid dialogue option between those values, so the topic becomes unavailable until you have gained more Health points. Note that a Health of 220 may still not be enough to survive, and any Fortify Health magic would result in Wraithguard killing you as soon as that fortification wears off.
  • The jury-rigged Wraithguard does permanent Health damage to your character because of a fault in the associated script. It performs ModHealth instead of ModCurrentHealth.
  • The jury-rigged Wraithguard is different from the one you would have received if you hadn't killed Vivec. It is left-handed instead of right-handed, and when equipped it looks like a Daedric Left Gauntlet instead of the unique Dwemer appearance of the standard one. Strangely enough, it will protect you from the adverse effects of Sunder and Keening even though you wield those weapons with your unprotected hand.
  • If you received the original Wraithguard from Vivec, you can still kill him and take the artifact to get a second Wraithguard. This changes nothing except the fact that you now can have two Wraithguards at the same time, each on a different hand (and you'll suffer the Health consequences of the second one).
  • If you kill Vivec while being at the cure Corprus quest stage of the main quest and give him the books he asked for, he will not give you the finished item. No matter how long you wait. The journal console command is again the only option. I recommend, if you want to kill Vivec, to wait after the Corprus part of the main quest. ?

Quest Stages[edit]

Yagrum Bagarn and Wraithguard (CX_BackPath)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
1 Yagrum Bagarn has told me that if I can find Kagrenac's Planbook and Kagrenac's Journals and bring them to him, he will do his best to restore Wraithguard to its proper functions.
5 Yagrum Bagarn says he doesn't know where Kagrenac's Planbook might be. He thinks it remains to be discovered in some Dwemer ruin here on Vvardenfell.
10 Yagrum Bagarn says he doesn't know where Kagrenac's Journals might be. He thinks they remain to be discovered in some Dwemer ruin here on Vvardenfell.
25 Yagrum Bagarn took Kagrenac's Planbook and Kagrenac's Journals to study them. He said to come back in a day, and he thinks he will be able to restore Wraithguard's mythopoeic enchantments.
50 Finishes quest☑ Yagrum Bagarn says he has harmonized Wraithguard with my personal magicka signature. Now, the first time I equip Wraithguard, I will experience a terrible shock. If I am in perfect health, he is confident I will survive. But I may want to fortify my health as much as possible beforehand, just in case. Afterwards, Wraithguard should be working as designed, and everything will be fine.
55 Finishes quest☑ Yagrum Bagarn says he has harmonized Wraithguard with my personal magicka signature. Now, the first time I equip Wraithguard, I will experience a terrible shock. If I am in perfect health, and I have fortified my health as much as possible, he believes I will survive. But I MUST fortify my health as much as possible beforehand. Afterwards, Wraithguard should be working as designed, and everything will be fine.
60 Finishes quest☑ Yagrum Bagarn says he has harmonized Wraithguard with my personal magicka signature. Now, the first time I equip Wraithguard, I will experience a terrible shock. If I am in perfect health, and I have fortified my health as much as possible, there is a good chance I will survive. But I MUST fortify my health as much as possible beforehand. Afterwards, Wraithguard should be working as designed, and everything will be fine.
65 Finishes quest☑ Yagrum Bagarn says he has harmonized Wraithguard with my personal magicka signature. Now, the first time I equip Wraithguard, I will experience a terrible shock. Even if I am in perfect health, and I have fortified my health as much as possible, there is a good chance I will die. If I survived, Wraithguard would work as designed. If I eat right, exercise, and improve my health, when I am MUCH healthier, then I MIGHT risk equipping Wraithguard.

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