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Morrowind:Weakness to Normal Weapons

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MW-icon-effect-Weakness to Normal Weapons.jpg Weakness to Normal Weapons
School Destruction
Type Offensive
Base Cost 2
(Click on any item for details)
Mantle of WoeBM

Weakness to Normal Weapons M% for D seconds

Decreases resistance to (increases the damage received from) "normal weapons", by M% for D seconds. The only weapons affected by this strange and improbable effect are non-enchanted (with a few pre-enchanted exceptions) and made of lower-quality materials, including wood of various sorts, Chitin, Bonemold, Iron, and Steel (including Nordic and Imperial). Also affected are non-magical melee attacks by creatures who don't use weapons. Hand-to-hand combat by the player character and NPCs is not affected; humanoid fists are not considered normal weapons. Anything Silver or better (Glass, Ebony, Daedric, etc.) will not be affected (will not receive a damage boost). An exception is Adamantium, provided by the Tribunal expansion. Also unaffected are any magical attacks, and any enchanted weapons created by the player character – should they end up in enemy NPC hands – manually or via an Enchanter, regardless of their material.

This effect is not available as a spell, scroll, potion effect, or creature attack. It is only available to the player character, Calvus Horatius, and merchants which will purchase robes – as an effect they will experience rather than impose – as a side effect of the artifact Mantle of Woe, added by the Bloodmoon expansion.


  • For a list of all weapons affected, see Normal Weapons.
  • This weakness also affects Corkbulb, Bonemold, Iron, and Steel arrows and bolts, unless they are fired from an enchanted bow or crossbow. If either the ammunition or the firing weapon are not "normal", the weakness will not be triggered.

Related Effects[edit]