Morrowind:Unused Content

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Morrowind has several pieces of unused content which were scrapped and have never been formally released or are unavailable through normal gameplay. This list includes content found in Tribunal and Bloodmoon.


Construction Set screenshot, July 2001
  • See Unused Creatures
  • Alit Hermit, Ash Poet, Ash Wight, Ash Sorcerer, Ash Deathguard, Atronach Flame Monarch, Atronach Flame Lord, Atronach Frost Monarch, Atronach Frost Lord, Atronach Storm Monarch, Atronach Storm Lord, Bonelord Temple Warder[UOL 1]:11
  • Dagoth Ur, Gedna Relvel, Yagrum Bagarn, and Vivec have unused voice files.
  • An early version of the Clannfear with in-progress textures and animations was showcased in an obscure pre-release video by Bethesda.
  • The Nix-Hound originally had purple mandibles, which were also showcased in the pre-release video, as well as loading screens in the final game.
  • The Flame Atronach originally used the Frost Atronach as a basis with flame-like particle effects and textures.


Blight Diseases[edit]

NPC dialogue suggests a system where blight diseases could be contracted during ash storms, though this was not implemented in the final game. Ingame data within the Morrowind executable backs this up. The game is constantly running a blight disease check to give the player these during a ash storm, but it doesn't work properly. This checks is harmless as it doesn't work as intended and seems unfinished. Presumably, if this buggy behavior did work as intended, the player would get inflicted with repeated instances of blight diseases the longer they remained outside during an ash storm. Morrowind Code Patch patches this behavior out due to the possibility of these buggy disease checks interfering with scripts in mods. In addtion, the Morrowind.ini has a leftover of this as well. The blight storm section under weather displays a blight disease chance (which is set to about 10% by default despite doing nothing). According to Douglas Goodall, one of Morrowind's developers, this probably wasn't fixed because nobody got assigned to testing it. When asked about it in the Morrowind modding community discord, he said: "You were supposed to be able to catch Blight during storms. That it didn't work properly is likely due to it working at one point, but not being on anyone's testing list."


A member of the Imperial Legion showcasing large pauldrons
  • See the list of Unused Items, which includes items that can be obtained through normal gameplay, but the intended feature they are meant to fulfill was not implemented.
  • Kata's Ring[1]:04
  • Early versions of the armor showcased larger and proportionally exaggerated pauldrons which would be toned down in the final release.


  • Please see Unused NPCs Keep in mind that there is a small possibility these characters still exist but were renamed and given different equipment for their final iterations.
  • Vinor Sarin, an outfitter in Gnisis[1]:05
    • "Vinor Sarin is the finest outfitter in Morrowind"[1]:05
    • "A wise choice Ser"[1]:05
  • Three different player characters can be spotted in the gameplay mockup screenshots:
    • Zabe' Vahas, a female Dark Elf[1]:04
    • Nograd the Bad, a male Nord[1]:05
    • Bendu, alternatively named Bendu Olo, a male Imperial who would also become one of the main player test characters in Oblivion


Translated caption for the unused banner over a bridge in the West Gash
  • See the Test Cells page
  • Ald Redaynia was stated to be a small village; in-game it is only a Velothi tower.
  • Zaradalk is an unused cell name that appears in early screenshots.
  • Sharapli features the "Pool of Forgetfulness", a named pool of water that, when activated, does nothing.
  • Several taverns and tradehouses do not actually offer a bed that one may sleep on, see their pages for more information.
  • In Bloodmoon, Vor Lair and Vor Lair, Chambers of Alta Vor are unused cells. It is confirmed it would have been near the Varstaad Caves.
  • The Under-Skar featured a noticeable green fog in multiple screenshots that would ultimately be removed.


The following powers can only be obtained through the console using the AddSpell command.


Imperial Knights[edit]

The Imperial Knights are an unused faction in Morrowind. No NPCs in the game are part of this faction. They are mentioned only in dialogue and in The Wraith's Wedding Dowry, where they are described as the upper echelons of the Imperial Legion.


The Indoril armor used by the Ordinators originally looked quite different.

Red Templars[edit]

The Talos Cult was originally a slightly different group called the Red Templars. They had their origins in some RuneQuest campaigns set in Tamriel during the early development of Morrowind. The campaigns were run by Michael Kirkbride, who credits the Sun Dome Templars of RuneQuest as inspiration[UOL 2]. The Red Templars themselves were a cult of psycho-crusaders within the Imperial Legion who "drank the blood of Talos to get short-term martial shouting powers"[UOL 2]. The rest of the Legion and Elder Council hated the Red Templars, and so they were shoved off to places like Morrowind[UOL 2]. The Templars were supposedly tied into the chain of command within the Legion, but in truth, the Templars didn't take orders from anyone but themselves[2]. An idea proposed during a forum roleplay was that the Templars maintained a system of "Blood Dome Temples" across Tamriel, with each Temple being lead by a "Head Red." One such Temple would have been in Balmora[UOL 3]. During the actual development of Morrowind, the Red Templars concept became the Templars of the Sons of Talos,[UOL 4][nb 1] before inferably being written into the Talos Cult[3]. The armor made for the Templars was eventually retooled for use across the entire Legion[4]. Also worth noting is there are unused bodyparts in the game data associated with this armor The red sleeves for the pauldrons (as shown in the render below) can be re-enabled in the construction set and are otherwise unused This possibly was done on purpose to better show off the game's clothing layering system, or these were simply just forgotten about, as does often happen, as early screenshots below don't even depict these sleeves.

The Morrowind Codex from says this about Templar Armor: "Officers of the Imperial Legion and knights of the various Imperial military orders are privileged to wear this armor. Plate cuirass and greaves and a reinforced steel helm are worn over leather padding and chain. Though heavy and uncomfortable for campaigning, this armor gives excellent protection in melee combats"[5].

  • ^  The meshes and textures for the Stormcloak Officer Armor in Skyrim are labeled under the "sons of talos" or "sonsoftalos" in that game's archive files.



Splash Screens[edit]

These are unused loading screens. These were uploaded to the old website, as well as sent out to fan-sites and journalists, in the lead-up to release.

See Also[edit]


Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.

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