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Morrowind:Taren Omothan

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Taren Omothan (taren omothan)
Location Holamayan
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 25 Class Monk Service
Training Hand-to-hand (100)
Acrobatics (68)
Sneak (68)
Other Information
Health 210 Magicka 120
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Taren Omothan

Taren Omothan is a Dark Elf monk and the master trainer of the Hand-to-hand skill. He can be found in the southwest bedroom on the lower level of the Holamayan Monastery. He is also a medium trainer in Acrobatics and Sneak.

He is wearing a common robe and matching shoes. Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows the following spells: Cure Common Disease, Rilm's Cure, Rilm's Gift, Seryn's Blessing, Variable Resist Common Disease, Strong Resist Fire, Variable Resist Fire, Strong Resist Frost, Variable Resist Frost, Strong Resist Magicka, Variable Resist Magicka, Strong Resist Poison, Variable Resist Poison, Strong Resist Shock, and Variable Resist Shock.
