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Morrowind:Spell Breaker

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Spell Breaker
Artifact: Spell Breaker (spell_breaker_unique)
(lore page)
Type Shield
Armor Rating Rating 70 (233 Max)
Armor Rating Rating 70 (233 Max) Health Health 1,400
Weight Weight 25 (Heavy) Value Value 115,000
Cast When Used
Silence Silence in 30ft for 30 secs on Target
Reflect Reflect 10-20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Charge/Cost = Uses 1,800/360 = 5
Spell Breaker
Spell Breaker, superficially a Dwemer tower shield, is one of the most ancient relics of Tamriel. Aside from its historical importance in the Battle of Rourken-Shalidor, the Spell Breaker protects its wielder almost completely from any spell caster, either by reflecting magicks or silencing any mage about to cast a spell. It is said that Spell Breaker still searches for its original owner, and will not remain the property of anyone else for long. For most, possessing Spell Breaker for any length of time is power enough.
Tamrielic Lore

This shield is found in the Dwemer ruin Bthuand, which is near the northern coast of the mainland just west of the Daedric ruin Zergonipal. It is hidden among some rocks in the south-southeast part of the ruins near a dead adventurer. This shield is needed for the vampiric quest from Mastrius, in Salvel Ancestral Tomb.
