Morrowind:Helas Ancestral Tomb

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This article is about Hela-s Ancestral Tomb. For Hela-n Ancestral Tomb, see Helan Ancestral Tomb.

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Walkthrough: not written

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Exterior Images: added by Jeancey, checked by Chezburgar
Helas Ancestral Tomb
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Shrines Shrine of the Tribunal
Undead, Daedra
Console Location Code(s)
Helas Ancestral Tomb
Ashlands, [5,5]
Helas Ancestral Tomb

Helas Ancestral Tomb is a small tomb in the eastern Ashlands between the Ghostfence and Falensarano.

It can be found by starting at Ghostgate and heading east along the Ghostfence until you reach Sharapli. From Sharapli, head directly east across the hills until you find a path. The tomb is located on the right side near the end of the path as it heads north. There are two Shrines of the Tribunal here. You can find a single Daedra and two undead here. The loot consists of a few ingredients, an apprentice lockpick, and the skill books 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 26 (Sneak) and Sermon 34 (Unarmored). A key found on the floor in the first room opens the locked (10) and trapped door at the back of the tomb.

Family Members[edit]

There are four known members of the Helas family:

There is no known relationship between the family and the Fair Helas docked at Ald Velothi.


Map of Helas Ancestral Tomb