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Morrowind:An Admiring Sponsor

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Walkthrough: not written

Objectives: written by already written not checked

Reward: not written
Meet with Crassius Curio in his house in Vivec to be sponsored.
Quest Giver: Crassius Curio in Vivec
Location(s): Vivec
Next Quest: Sealed Orders
Reward: Sponsorship
ID: HH_Crassius
Required Rank: Oathman
Crassius Curio has a rather strange request first.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk with people in the House to be directed to Crassius Curio for sponsoring.
  2. Speak to Crassius Curio to learn his request.
  3. Unequip all your items.
  4. Speak to Crassius Curio again to be sponsored.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

You Need a Sponsor[edit]

Once you reach the rank of Lawman in the House, you'll need a sponsor in order to be promoted further. Talking with people in the House, you will be directed to Crassius Curio in his manor on the Hlaalu Plaza in Vivec.

Crassius Curio[edit]

If you haven't met Curio before, he's a strange one to say the least. In order to be sponsored, all you need to do is take your clothes off... all of them. Once you've removed everything, just speak with him to be sponsored.

However, this entire quest can be skipped if you have already been named Hortator of House Hlaalu, just talk to Duke Vedam Dren in Ebonheart about the "Camonna Tong". He will then "name you Grandmaster of House Hlaalu", in reality this simply raises your rank in House Hlaalu twice, which should make you House Cousin of House Hlaalu. After that Curio will send you to Odral Helvi and the questline continues normally.

Spying on Odral Helvi[edit]

Curio will then direct you to Odral Helvi for more quests. It seems like he suspects Helvi of corruption and he wants you to keep him informed of Helvi's moves.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

An Admiring Sponsor (HH_Crassius)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Crassius Curio agree to be my sponsor, but he wants me to take my clothes off.
100 Finishes quest☑ I took my clothes off for Crassius Curio and he is now my sponsor in House Hlaalu.

Prev: None Up: House Hlaalu Quests Next: Sealed Orders