Lore talk:Ayleid Empire
Edit Summary[edit]
Accidentally clicked post too quickly on my recent edit and cut off my sentence. Ah well. In summary, I removed the link of 'the Tor' to Sancre Tor, as it doesn't make sense for the two to be equivalent. In addition to the two never being equated in-universe (that I have found), Alessia operated her rebellion from Sancre Tor, meaning a Sorcerer-King being housed there would have been killed long ago. Mindtrait0r (talk) 00:02, 11 February 2023 (UTC)
- I was the one who originally added this link and I agree with Jimeee's restoration. Sancre Tor was a known Ayleid holding per Closing the Octal Cage. According to Sai Sahan, Alessia built her holy city on the site after her slave rebellion began, so there is no contradiction with the location having an Ayleid ruler prior to this. As for whether "the Tor" and "Sancre Tor" are the same place, it wouldn't be the first time a Knights of the Nine text gave places new, ancient, shortened names (compare Sard / Sardavar Leed). The connection is made obvious by Pelinal's scream of "Reman" during the battle there; per the Remanada, Sancre Tor was the future site of Reman's birth. The two are inextricably linked in Cyrodilic mythos.
- Furthermore, "Sancre Tor" means Golden Hill. You could therefore assume that "the Tor" means "the Hill". The Song of Pelinal is assuming that its readers know what Tor is being referred to, given the context: the Tor, the only one we know about. —Legoless (talk) 12:33, 19 May 2023 (UTC)
- Rereading the Song of Pelinal, my confusion has been cleared up. He called Haromir out to duel at Sancre Tor, so I'll have to move his domain to unknown. Mindtrait0r (talk) 16:05, 19 May 2023 (UTC)
Sorcerer-Kings Gallery[edit]
The image thumbnails in the Known Sorcerer-Kings section look well on desktop, but they don't work with a small screen or mobile layout. I think we would be better off using <gallery> tags or {{multiple images}}. —Legoless (talk) 09:12, 19 May 2023 (UTC)
- Agree - it doesn't even look good on desktop either because it cramps the table and causes text wrapping. --Jimeee (talk) 11:28, 19 May 2023 (UTC)
- I never got a text wrapping issue, perhaps monitor size of image thumb size the culprit? I've got a sandbox at User:Mindtrait0r/WhyIsItAlwaysTables where I can try some alternative designs. I tried using gallery but it placed the images under the table, which is definitely not what I want. There's a lot of empty space to the right of the table where they would be great, which is what I'm trying to do. Will that never be able to work on mobile? Mindtrait0r (talk) 13:09, 19 May 2023 (UTC)
- So what's the best solution? Apologies, I just have never dealt with this before. Mindtrait0r (talk) 13:32, 19 May 2023 (UTC)