Races are the varied forms of intelligent life that inhabit the realms of the Aurbis, both mortal and immortal. The mortal races are generally classified into three categories: men, elves, and beastfolk.[1] The immortal races of the Gods are often et'Ada.[2] Additionally, several races exist that hail from the continent of Akavir. While these are described as beastfolk,[3] conflicting information plagues the races of the faraway land and they are therefore categorized separately. Any races that fit into none of these categories, such as spirits of unclear nature or those known only through myth, may be placed within the Spirit or Other categories. While men and elves are almost always described as such, races may be included—if otherwise belonging to the Other category—in Beastfolk, based on displaying animalistic properties.
Several specific groupings, such as Nedes, beastfolk, and nature spirits, have been considered so broad as to be technically worthless.[4][5] However they are still often grouped together by most sources due to shared traits, as opposed to direct relations. For information on people of mixed descent, see the article on multiraciality.
There are several instances of otherwise animalistic or primitive creatures, such as trolls and mudcrabs,[6][7] being capable of speech or higher intelligence; these are usually unique exceptions or characters in tales either fictional or shrouded in myth.[8][9] These fringe examples are not included on the page as they are not considered reflective of those species as a whole. Additionally, some constructs such as Factotums, despite not being included on this page, can be capable of speech, higher intelligence, and even self-awareness.
Races in bold have been playable in the games.
- Al-Gemha†
- Al-Hared†
- Breton (a.k.a. Manmeri)
- Duraki†
- Giant
- Horwalli
- Imperial (a.k.a. Cyrodiil)
- Keptu (a.k.a. Ket Keptu)†
- Kothri†
- Kothringi (a.k.a. Lustrous Folk)
- Men-of-ge†
- Men-of-ket†
- Men-of-kreath†
- Nede
- Nord (a.k.a. Atmoran, or Child of the Sky)
- Perena†
- Rontha†
- Thousand-Strong of Sedor†
- Orma
- Reachman (a.k.a. Witchman of High Rock)
- Redguard (a.k.a. Yokudan)
- Yespest
- Aldmer (a.k.a. Elder Folk)
- Altmer (a.k.a. High Elf)
- Ayleid (a.k.a. Wild Elf, or Heartland High Elf)
- Bosmer (a.k.a. Wood Elf)
- Chimer (a.k.a. Changed Folk)
- Dunmer (a.k.a. Dark Elf)
- Dwemer (a.k.a. Dwarf, or Deep Folk)
- Falmer (a.k.a. Snow Elf, or Ice Elf)
- Maormer (a.k.a. Sea Elf, or Tropical Elf)
- Orsimer (a.k.a. Orc, or Pariah Folk)
- Sinistral Mer (a.k.a. Kanuryai, or Lefthanded Elf)
- Argonian (a.k.a. Saxhleel)
- Birdfolk (a.k.a. Bird Man)
- Centaur (a.k.a Horsefolk)
- Dragonling (a.k.a. Fairy Dragon)
- Dreugh
- Faun (a.k.a Deerfolk)
- Frost Giant
- Goblin-ken
- Grummite
- Hadolid (a.k.a Crabfolk)
- Harpy
- Hob
- Imga (a.k.a. Great Ape, or Apeman)
- Khajiit
- Lamia
- Lilmothiit (a.k.a Fox-Folk)
- Lizard Bull
- Mantikora
- Minotaur (a.k.a Man-Bull, or Bull-Man)
- Sload (a.k.a Worm, or Slugfolk)
- Yaghra
- Akaviri (a.k.a. Man of Akavir)
- Ka Po' Tun
- Kamal
- Tang Mo
- Tsaesci
- Rat-like People
- Canine Folk
Gods and et'Ada[edit]
- Faerie (a.k.a. Fey)
- Hist
- Luminary
- Nature Spirits
- Changeling (a.k.a. Oathbreaker)
- Marsh Giant
- Nereid
- Spriggan
- Nymph
Other / Unclear[edit]
See Also[edit]
- Multiraciality — Information on mixed-race individuals
- For game-specific race information, see: Arena • Daggerfall • Battlespire • Morrowind • Stormhold • Dawnstar • Shadowkey • Oblivion • Skyrim • Skyrim Pinball • ESO • Legends • Blades
- ^ Generic dialogue in Morrowind
- ^ The Monomyth
- ^ Mysterious Akavir
- ^ Lady Clarisse Laurent Answers Your Questions — Lady Clarisse Laurent and Stibbons
- ^ Selene's dialogue in ESO
- ^ A Poorly Scrawled Note
- ^ Appearance of Mudcrab Merchant in Morrowind
- ^ Ius, Animal God — Buljursoma
- ^ Viridescent Dragon Frog pet description in ESO