Lore:Preserver of Galen

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Preserver of Galen
ON-npc-Preserver of Galen.jpg
Preserver of Galen
Race Spriggan Gender Female
Resided in Galen
Appears in ESO

The Preserver of Galen is a powerful colossal Spriggan. It was an ancient Nature Spirit summoned by the Druids in the ancient times to safeguard the isle of Galen.[1][2][3]


The details about the past of the Preserved of Galen and the specifics of its summoning remain shrouded in mystery. However, considering its animosity towards non-druids,[1][2][3] it can be inferred that its summoning occurred after the arrival of the Druids on Galen, roughly around 1E 330.[4]

Preserver of Galen, roamed the isle, determined to expel all non-druids from the land it was called upon to protect. The method to control it has been lost to time, and the only means to halt its rampage is to overpower it in combat. It was known to patrol various areas on Galen. After its defeat, the Preserver of Galen was observed to rise again shortly thereafter. Even the most formidable adventurers faced a daunting challenge against this spirit, employing both natural power and darker energies to ensnare and destroy its adversaries. The task of felling this ancient guardian required the combined might of numerous blades, with attempts to defeat it documented as of 2E 582.[1][2][3]

Little is known of its fate after that year, but since most nature spirits are bound to a purpose that typically doesn't change,[5] it probably still roamed the isle, protecting it from intruders.

See Also[edit]
