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The tar-pits of Ouze, believed by some to connect with the Ooze

For the creature sometimes known as Ooze, see Voriplasm.

The Ooze is a Bosmeri term that refers to the formless chaos that existed prior to Y'ffre's Naming. They believe that, during the chaos of the Dawn Era there was a state of existence where all life and land on Nirn were formless and shifted constantly between shapes, unable to hold one form for more than a moment, acknowldged also in Altmer myth. It was Y'ffre who granted all things their Names and gave them an enduring form. According to legend, Y'ffre would shape the Ooze into all of creation by telling their stories. The Bosmer thus believe that after they made the Green Pact with Y'ffre, he taught them how to escape the chaos and retain their form, but also how to return to it by instigating the Wild Hunt. Returning to the chaotic shifting of Ooze can also be done without the need of collective ritual, though that act is deemed a breach of the Green Pact and punished as such.[1] Even after creating the Green, the Bosmer, and the rest of life, though, some formless nothing still remained. Y'ffre decided to speak one final story to give the Ooze purpose, saying that any being who violated their Green Pact with the Valenwood would be cast into the Ooze and stricken from the story of Tamriel.[2][3][4][5]

Most Bosmer recognize the Ooze to be a sort of 'spiritual prison' for Oathbreakers who disobeyed some aspect of the Green Pact.[6] Among such Oathbreakers are Changelings, shapeshifting nature spirits[7] that were once prevalent in Valenwood. When Y'ffre introduced the Green Pact many of them gave up their formlessness to become Bosmer, with those who refused it becoming known as Oathbreakers and being hunted down to be interred in the tarpits of Ouze. These spirits view Y'ffre's imposition of name and shape and of the Green Pact as a form of imprisonment, which they refused as they had no wish to give up their shapeshifting abilities.[8][9] These individuals would be shunned by Y'ffre, who represents the living moment[10], and their spirits would be tied to their remains for eternity. These Oathbreakers could only play witness to all the transpires on Nirn and beyond, and were unable to participate or interact with Nirn in any meaningful way, stuck in a purgatorial state for all time.[6][11] The rules that dictate whether someone will be trapped in the Ooze upon death are harsh, but clear. The moment someone breaks the Green Pact or otherwise displeases Y'ffre, no matter how inconsequential or accidental their crime, their soul will be bound for the Ooze.[12] This fate can even be extended to outside intruders in the Valenwood under certain circumstances. [13][14] Those trapped in the Ooze, however, are not without help. Spinners have been known to communicate with the remains of those who rest in the Ooze and even free them if they so choose.[6] Additionally, Bosmer in the Ooze are still bound to Bosmeri customs, and invoking one such as the Rite of Theft can grant complete control over the Oathbreakers, allowing even for someone to command them to be freed from the Ooze. [15]

Many believe the tar-pits of Ouze to be a physical connection or conduit to the Ooze, and as such many of the early Oathbreakers were brought here to be buried,[8] sometimes alive, and protected until the 'time of renewal' when they will supposedly be freed from both Ouze and the Ooze, and rejoin the rest of the Bosmer[16]. Here, those cast into the Ooze had more agency than those scattered throughout Valenwood, some seeming to even enjoy their restful state. Certain Oathbreakers at Ouze would choose to act as conduits between the resting dead and the Spinners[13], while others, such as Guardian Celonron used their shapeshifting prowess to protect the area from intruders who would disturb their rest.[17]

As all life started as part of the shifting chaos of Ooze and had their shapes taught to them by Y'ffre, getting caught up in the vicinity of a Wild Hunt ritual can thus also lead to non-Bosmer forgetting their taught shapes, the bonds of the Name bestowed upon them unraveled, and transform into Wild Hunt creatures.[5]

Like the Bosmer, Altmer also acknowledge that prior to Y'ffre granting things names, all life was formless and constantly shifted shapes, and consider the deity's establishment of defined form as something to be grateful for.[3]

