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Lore:Alchemy D

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Daedra Heart

A Dremora
DF-icon-ingredient-Daedra's heart.png Daggerfall
(Daedra's heart)
Increase Willpower
RG-ingredient-Daedra's Heart.jpg Redguard
(Daedra's Heart)
Damage Health
MW-icon-ingredient-Daedra's Heart.png Morrowind
(Daedra's Heart)
Restore Magicka
Fortify Endurance
Drain Agility
Night Eye
OB-icon-ingredient-Daedra Heart.png Oblivion
Restore Health
Shock Shield
Damage Magicka
SR-icon-ingredient-Daedra Heart.png Skyrim
Restore Health
Damage Stamina Regen
Damage Magicka
ON-icon-style material-Daedra Heart.png Elder Scrolls Online
BL-icon-material-Daedra Heart.png Blades
These are used as crafting materials, but not in alchemy.

A Daedra Heart (or aortas daedrae)[1] is an ingredient that can be harvested from slain Daedra, primarily Dremora. In older times, they could be found on many other varieties of Daedra, including Clannfears, Daedroths, Golden Saints, Hungers, Ogrims, and Xivilai. These beings, to the extent that they can still be encountered, now produce other ingredients. But Dremora have consistently been a reliable source for Daedra Hearts.

Daedra Silk

A Spider Daedra
OB-icon-ingredient-Daedra Silk.png Oblivion
Damage Endurance
SR-icon-ingredient-Daedra Silk.png Skyrim(CC)
Lingering Damage Stamina
Night Eye

Daedra Silk is produced by Spider Daedra, and can be harvested from their corpses.

Daedra Skin

Daedra Skin
MW-icon-ingredient-Daedra Skin.png Morrowind
Fortify Strength
Cure Common Disease
Swift Swim

Daedra Skin is a very rare ingredient.

Daedra Venin

OB-icon-ingredient-Daedra Venin.png Oblivion
Restore Fatigue
Damage Health
Reflect Damage
SR-icon-ingredient-Daedra Venin.png Skyrim(CC)
Ravage Health
Fortify Destruction
Spell Absorption

Daedra Venin is produced by Spider Daedra, and can be extracted from their corpses.

Daedroth Sac

Oblivion Mobile
Fortify Defense

Daedroth Teeth

OB-icon-ingredient-Daedroth Teeth.png Oblivion
Frost Shield
SR-icon-ingredient-Daedroth Teeth.png Skyrim(CC)
Resist Frost
Damage Magicka Regen
Regenerate Stamina
BL-icon-material-Daedroth Tooth.png Blades
(Daedroth Tooth)

Daedroth Teeth are harvested from the deadly Daedroth, a rare Daedra with crocodilian features.


SR-icon-ingredient-Deathbell.png Skyrim
Damage Health
Ravage Stamina
Weakness to Poison
BL-icon-material-Deathbell.png Blades
Resist Poison
Weakness to Poison

Deathbells are flowers that grow in Skyrim and Cyrodiil, useful in making poisons.

Deathsnow Dust

SK-icon-consumable-Potion.png Shadowkey
Increase Attack
Oblivion Mobile

Deformed Swamp Tentacle[edit]


Diamond ore
DF-icon-ingredient-Diamond.png Daggerfall
Spell Resistance
MW-icon-ingredient-Diamond.png Morrowind
Drain Agility
Detect Key
OB-icon-misc-Diamond.pngOB-icon-misc-FlawlessDiamond.png Oblivion
SR-icon-misc-Diamond.pngSR-icon-misc-FlawlessDiamond.png Skyrim
ON-icon-trait material-Diamond.png Elder Scrolls Online*
BL-icon-material-Diamond.png Blades^
Diamonds in Oblivion are not alchemical ingredients, but only valuable as loot to be sold for gold.
Diamonds in Skyrim are also not used in alchemy, but can be used to craft jewelry.
* In Elder Scrolls Online, Diamonds are used for crafting armor, and not in alchemy.
^ In Blades, Diamonds are used for tempering gear or crafting jewelry, not in alchemy.

Diamonds are mined from volcanic regions such as Vvardenfell in Morrowind, and can also be found in mineral deposits in Skyrim. They are also commonly found in the ruins of the Dwemer, who presumably had industrial uses for them.

Dog Food

OB-icon-ingredient-Ham.png Shivering Isles
Fortify Health
Damage Fatigue
Damage Magicka

Dragon Claw

A Dragon
ON-icon-stolen-Fang.png Elder Scrolls Online
BL-icon-material-Dragon Claw.png Blades
This is seen as a contraband item, not used for alchemy.

Dragon Rheum

ON-icon-reagent-Dragon Rheum.png Elder Scrolls Online
Restore Magicka

Dragon's Bile

ON-icon-reagent-Dragon's Bile.png Elder Scrolls Online

Dragon's Blood

ON-icon-reagent-Dragon's Blood.png Elder Scrolls Online
Lingering Health
Restore Stamina

Dragon's scales

DF-icon-ingredient-Dragon's scales.png Daggerfall
Spell Absorption
SR-icon-misc-DragonScales.png Skyrim
(Dragon Scales)
BL-icon-material-Dragon Scales.png Blades
(Dragon Scales)
This is used as a crafting material, but not for alchemy.

Dragon's Tongue

Dragon's Tongue plant in Oblivion
Dragon's Tongue plant in Oblivion
In Skyrim
In Skyrim
OB-icon-ingredient-Dragon Tongue.png Oblivion
Resist Fire
Damage Health
Restore Health
Fire Shield
SR-icon-ingredient-Dragons Tongue.png Skyrim
Resist Fire
Fortify Barter
Fortify Illusion
Fortify Two-handed
ON-icon-food-Spirits.png Elder Scrolls Online
(as "Dragon's-Tongue Sap" prior to Update 6)
This is used as an ingredient in beverages, and not in alchemy.

Dragon's Tongue flowers grow in Cyrodiil and Skyrim, and are valued for their fire resistance abilities.


ON-icon-reagent-Dragonthorn.png Elder Scrolls Online
Increase Weapon Power
Restore Stamina
Weapon Critical

Dragonthorn flowers grow in all of Tamriel and are valued for stamina restoration abilities. The flowers won't grow in saltwater.

Dreugh Wax

A Dreugh
A Dreugh
Dreugh Wax
Dreugh Wax
MW-icon-ingredient-Dreugh Wax.png Morrowind
Fortify Strength
Restore Strength
Drain Luck
Drain Willpower
OB-icon-ingredient-Wax.png Oblivion
Damage Fatigue
Resist Poison
Water Breathing
Damage Health
SR-icon-ingredient-Dreugh Wax.png Skyrim(CC)
Weakness to Magic
Fortify Enchanting
Fortify Smithing
ON-icon-tannin-Dreugh Wax.png Elder Scrolls Online
ON-icon-food-Cheese.png Elder Scrolls Online±
(Called "Superior Dreugh Wax" in-game.)

This is used as a crafting material, but not in alchemy.

± This is used in the quest Bug Off!

Dreugh Wax is found on Dreugh, both the sea-bound variety seen around Vvardenfell and their land-based cousins in Cyrodiil. Dreugh which consume Ash Basil are known to produce a more durable wax.


These items are considered poisons, not alchemy ingredients.

Drothweed is a substance that has the poisonous properties of greatly decreasing strength while also draining speed and agility.[2] It can be created by combining palm, bamboo, and black rose together.[3]:177

Dry Juniper Leaf[edit]

Dry Juniper Leaf is a green leaf that comes from the Juniper tree. It's used in medicines and certain Ash'abah rituals.

Dryad Saddle Polypore Cap

Dryad Saddle Polypore
OB-icon-ingredient-Dryad Saddle Polypore Cap.png Oblivion
Restore Luck
Resist Frost
Damage Speed
Frost Damage

Dryad Saddle Polypore Caps are a rare shelf fungus found on stone walls and caves in Cyrodiil.

Durzog Meat

A Durzog
TR-icon-ingredient-Durzog Meat.png Tribunal
Fortify Agility
Fortify Strength
Damage Magicka

Durzog Meat is the meat of the Durzog, a dog-like reptilian creature found both domesticated and wild in the Deshaan region of Morrowind.

Dwarven Oil

A Dwemer Spider
MW-icon-potion-Flin.png Tribunal
(Spoiled Dwemer Oil)
Fortify Acrobatics
Damage Health
SR-icon-ingredient-Dwarven Oil.png Skyrim
Weakness to Magic
Fortify Illusion
Regenerate Magicka
Restore Magicka
ON-icon-temper-Dwarven Oil.png Elder Scrolls Online
CT-equipment-Dwarven Oil Lamp.png Castles
Spoiled Dwemer Oil in Tribunal is a potion, rather than an ingredient.
This is used as a crafting material, but not for alchemy.

Dwarven Oil is extracted from Dwarven automatons, found in Dwemer ruins in Skyrim. Similar machines found around Vvardenfell were once used as a source of Scrap Metal.