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Lore:Alchemy G

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Garlic in Oblivion
Garlic in Oblivion
In Skyrim
In Skyrim
In Elder Scrolls Online
In Elder Scrolls Online
OB-icon-ingredient-Garlic.png Oblivion
Resist Disease
Damage Agility
Frost Shield
Fortify Strength
SR-icon-ingredient-Garlic.png Skyrim
Resist Poison
Fortify Stamina
Regenerate Magicka
Regenerate Health
ON-icon-food-Garlic.png Elder Scrolls Online
BL-icon-material-Garlic.png Blades
Used for crafting food, not in alchemy.

Ghost Flame

SK-icon-consumable-Potion.png Shadowkey
Drain Fatigue

Ghoul Heart

Ghoul Hearts
MW-icon-ingredient-Ghoul Heart.png Morrowind
Cure Poison
Fortify Attack

Ghoul Hearts are incredibly rare heart tissues collected from the remains of ash ghouls.

Ghoul's tongue

DF-icon-ingredient-Goul's tongue.png Daggerfall

Giant Lichen

Giant Lichen
SR-icon-ingredient-Giant Lichen.png Skyrim
Weakness to Shock
Ravage Health
Weakness to Poison
Restore Magicka

Giant Lichen is harvested from a fungus of the same name which is found in the marshes of Hjaalmarch in the province of Skyrim.

Giant scorpion stinger[edit]

Giant's blood

DF-icon-ingredient-Blood1.png Daggerfall

Giant's Toe

SR-icon-ingredient-Giants Toe.png Skyrim
Damage Stamina
Fortify Health
Fortify Carry Weight
Damage Stamina Regen
BL-icon-material-Giant's Toe.png Blades

Giant's Toes are gathered from slain Giants. The toes of a Giant have extremelly potent benefits both in alchemy and enchanting.[1]

Gingko Leaf

Gingko Leaves
DF-icon-ingredient-Ginko leaves.png Daggerfall
(Gingko leaves)
Cure Disease
OB-icon-ingredient-Red Ginkgo.png Oblivion
Restore Speed
Fortify Magicka
Damage Luck
Shock Damage
ON-icon-food-Ginkgo.png Elder Scrolls Online
Increase Stamina Recovery
Used for crafting beverages, not in alchemy.

Gingko Leaves are harvested from the eponymous Gingko Trees that are found throughout the provinces of Cyrodiil, Summerset Isle, as well as close to the rivers and lakes of Hammerfell.


OB-icon-ingredient-Ginseng.png Oblivion
Damage Luck
Cure Poison
Fortify Magicka
ON-icon-food-Ginseng.png Elder Scrolls Online
Increase Stamina Recovery
Used for crafting beverages, not in alchemy.

Ginseng can be harvested from the Ginseng Plant, which can be found all across Tamriel. There are two varieties of the plant, one with yellow flowers and one with red flowers.

Girith's Guar Hide[edit]

Glacier Flower

SK-icon-consumable-Herb.png Shadowkey
Increase Luck
Drain Fatigue

Glacier Moss

SK-icon-consumable-Herb.png Shadowkey
Increase Willpower
Drain Fatigue


A Glassfish
SR-icon-ingredient-Glassfish.png Skyrim(CC)
Restore Magicka
Fortify Illusion
Fortify Persuasion


Gleamblossom plant
SR-icon-ingredient-Gleamblossom.png Skyrim(DG)
Resist Magic
Regenerate Health

Gleamblossom is harvested from the plant of the same name, a purple flower found mainly within the Forgotten Vale in Skyrim. There have also been rare samples found in Valenwood caves.

Glow Dust

Glow Dust (Skyrim)
Glow Dust (Skyrim)
Glow Dust (Blades)
Glow Dust (Blades)
OB-icon-ingredient-Wax.png Oblivion
Restore Speed
Reflect Spell
Damage Health
SR-icon-ingredient-Glow Dust.png Skyrim
Damage Magicka
Damage Magicka Regen
Fortify Destruction
Resist Shock
BL-icon-material-Glow Dust.png Blades
Restore Magicka
Damage Magicka Regeneration

Glow Dust are harvested from wisps, wispmothers, and Will-o-the-Wisps. It has a strange consistency, a little like the web of Frostbite spiders. There are two varieties of glow dust——Vital Glow Dust, which is the remains of freshly departed Wispmothers, and Faint Glow Dust, which is the faded remains of a wisp, or a wispmother of inconsiderable power.[1]

Glowing Mushroom

Glowing Mushrooms
SR-icon-ingredient-Glowing Mushroom.png Skyrim
Resist Shock
Fortify Destruction
Fortify Smithing
Fortify Health
Restore Health
This is a food, rather than an alchemy ingredient.

Glowing Mushrooms are a bioluminescent fungus that grows on the wall of caves. It is found abundantly in Skyrim, but can also be found elsewhere.

Gnarl Bark

A Gnarl
SI-icon-ingredient-Gnarl Bark.png Shivering Isles
Restore Endurance
Fire Shield
Damage Health
SR-icon-ingredient-Gnarl Bark.png Skyrim(CC)
Damage Health
Regenerate Health
Fortify Heavy Armor
Resist Fire

Gnarl Bark is harvested from Gnarls that inhabit the Shivering Isles, as well as from Spriggans corrupted by the influence of Sheogorath's realm.

Goblin Wax

SK-icon-consumable-Potion.png Shadowkey
Increase Speed
Damage Personality
Damage Strength


Gold Vein
DF-icon-ingredient-Gold1.png Daggerfall
Charm Mortal
OB-icon-misc-GoldNugget.png Oblivion
(Gold Nugget)
SR-icon-ore-Gold Ore.pngSR-icon-ingot-Gold Ingot.png Skyrim
(Gold Ore and Gold Ingot)
BL-icon-material-Gold Ingot.png Blades^
(Gold Ingot)
Gold Nuggets are not used for alchemy in Oblivion, but can be sold as loot.
Gold in Skyrim is also not used for alchemy, but can be used to craft jewelry.
^ Gold in Blades is used for smithing, but not in alchemy.

Gold Kanet

Gold Kanet
MW-icon-ingredient-Gold Kanet.png Morrowind
Drain Health
Drain Luck
Restore Strength
SR-icon-ingredient-Gold Kanet.png Skyrim(CC)
Ravage Health
Weakness to Frost
Fortify Smithing

Gold Kanet is a flowering plant commonly found in the Ascadian Isles, and Azura's Coast regions of Vvardenfell.

Golden poppy

DF-icon-ingredient-Golden poppy.png Daggerfall
Charm Mortal

Golden Sedge Flowers

Golden Sedge Flowers
TR-icon-ingredient-Golden Sedge.png Tribunal
Drain Magicka
Fortify Strength
Fortify Attack
Swift Swim

Golden Sedge Flowers are a yellow flower that can only be found in the city of Mournhold in Morrowind.


A Goldfish
SR-icon-ingredient-Goldfish.png Skyrim(CC)
Restore Stamina
Fortify Heavy Armor
Resist Frost

Gorgon snake

DF-icon-ingredient-Gorgon snake.png Daggerfall

Grahl Eyeball

A Grahl
BM-icon-ingredient-Grahl Eyeball.png Bloodmoon
Resist Frost
Night Eye
Drain Magicka
Fortify Strength

Grahl Eyeballs are a rare ingredient that can be extracted from slain Grahls, which are often found in the ice caves of Solstheim.


Grape vines
OB-icon-ingredient-Grapes.png Oblivion
Restore Fatigue
Water Walking
Damage Health
ON-icon-food-Surilie Grapes.png Elder Scrolls Online
(as "Surilie Grapes" after Update 6)
Increase Health Recovery

Used for crafting beverages, not in alchemy.

Grass Pod

Spiky Grass
SR-icon-ingredient-Grass Pod.png Skyrim
Resist Poison
Ravage Magicka
Fortify Alteration
Restore Magicka

Grass Pods are harvested from Spiky Grass plants that grow along Skyrim's northern coasts and along the rivers around Morthal.


MW-icon-ingredient-Gravedust.png Morrowind
Drain Intelligence
Cure Common Disease
Drain Magicka
Restore Endurance

Gravedust is spirit-affinitive dust taken from remains buried in consecrated ground.


BM-icon-ingredient-Gravetar.png Bloodmoon
Resist Frost
Drain Health
Fortify Fatigue
Drain Luck

Gray Mushroom

SK-icon-consumable-Food.png Shadowkey
Increase Speed

Green berries

DF-icon-ingredient-Green berries.png Daggerfall
Damage Health

Green Butterfly Wing

A Green Butterfly
SR-icon-ingredient-Green Butterfly Wing.png Skyrim(CC)
Restore Magicka

Green leaves

DF-icon-ingredient-Green leaves.png Daggerfall

Green Lichen

Green Lichen
MW-icon-ingredient-Green Lichen.png Morrowind
Fortify Personality
Cure Common Disease
Drain Strength
Drain Health

Green lichen is a rare and hardy primitive plant with modest magical properties that grows in the West Gash region of Vvardenfell.

Green Stain Cup Cap

Green Stain Cup
OB-icon-ingredient-Green Stain Cup Cap.png Oblivion
Restore Fatigue
Damage Speed
Reflect Damage
Damage Health

Green Stain Cup Caps comes from the plant Green Stain Cup, which is a very common mushroom in the Blackwood region, but can also be found in smaller quantities in the Great Forest and Nibenay Valley regions of Cyrodiil.

Green Stain Shelf Cap

Green Stain Shelf
OB-icon-ingredient-Green Stain Shelf Cap.png Oblivion
Restore Luck
Fortify Luck
Damage Fatigue
Restore Health

Green Stain Shelf Cap is a rare mushroom that comes from the plant [[Lore:Green Stain Shelf]|Green Stain Shelf]], easily mistaken for the abundant Green Stain Cup mushroom. Green Stain Shelf mushrooms tend to grow on the sides of trees and rocks, whereas the Cup variety tends to grow on the ground.


SI-icon-ingredient-Greenspore.png Shivering Isles
Greenmote Rapture

Grummite Eggs

Grummite Egg mounds
SI-icon-ingredient-Grummite Eggs.png Shivering Isles
Damage Magicka

Gryphon's feather

DF-icon-ingredient-Gryphon's feather.png Daggerfall

Guar Hide

A wild Guar
MW-icon-ingredient-Guar Hide.png Morrowind
Drain Fatigue
Fortify Endurance
Restore Personality
Fortify Luck