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Lore:Adventurer's Almanac

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Book Compilation
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This is a compilation of books assembled for easier reading.
Adventurer's Almanac
A guide to work for Adventurers

1st Edition

If you're like me—or you want to be like me, which is understandable—you've got talents people want. More importantly, talents people will pay for. Demand for people like us is high these days, so I took the trouble of writing down my best leads. Why? I couldn't take all these jobs if I wanted to, and selling these books is a nice little score on the side. If you stole this book, go and pay for it. Unless it's in a lending library, then steal it and we'll call it square. Moochers.

Crafting Writs

They don't call me "the Knife" on account of my forge work, but when I'm in town between jobs it pays to check the notice boards. Grab a writ, hammer on some things, get paid, and find the tavern. Easy money.


Easiest route to steady work? Join a guild. It's what they're there for. That might seem obvious and stupid to put in my book. Almanacs cover everything, stupid.

If you like solving problems with violence, legally, the Fighters Guild has you covered, plus they've got guild halls all over Tamriel.

I don't endorse the illegal sort of killing, but I hear the Dark Brotherhood accepts all kinds of murder contracts for hire.

Maybe blood isn't your thing, but riches definitely are. I could say, hypothetically, there might be a sort of Thieves Guild that organizes that sort of sneaky business. Again, almanac, just being thorough here.

The Mages Guild may seem exclusive, but they got needs too, so pay them a visit even if sorcery isn't your thing. They've got locations in most cities.

Now if you're looking for a big score and maybe don't got a lot of sense, go get in the good graces of the Undaunted. They've got enclaves in the major capitols and treasure piled higher than Red Mountain that they're just itching to give away—provided you're crazy enough to do what they ask to earn it.


The Three Armies never stop fighting. Throw your lot in with an alliance, get to Cyrodiil and the Imperial City, and reap the spoils. Plenty to go around. For the victors.

And don't forget folks in those war torn regions need more help than anybody. Whether you want to charge them is your business, but there are always towns out there in need of some help.

Regions of Interest

Some places just have more need for people like us than others. I don't just visit Wrothgar because it reminds me of home. Orsinium's got a big demand for tough types to go out and pacify the wilderness, and while I can't say it's conventionally profitable, Craglorn is such a crazy place that half the time the stars are falling and the other it's raining treasure.

Don't forget to check the boards on the way out of town too, at least on the Gold Coast and in Hew's Bane. Bounties and all sorts of other odd jobs find their way onto the boards from folks who aren't picky about who solves their problems.

The Last Word

There you go. All the ways I know how to keep busy in this business. I'm not saying you've got to do all this stuff every day, but you could if you wanted to. And don't value sleep. Don't go thinking you can buy this copy and be done with it. Times change and when they do, Skordo the Knife's going to write it down. Save up.

Tips welcome.

2nd Edition

Welcome back, scabs! Bet you thought I'd never have enough material to write a second one of these. You'd be wrong, of course, because here we go again. Far be it from me to overlook a chance to educate the next generation of meat puppets lining up to make a few drakes.


This dusty heap of rocks and mushrooms features some prime pickings for the discerning mercenary. If you can get over how ornery the Dark Elves can get about their gods and their dead relatives, you can score some choice jobs from their fixers in the Hall of Justice in Vivec City. And tell Traylan he still owes me gold for the last card game he cheated his arse off to win.

Clockwork City

Look, I'm not saying this place exists. But I know a guy who says it does and, if you can get inside, there's plenty of work to be done that the creepy locals ain't got time to deal with. Or consider beneath their interest. You know, I don't care. People look down on us Orcs all the time, but are happy to open their pouches when they need something's head smashed in. Losers.

Pit Fights

Now we're talking! You hear about those new fighting leagues they opened up recently? Love. It. Action, bloodshed, beat downs, and winners take all. Just don't, you know, lose. You'll get pitted against the best, the worst, and the worst of the worst. You ever see a guy run around in a fighting arena trying to figure out which end of his sword goes in the other jerk? It's a wonder these mooks can get into their armor.

I always put my gold on the Pit Daemons, by the by. Easy money, long as there ain't an Argonian on their team. What're you gonna do, breathe underwater? Ha!

And We're Done

That's all you get from me this time, tusk bait. Maybe next time Uncle Skordo will serenade you with his awesome knowledge and experience once he finds out where the next bunch of jobs happen to be. Just don't horn in on my work if I'm on the same contract, you hear?

Stay frosty. Oh yeah, and tusk off, you losers!

3rd Edition

Another day, another drake. That's the way I look at it and you should too if you've got any sense. So listen up, papa Skordo's got more wisdom to sell along with his sword. Here are my latest leads for the discerning mercenary.


The High-and-Mighty Elves of Summerset have finally deigned to let us mere mortals set foot on their unspoiled soil, but don't believe all the sugarcoated twaddle—the place has a heap of troubles. The Justiciars in Alinor are practically begging for competent mercenaries to come show'em how it's done.


You ever heard of Cyrodilic Collections? Me neither. Not until they started throwing gold around like King Jorunn in a bawd house. I don't know where they're getting their financing, but they pay their dues on time. When you get to Lilmoth, tell them Skordo sent you. I want my cut.

If running errands for a bunch of mudpanners doesn't excite you, the Dead-Water Tribe is organizing Death Hunts for some of the nastiest things in Murkmire. It'll get your blood pumping. Out of your neck if you're not careful.

Maybe the idea of wading through a bog getting eaten alive by bugs doesn't appeal. Can't imagine why. You can still get your dainty hands on some of that easy Cyrodilic Collections gold. You can find an Argonian organizing supplies for their expeditions. Goes by Jee Lar [sic]. He'll talk your ear off if you let him, but he's always got something that needs doing.


Finally, there're tusking Dragons raging across Elsweyr. If you're just getting this news from me, get out from under the rock you call home and get to work! The Northern Elsweyr Defense Force is recruiting any help they can get for their war effort against the scaly bastards. They've got people stationed in Daggerfall, Davon's Watch, and Vulkhel Guard.

Now I ain't heard much more than rumors about Dragon hunting, but you can bet there's someone out there itching to bag a Dragon and willing to offer a reward. Personally, you couldn't pay me enough to tangle with one of those flying murder-lizards—though you're welcome to try.

There you have it. Plenty of work for an enterprising adventurer-for-hire. Remember papa Skordo when you strike it rich. And if you strike it dead, go haunt the sorry sack who taught you to fight.