Legends:Solo Arena/Redoran Councilman

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Redoran Councilman
The Victorious
LG-arena-Redoran 2.png
Class StrengthWillpowerEndurance House Redoran
Elo 2000
Theme Rally
Prophecies Prophecy 2x Cliff Hunter, 1x Fharun Defender, 1x Lurking Mummy, 1x Piercing Javelin, 1x Stand Watch
Attributes Strength 7Willpower 10Endurance 10Triple Attribute 3
Rarity Common 17Rare 7Epic 3Legendary 3

Deck List
Quantity Attributes Name Type (Subtype) Magicka Power Health Rarity Ability
1 Strength Ashlander Zealot Creature (Dark Elf) 1 1 2 1Common Common Summon: Battle an enemy creature.
2 Willpower Cheydinhal Sapper Creature (Imperial) 1 1 3 1Common Common Drain
1 Strength Sarethi Scion Creature (Dark Elf) 1 1 1 1Common Common Rally
1 Endurance Ald Velothi Assassin Creature (Breton) 2 1 2 2Rare Rare Lethal, Rally
1 Endurance Fharun Defender Prophecy Creature (Orc) 2 1 4 1Common Common Prophecy, Guard
2 Endurance Quarra Clan Bloodkin Creature (Vampire) 2 1 5 1Common Common Drain
1 StrengthWillpowerEndurance Redoran Forerunner Creature (Dark Elf) 2 1 1 2Rare Rare Charge, Drain, Ward
1 Willpower Stand Watch Prophecy Action 2 1Common Common Prophecy
Give a creature Guard. Draw a card.
2 Willpower Warclaw Mercenary Creature (Khajiit) 2 2 2 1Common Common Rally
1 StrengthWillpowerEndurance Bolvyn Venim Creature (Dark Elf) 3 3 3 4Legendary Legendary Rally
When you Rally with no creatures in your hand, first draw Bolvyn Venim from your deck.
1 Willpower Khuul Lawkeeper Creature (Dark Elf) 3 1 6 2Rare Rare Guard, Rally
2 Endurance Knight of Gnisis Creature (Dark Elf) 3 2 3 3Epic Epic Rally
Summon: Put a 2/2 Colovian Trooper with Guard into your hand.
1 Strength Redoran Battlespear Item 3 2Rare Rare Rally
1 Willpower Riverhold Escort Creature (Khajiit) 3 1 6 2Rare Rare Guard
Pilfer: Move.
1 Strength Ald'ruhn Arms Master Creature (Dark Elf) 4 2 3 2Rare Rare Charge, Rally
1 Willpower Grand Inquisitor Creature (Dark Elf) 4 2 3 2Rare Rare Exalt 4: +3/+3.
Summon: Destroy a creature with less power than Grand Inquisitor.
1 StrengthWillpowerEndurance Inspiring Kinsman Creature (Dark Elf) 4 3 4 3Epic Epic Rally 2
Last Gasp:
Give a random creature in your hand +2/+2.
2 Endurance Redoran Oathman Creature (Dark Elf) 4 3 3 1Common Common Summon: If you have a...
Willpower card in play, double Redoran Oathman's health.
Strength card in play, double Redoran Oathman's power.
1 Endurance Bal Isra Warrider Creature (Redguard) 5 3 6 1Common Common Rally
1 Willpower Balmora Captain Creature (Dark Elf) 5 4 4 4Legendary Legendary Rally 2
Your other Rallies give an extra +1/+1.
1 Endurance Lurking Mummy Prophecy Creature (Mummy) 5 2 6 1Common Common Prophecy, Guard
1 Willpower Piercing Javelin Prophecy Action 5 1Common Common Prophecy
Destroy a creature.
2 Strength Cliff Hunter Prophecy Creature (Reptile) 6 3 3 1Common Common Prophecy
Summon: Battle
an enemy creature.
1 Strength Skar Drillmaster Creature (Redguard) 6 5 5 4Legendary Legendary Rally
When Skar Drillmaster Rallies a creature, put a copy of the rallied creature into your hand with +1/+1.