Legends:Solo Arena/Brutal Brawler

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Brutal Brawler
The Conqueror
LG-arena-Nord 3.png
Class StrengthWillpower Crusader
Elo 760
Theme Aggro
Prophecies Prophecy 1x Graystone Ravager, 1x Piercing Javelin
Attributes Strength 15Willpower 12Neutral 3
Rarity Common 20Rare 7Epic 3

Deck List
Quantity Attributes Name Type (Subtype) Magicka Power Health Rarity Ability
2 Strength Improvised Weapon Item 0 2Rare Rare Breakthrough
2 Strength Nord Firebrand Creature (Nord) 0 1 1 1Common Common Charge
2 Neutral Enraged Mudcrab Creature (Mudcrab) 1 2 1 1Common Common
2 Willpower Execute Action 1 1Common Common Destroy a creature with 2 power or less.
2 Strength Foraging Mudcrab Creature (Mudcrab) 1 1 1 1Common Common
1 Strength Intimidate Action 1 2Rare Rare Enemy creatures lose Guard.
1 Strength Graystone Ravager Prophecy Creature (Orc) 2 4 1 1Common Common Prophecy
1 Strength Jerall Forager Creature (Nord) 2 2 2 1Common Common
2 Willpower Legion Shield Item 2 2Rare Rare Guard
2 Willpower Starved Hunger Creature (Daedra) 2 4 1 3Epic Epic
1 Neutral Crushing Blow Action 3 1Common Common Deal 3 damage.
1 Willpower Morthal Executioner Creature (Nord) 3 2 4 2Rare Rare When an enemy rune is destroyed, Morthal Executioner gains +2/+0.
2 Strength Riften Pillager Creature (Nord) 3 2 3 1Common Common Summon: +1/+1 for each destroyed enemy rune.
1 Strength Bangkorai Butcher Creature (Orc) 4 4 3 1Common Common Summon: +2/+2 if you have another Orc.
1 Strength Heavy Battleaxe Item 4 1Common Common +4/+1
1 Willpower Hive Worker Creature (Kwama) 4 3 3 2Rare Rare
1 Strength Whiterun Recruit Creature (Nord) 4 4 2 1Common Common
1 Strength Whiterun Trooper Creature (Nord) 4 6 2 1Common Common
1 Willpower Divine Fervor Support 5 3Epic Epic Ongoing
Friendly creatures have +1/+1.
1 Willpower Piercing Javelin Prophecy Action 5 1Common Common Prophecy
Destroy a creature.
1 Willpower Tusked Bristleback Creature (Beast) 5 5 5 1Common Common
1 Willpower Senche-Tiger Creature (Beast) 6 4 7 1Common Common Guard