General:Andrew Siañez-De La O's Posts

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Andrew Siañez-De La O's Posts
Medium/Format Online Forum
Interviewee(s) Andrew Siañez-De La O
Hosted By

These are a few notable comments from Andrew Siañez-De La O on The Elder Scrolls setting. They are known as @mexicancryptid on Bluesky.


Joining ZeniMax (2022-03-25)[edit]

Ya boi is a game developer now!

Excited to share that, starting in May, I'll be working full time as a Writer-Designer for @TESOnline! I'm so excited to join the @ZeniMax_Online family and write for the franchise that started my love for fantasy RPGs #Oblivion #ESO

ALT Text: Andrew's photoshopped face onto a Breton warrior on marketing art for The Elder Scrolls Online High Isle expansion, Legacy of the Bretons.

90 days at ZeniMax (2022-08-02)[edit]

Today marks 90 days working on Elder Scrolls Online! To celebrate three months as a game dev, here are two of my #ESO mains. My DK Werewolf Nahzur, and my vampire twink Seeks-Your-Throat.

ALT Text 1: Screenshot of Dragon Knight Werewolf Nahzur, a thick orc wearing green leather armor with light-green hued and fur lined shoulder pieces and dark brown wrappings. He has slicked back dark hear and a goatee below his small, lower jaw tusks.
ALT Text 2: A pale gray Argonian vampire named Seeks-Your-Throat. He's wearing dark blue leather armor tank top with silver plating adornments.

Contributions to Firesong (2022-11-04)[edit]

Celebrating my first big content release with TESOnline's Firesong DLC! I was hired around the tail end of this content's development, but you'll still find bits of my writing all over the place! From vendor dialogue to random books, here's a few I'm particularly proud of!

ALT Text: key art for Elder Scroll Online's DLC release titled Firesong. Features a Firesong Druid in the foreground with crimson armor and a deer skull helmet. In the background is an armor clad knight fighting two other warriors on a hill above a jungle with streams of lava coursing through the undergrowth. A volcano sits in the distance spewing smoke.

Everyone should visit pack merchant Gralarg in Vastyr because he has strong opinions about storage management!

ALT Text: Pack Merchant Gralarg, an orc in a forest green tunic, with a line of dialogue that reads: "I once knew a warrior who did not have enough bag space for all his gear. He was quite the sight, no one respected him."

And here's a sea shanty I wrote about a hot lady knight!! The Dame of Castle Navire

ALT Text: A yellowed book containing the lyrics to a sea shanty title The Dame of Castle Navire. A link is provided in the tweet to an easier readable version.

I wrote a tiny little horror book featuring a salvaging journey gone wrong! Mirah's Journal

ALT Text: A yellowed book containing journal entries from Mirah's Journal. A link is provided in the tweet to an easier readable version.

And goofy little children's book about an controlling mudcrab! Molith the Mudcrab

ALT Text: A yellowed book containing a children's story titled Molith the Mudcrab. A link is provided in the tweet to an easier readable version.

This was an absolutely fantastic first introduction to game development and I couldn't have asked for a better team!

What other books did you write?

Not many more for this particular release, I joined the team right at the tail end, but there’s more to come with Necrom's release!


ESO Celebration and Chapter Preview event (2023-04-12)[edit]

They didn’t send me to Vegas, but I’m still tuning in in style! Shout out to @ESO_Loremaster, the coworker I’m least likely to sacrifice to Mora for forbidden knowledge! #ESOCelebration

Drinking Mezcal for one year of working at ZeniMax (2023-05-03)[edit]

Celebrated one year at ZOS yesterday in style! Maybe one day they’ll let me canonize mezcal…

This is a mezcal hibiscus cocktail!

2oz mezcal, 3oz hibiscus tea, 3/4oz agave syrup, as much lime juice as you want, and a tajín rim for the culture.

Michael Zenke @ESO_Loremaster: We have lots of cactuses in Tamriel. If you can smoke it, ferment it, brew it, or distill it you gotta believe people are doing it. They don't call it mezcal but I'm sure it exists on Nirn. :)

furiously drafting up lore books and cocktail recipes now

Necrom memes (2023-06-09)[edit]

Hope the #ESOFam is enjoying the chapter! Here are some Necrom memes I made, including one featuring my favorite public dungeon anxious wreck, Ogle!

ALT Text 1: A Seinfeld meme where a Watchling is copied over George Costanza's face with the quote, "I feel like my old self again: totally inadequate, completely insecure..."
ALT Text 2: Older woman with walker being ushered away meme where the old woman is saying, "There's a lot of lore in the Arcanist's skills, you know." While a younger woman says, "Okay, Zenke. Let's get you back to your desk."
ALT Text 3: An image of a utopian future with the quote, "Society if Hermaeus Mora was he/they"
ALT Text 4: A Thanos, "Fine. I'll do it myself," meme regarding Sharp-as-Night not having a boob window.

Witches Festival Ghost Netch (2023-11-07)[edit]

Naming the Ghost Netch "Lil' Geist" may be my greatest achievement. #ESOFam

Anchorborn Pony (2023-12-22)[edit]

Took me this long to realize that this month's pet reward is one that I wrote ages ago! Love this little guy (and still getting a kick out of the things they let me get away with). #ESO #ESOFam


New Profile Banner (2024-01-31)[edit]

New twitter banner to celebrate Gold Road's announcement. Oblivion made me the rpg player I am today and now I get to be a small part of our return to Skingrad and the introduction of a new Daedric Prince! #ESOFam

New Collectible Furnishings & Assistants (2024-05-10)[edit]

It's been a rough week, but still trying to find time to celebrate some recent wins. I had the pleasure of writing the recently released (and free!) Alchemy houseguest and the new merchant assistant, Xyn! #ESOFam

Alchemy's houseguest dialogue is just delightful
Thank you! Alchemy is easily one of my favorite characters so I was so excited to get to write for her.
I just gifted my wife Xyn. We also love Alchemy. Great job with them!
Thanks! Xyn has big Tim Curry vibes, love how they came out.

Tanlorin Announcement (2024-09-11)[edit]

I got to write a whole ass companion and they're voiced by @V_Vico_Ortiz!

Companions are such a fantastic piece of ESO content and I'm so happy to have written a character that folks can adventure alongside (and Vico knocked Tanlorin out of the park)! #ESOFam

Vico_Ortiz: You made such a gorgeous story line for Tanlorin and you can feel their personality through every dialogue! What an honor bringing them to life along side you 🥹🫶🏽

Vico! You were a dream to work with and Tan leaps off the page thanks to you! It was an honor, a pleasure, a dream come true! 🫶🏽

Excited to see their storyline!!! Any info on who writes for the Zerith-Var storyline too?

I don't want to say in case the writer would prefer not to put that out there, but I gotta say, Zerith-var is something special. Everything I've seen from his questline has blown me away.

Awesome! I am excited to see the awesome work you all have put in to bringing these new characters to life! I know you can't give too much info yet , but if you had to describe both Tanlorin and Zerith-var each in one word or phrase what would it be? (I also get if you cant 🤣)
The first that came to mind were mischievous for Tan and devoted for Zerith!

Favorite Books (2024-10-07)[edit]

Using this as an excuse to share some favorite books of mine!

Have you written any books we can read in the game? 👀

Here are a few of my faves thanks to the amazing folks at The Imperial Library!

On Tanlorin and their markings (2024-12-06)[edit]

But wait! There's more!

I don't think this made it into the quest so file this under headcannon, but Tan's tattoos were made from their shattered calian/aetherquartz (a talisman Altmer receive when they come of age). So, headcannon, this was their mom's coming of age gift to them!

Did the tattoos turn Tanlorin's eyes and hair violet? (2024-12-06)[edit]

Ooh! Hmm, okay, I would definitely say violet eyes since birth, and may have even been an early sign of their abilities. And for their hair, I def think they started dying it after the tattoos as a way to make the tattoos more a part of themselves. Like a way of coping with them.

On Tanlorin (2024-12-24)[edit]

For the Tan fans!

Long thread where I answer some questions about Tanlorin’s life pre-ousting (and starting with an important disclaimer)!

Could you talk about Tanlorin's parents' personalities? I love their complex feelings toward their mom. I'm curious about Tan's other parent too

0/ I’ll preface this by saying companions are a group effort and I’d file anything I share not directly in their quests as writer headcanon and could change in the future if we ever revisit companions!

1/ Alright, their parents! I’m gonna start with an example I really like for them: Cait’s parents from the Arcane series! Tan’s family is largely matriarchal with Tan’s mom being the current head of the family. She’s domineering and controlling, very aware of her family legacy.

2/ Not only is she from a line of talented mages but a well respected line of architects, many of which had a hand in building Alinor, and all the more reason why she is very cautious about her family’s image as it reflects on Summerset itself.

3/ Tan’s father comes from a smaller family of artisans. He’s certainly softer, quicker to kindness, but very much still involved in Altmer politicking. As the 4th son of his own family, he likely had to play a little dirty to secure such a high status marriage.

4/ Early on, he was likely more accepting of Tan’s eccentricities, but very quickly bent to their mother’s wishes and became more of a bystander in Tan’s life. /END!

In your writer brain, wouldja say Tan was associated with any one notable Altmeri Kinhouse, or was was her family not wrapped up in all that?

Their parent’s marriage likely united smaller kinhouses, but I wouldn’t call them prominent. Certainly respected and influential, but more so having to work to maintain their status rather than a legacy house.

So interesting! Was Tanlorin’s ousting an impulsive choice or did their family formally gather and mull over ousting them?

1/ Definitely not impulsive. Tan spent years trying to get a handle on their magic, and their family likely even got them tutors and special training. At first they thought it was a lack of magical aptitude, embarrassing for the family but not the end of the world.

2/ But, as Tan got older, their magic got much stronger before they had any ability to control it. I imagine it as the force of a firehouse being held back by a plastic water gun.

3/ In Snapdragon’s research, she hints at a disaster occurring that was the result of Tan’s magic. People got hurt and it wasn’t the kind of thing Tan’s family could hide anymore. So when Tan came of age, their mom had the tattoos placed on them and ousted from the family. /END.

Sheesh! When ousted, did Tanlorin’s family let them take anything along with them (belongings, provisions, etc)?

1/ I'd say next to nothing! A pouch of gold to get them started, enough for a modest room at an inn for a couple months, and safe passage to Auridon, but not much else in terms of provisions, gear, etc. Tan was expected to live as a commoner.

2/ The only personal effect I think Tan would even care enough to bring would be a charcoal portrait of their family, something they would've done themselves while they were still learning the ins and outs of high society, but Tan likely lost it ages ago.

3/ Their thief years between their ousting and joining the Garland Ring are blurrier than I think Tan would like to admit. /END.

Aw, that hurts. How do you imagine Tan's hairstyle pre-exile? Shorter than it is now? Longer?

I would say longer, but I don't think they ever really knew what to do with it. They either let their chambermaid decide (based on their mom's wishes) or just bundled it in a messy bun or ponytail.

Relatable! Do you think the Sapiarchs inked Tanlorin one tattoo at time or were they somehow applied simultaneously?

I've imagined it as multiple Sapiarchs in unison applying the tattoos. It was an arduous process and extremely painful at times, but they had others on hand to heal and tend to Tanlorin. Would've taken placed over a couple days with some time in a ward to heal afterwards.

Tan mentions their grand-mere, did they live in a multigenerational house or did their aunts, uncles, cousins and what not just visit? Did Tan ever want a sibling?

1/ Tan’s grand-mere was the previous matriarch and frequently hung around the manor so she could “offer her thoughts” on the family’s affairs. She is not one for the idle life of retirement.

2/ And I actually think Tan has two younger siblings! But their age gap is huge. Tan was early and unexpected in their marriage, not a mistake, and it was years before Tan’s parents had more kids.

3/ If Tan was ousted around the equivalent of 18yrs, their siblings were around 8 and 6. Tan was never close to them if only because it was clear to them they were a problem child and didn’t want that to rub off on their younger siblings. /END

Wow, Tanlorin having siblings is an awesome idea! Anything to share about their history with Chirrabi? It's endearing how Tan mentions her when mining platinum seams (or is it pewter seams?)

Chirrabi was one of Tan’s first friends in Auridon! They were best friends then lovers then enemies then best friends then a bit of everything. The kind of friendship that, whenever Tan visits, feels like no time has passed. (And might even be multiple seam types!)

Adorable omg! Last question, I'm curious about the process that went into Tan's creation as a Companion. How long did it take for them to go from concept to their launch in the game?

I’m afraid this might bump up against things I don’t think I can talk about haha! sorry to end the thread on that note but production stuff and timelines have to remain behind the curtain

Oh, that's ok! Thanks so, so much for replying to me and for the work you've done! Tan has such a rich story, I just wanna dig into it

Anytime! So happy to hear you’re enjoying them!


On Barking (2025-01-02)[edit]

Thinking about how funny it would be if Tanlorin actually just barked at guards and Daedra.

Tanlorin's empath abilities (2025-01-11)[edit]

Can Tan still feel people’s emotions or did their tattoos block/stop that as a part of getting their magicka “under control”..? If they can, Is it emotions in general or just when emotions get intense like if a person is really angry or happy?

They still can, but it’s much duller and less focused, kinda like a spidey sense. It does get easier the longer they know someone/the closer they are to them. They could push themselves to glean a clearer image but it’s a strain on their body.

On Player Response Options (2025-01-14)[edit]

I have a lot of thoughts about our Player Response Options, all of which are feral (complimentary)

Does the Gardener design the armor/outfits for the Garland Ring? (2025-02-02)[edit]

Hyacinth designs the armor! Tan mentions that their companion armor was made for them by Hyacinth and he mentions having started designs for yours in the final quest.

Bringing Wisteria back (2025-02-02)[edit]

forcing my boss to watch Captain America: Winter Soldier so I can explain why we should give Wisteria the Bucky Barnes treatment so I can make a houseguest of her for my Seabloom Villa AU home where her and Tan are HAPPY

Dusk Keep loading screen (2025-02-21)[edit]

Was reminded of a fun little detail in Tanlorin's questline today. Dusk Keep's loading screen description is written by Tan's mom, Lady Ahnora of Rellenthil. #ESOFam

ALT Text: A loading screen description of Dusk Keep in Elder Scrolls Online. It reads, "In designing Dusk Keep, I felt it prudent to accentuate its nature as an overlook. An outward facing edifice that confronts the future head-on, while safeguarding the past. A duty I believe all High Elves should aspire to. -Lady Ahnora of Rellenthil."
Hmmm, so their mom built Dusk but Tan never heard of it? And it already turned into a ruin? I suppose that tracks, they’re famous mages-architects that built half of Alinor the city, probably lotsa projects. Makes me wonder about the timeline. How old is Tan, how long ago was Dusk built.

In my mind, it was definitely built before Tan was born and likely during that early period where Ahnora still had ideals, something that weathered over time. She probably looks back on it like a children's drawing she did a couple centuries ago.

At some point it was "taken off the books" by Ceythalmor for use as their secret base, with its ruined state as one part no longer being regularly tended to by Alinor masons and another part put upon facade. I also imagine they aren't the sort to clean up after themselves lol

How old is Tanlorin by the time the player meets them?

I don’t think we normally give out character ages and in this case I think I’ll keep that under wraps since it’s not stated in the quests themselves (so it would just be my opinion) and it could be a revisited topic down the line!

Bosmer Woodchuck Joke (2025-03-07)[edit]

how much wood would a wood elf work if a wood elf could work wood

Are there any easter eggs you put into ESO? (2025-02-25)[edit]

Ooh, that's a good question! Aside from Tanlorin's questline, I generally work on one off quests and my priority is usually to make those feel like full, contained narratives. So easter eggs don't necessarily come to mind.

That being said, sometimes I'll write a book that explores a niche idea or fun little twist on lore. ~Many~ of our books are written from the POV of unreliable narrators so I think they're the best place to do "easter eggs" that feel true to elder scrolls.