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Daggerfall:The Arm of Fury

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Kill a traitor to the Kynaran Order.
Location(s): Any quest giver of The Temple of Kynareth
Reward: None
Reputation Gain: see Reputation Gain/Loss
ID: g0b00y00
Required Reputation: In Temple
Difficulty: Hard
Never let them see you coming

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to a quest giver of the Temple of Kynareth.
  2. Travel to dungeon named by the quest giver.
  3. Enter the dungeon, then find and kill the traitor within.
  4. Report back to the quest giver within the time limit.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Traitor to the Order[edit]

Speak to the quest giver, who says:

"Our order demands retribution on a former member who has turned traitor. Will you be the strong arm of our fury, (player's first name)?"


"The Goddess has spoken to us in our auguries, and she demands the blood of the foul villian [sic] who has profaned her name. Help us to appease our angered mistress Kynareth."


The quest giver goes on:

"Very good. The traitor is a killer who has taken refuge in (dungeon) to the (direction). If you have not returned in (time limit) days, your honor will be forfeit and another will take your place. Do not fail us in this, (player's first name)."


The quest giver answers:

"An ignoble reply. I expected better."

Dispensing Justice[edit]

This quest is a typical dungeon crawl. Head to the dungeon named by the quest giver and enter it. Find the traitor within; your target can be an Assassin, a Knight, a Nightblade or a Spellsword. There may be multiple enemies of these types in the dungeon, but you must kill the target for the quest to count as a success. When the target enemy dies, you hear their last words:

"So...the Kynaran Order...sent you to Tell them...I spit on their..."

Return to the Temple and report your success.


When you report back after the traitor has been killed, the quest giver will say:

"Well done. You have reason to be proud."

Reputation Gain/Loss[edit]

A successfully completed quest results in a reputation gain according to the table below.

Faction/Person Reputation Gain
Deity of the Temple +5
Temple and its associated factions +2

A failed quest results in a reputation loss according to the table below.

Faction/Person Reputation Gain
Deity of the Temple -2
Temple and its associated factions -1


  • Random dungeon monsters
  • Quest Target: Any of the following:
    • Assassin
    • Knight
    • Nightblade
    • Spellsword


  • This quest is only available for members of the Temple of Kynareth.

Additional Dialogue[edit]

After you have accepted this quest, NPCs may say when asked for any news:

  • "That skulker ran off to (dungeon) like the hounds of hell were behind him."
  • "(Quest giver's name) can't just let the shiftless bum go after what (he/she) did to the Kynaran Order."

If you fail the quest, NPCs may say when asked for any news:

  • "The traitor is apparently tougher than (quest giver's name) thought. What an escape."
  • "The renegade has moved north I hear, but the memory still plagues the order."

If you successfully complete the quest, NPCs may say when asked for any news:

  • "The traitor's story just proves it. You don't play around with the Kynaran Order."
  • "I always thought the Order would be more merciful to that dolt."

If you successfully complete the quest, the quest giver may later greet you with:

  • "Well, you slew that traitor for the Order. The least I can do is say hello."

If you failed the quest, the quest giver will greet you with:

  • "You let that traitor go. I have nothing to say to you."

Quest Log[edit]

The Arm of Fury (g0b00y00)
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
0 (Date): The Kynaran Order in (temple town) has sent me to find and slay a traitor to the Order in a hideout, (dungeon). I have (time limit) days to accomplish this.