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CompUSA Special Edition

Daggerfall:Lord K'avar Quest Part I

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You are tasked to protect a spy for Sentinel.
Location(s): Any Fighter Quester of the Fighters Guild
Reward: Random Gold / Magical Item / Diamond
Reputation Gain: see Reputation Gain/Loss
ID: m0b11y18
Required Reputation: 11 reputation or more
Difficulty: Medium / Hard
Added by: CompUSA Special Edition
K'avar is plotting against Sentinel

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to the Fighter Quester at a Fighters Guild hall.
  2. Receive a letter from a mysterious stranger.
  3. (Optional) Meet the letter sender and receive an enchanted amulet.
  4. Head to your contact's residence in town between 22:00 and 24:00.
  5. Talk to your contact, then leave the house together.
  6. Get a letter from the dying contact.
  7. Read the letter.
  8. Make your escape from the dungeon you may be teleported to.
  9. Meet either Queen Akorithi or Lord K'avar.
  10. See the walkthroughs for the two paths for further information.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

A Secret Mission[edit]

An old friend of a Fighters Guildmember is in a bind

Speak to the Fighter Quester, who says:

"(Player's first name), I have an important mission that will require the utmost discretion. I can't tell you more unless you agree to help me. What do you say?"


The Fighter Quester goes on:

"An old friend of mine is in grave danger, and needs an escort who is handy with a blade and can keep a secret. Naturally, I thought of you. (Friend's name) will meet you at 10:00 tonight at (residence). (He/She) will tell you more when you arrive. I would come with you, but since I am known as (his/her) friend, I might lead (his/her) enemies to (him/her). Watch your back on this one."


The Fighter Quester answers:

"(Oath), I had expected much more of you."

Treachery from Sentinel[edit]

The Tavern Contact
Nothing seems amiss at the moment

About 35 in-game minutes have passed after accepting the quest, your business is interrupted:

A small child of indeterminate gender hands you a note, and runs away before you have a chance to react.

The note contains the following message:

Dear (player's name),
Change of plans. (Fighter Quester's name)
had to leave town quickly, and asked
me to meet you in (tavern).
Please come at once. The matter
is extremely urgent.
(Tavern contact's name)

This tavern contact will be present from 00:00 to 22:00. In addition, the Fighter Quester will also be permanently gone. Meet the note sender in the tavern, and you will be greeted with:

"(Player's name), right? I'm glad I managed to contact you. Did (Fighter Quester's name) tell you much about what was going on? I didn't think so. Suffice it to say that the Necromancers are involved. Dangerous people to cross, indeed. But, I have an amulet for you which will warn you if agents of the Necromancers are nearby. Should come in handy. Keep a wary eye out, friend."
Your Contact

Ask around to locate the residence in question, then head inside between the hours of 22:00 and 24:00 the same day you accept the quest. If you arrive after 24:00, you will only find a dead body and no hint as to what has occurred. Without any further clues you cannot proceed with this quest, so timing is essential.

Meet the contact you are charged with protecting within. Talk to the Fighter Quester's old friend and be told:

"You are (player's name)? (Fighter Quester's name) described you well. I am (friend's name). We must proceed to Sentinel at once. I can tell you no more, except that the enemies of Queen Akorithi would give much to stop us."

The friend is now following you. Your goal is to safely travel to Sentinel, but as you exit the building:

(Friend's name) gasps, and you turn to see a feathered shaft protruding from (his/her) chest. As (he/she) sinks to (his/her) knees, (he/she) slips a letter into your hand, and murmurs, "Lord K'avar is a traitor to Sentinel. You must get this to Queen Akorithi." (Friend's name) is dead.

The letter is now in your inventory, and you can take a look at it. It reads:

My dear (tavern contact's name),
I am pleased to hear of your progress
in training my forces at (stronghold dungeon).
I will send more money as soon as I can
raise it, as you will need to hire more
troops if we hope to defeat Queen Akorithi.
You are surely correct that going into open
battle against her is a lost cause, but I believe
that even for a coup de main against the
Castle itself, we will need more men.
We can discuss this matter further in
person when I arrive at (stronghold dungeon)
in a few weeks. If you need to reach me
in the meantime, I am staying in the Palace
at (palace town). If all goes well, we may soon
have a new ally. Once the situation here
is proceeding smoothly again, I must return
to Sentinel to pay my respects (perhaps my
"final respects"!) to our dear Queen. Her
agents have been dogging my steps lately,
so I shall allay her suspicions by a show of
fawning subservience which she so appreciates.
Keep me informed of your progress.
Most sincerely,
Lord K'avar,
(Palace town)

Bigger Problems[edit]


But at the moment, you have a more serious problem to attend to. Namely, the three archers and pair of mages currently attacking you. Defend yourself or flee. If you have the amulet from the tavern contact on you, then five in-game minutes after the ambush begins something odd occurs:

You are suddenly surrounded by a bright glow. Looking down, you see that the light is coming from the amulet (tavern contact's name) gave you. The ground seems to open beneath your feet, and darkness engulfs you.

Afterward, you find yourself teleported deep within a random dungeon somewhere in the region. Make your escape by finding the dungeon's exit. Once free, you have a few choices on how to proceed.

The stolen letter reveals not only Lord K'avar's current location, but also that of his stronghold; these are a local palace and a random dungeon somewhere within the current region. If you wish to confront Lord K'avar directly, he will stay at the palace for about three and a half to fourteen days, beginning the moment you accepted the quest. After that, he moves into his stronghold and must be sought there.

Your other option is to continue on to Sentinel and give the letter to Queen Akorithi. The time limit for speaking to the queen depends on the distance between the town where you were given the quest and Sentinel.

Either way, following the initial ambush you will be pursued by Lord K'avar archers until the quest is over. Your only respite from these attacks comes while within the dungeon you were teleported into by the amulet.

Path I: Lord K'avar[edit]

Lord K'avar lurks within the Palace
Lord K'avar in person

Travel to the town where Lord K'avar is staying and enter the palace. If he is present, speak to him while carrying the letter. A prompt appears asking if you want to give the letter to him.

If you deliver the letter, Lord K'avar will be pleased and say:

"I seem to have misjudged you, (player's name). Perhaps we can be friends after all. Here, take this diamond for your troubles."

This ends the quest for now (see below). However, if you refuse to give him the letter, he flees:

Lord K'avar looks at you intently. The color drains from his face as he realizes who you are, and before anyone can stop him he turns and bolts for the door.

Lord K'avar flees to his stronghold dungeon; in order to proceed, you must seek out Queen Akorithi.

If you simply arrive too late to meet Lord K'avar at the palace but you still wish to give him the letter, you must seek him out in his stronghold. This results in a standard dungeon crawl.

Path II: Queen Akorithi[edit]

Travel to Castle Sentinel, talk to Queen Akorithi, and say "yes" when prompted to deliver the letter. If Lord K'avar is still at the palace, the queen will read the letter and say:

"There can be no doubt. This is his personal seal and signature. Guards! Go to the Great Hall and seize Lord K'avar at once, and throw him in the dungeon."

You will gain reputation with Queen Akorithi and Sentinel and a random amount of gold.

If Lord K'avar has already fled to his stronghold when you give the letter to Akorithi, she will offer you the task to capture him:

"Yes? What's this letter? Dear (random god), Lord K'avar is plotting against me?! Guards! Search the Castle for Lord K'avar and bring him to me at once."
Several guards run from the room. A few minutes later one returns. With a salute, he reports that Lord K'avar is nowhere to be found.
Queen Akroithi turns to you: "He must have been alerted that his treason was about to be uncovered. Most likely he has retired to this (stronghold dungeon) he refers to in his letter. Under the circumstances, I would prefer to avoid a direct attack. You are familiar with the area, yes? Would you perform one more service for me and bring this traitor to justice?"


The queen responds:

"Very well. I will deal with him myself."

Akorithi gives you some gold and the quest ends, for now (see below).


The queen is pleased with your decision:

"(Player's name), you are proving most loyal to the throne of Sentinel. I will wait (time limit) days before assaulting Lord K'avar's fortress. I hereby proclaim Lord K'avar outlaw -- capture him if you can, but kill him if you must."

Stopping Lord K'avar[edit]

Lord K'avar in battle

If you agree to capture Lord K'avar, travel to his stronghold in the region where you started this quest. The time limit depends on the distance from Sentinel to the stronghold. Enter the stronghold and find Lord K'avar within; he will appear as a Ranger class enemy. When you hit him for the first time, he shouts:

"Surrender and be dragged through the streets of Sentinel as a public spectacle? Never!"

If he dies, you receive the simple notification "Lord K'avar is dead." If you fail to kill him within five in-game minutes, he will escape with the following message:

Lord K'avar throws down his weapon. Thinking he is surrendering, you pause in your attack, but instead he twists a ring on his finger. As Lord K'avar disappears in a haze of light, you faintly hear him shout, "Tell that bitch that she hasn't seen the last of me!"

Return to Queen Akorithi after Lord K'avar is dead or on the run.


If Lord K'avar escaped Castle Sentinel, but you decline Queen Akorithi's request to pursue him, she says:

"You alerted me to a grave threat to the realm. Please accept my sincere thanks as well as this (random gold) gold."

When you return to Queen Akorithi after killing Lord K'avar, she says:

"So be it. Lord K'avar chose his course, and paid the consequences, thanks to you. Here is an enchanted (magical item) for your service to Sentinel."

When you return to Queen Akorithi after Lord K'avar has escaped, she says:

"(Oath)! Lord K'avar is a slippery one, indeed. Well, I will track him down eventually, never fear. Sentinel's justice will pursue him wherever he may hide. His associates have all been arrested or fled the realm, so Lord K'avar no longer poses any threat, at least. (Player's name), please accept this enchanted (magical item) for your service to Sentinel."

If you successfully deliver the letter to Lord K'avar, you will be contacted by one of his men in 31 to 93 days for another quest.

If you deliver the letter to the queen while Lord K'avar is still at the palace, decline the queen's request to capture him, or if he escapes during the battle, you will be contacted by Akorithi in 31 to 93 days for another quest.

Reputation Gain/Loss[edit]

If you give Lord K'avar's letter to Queen Akorithi the quest will count as success, otherwise it will count as failure.

A successfully completed quest results in a reputation gain according to the table below.

Faction/Person Reputation Gain
Fighters Guild +5
Fighter Questers +5
Associated factions +2

A failed quest results in a reputation loss according to the table below.

Faction/Person Reputation Gain
Fighters Guild -2
Fighter Questers -2
Associated factions -1

(Allies/Enemies affiliations for listed factions are not considered in the tables.)

Additional Reputation[edit]

If you give the letter to Lord K'avar you will gain reputation as shown below:

Faction/Person Reputation Gain
Sentinel +15
Lord K'avar +15
Associated Factions +7

If you give the letter to Queen Akorithi you will gain reputation as shown below:

Faction/Person Reputation Gain
Sentinel +15
Queen Akorithi +15
Associated Factions +7

(Allies/Enemies affiliations for listed factions are not considered in the tables)


  • Random dungeon monsters
  • Three Archers once you leave the house with your contact
  • Two Mages once you leave the house with your contact
  • 100x Three Archers every ten in-game minutes (10% chance) five in-game minutes after the ambush that killed your contact as long as you are not in the dungeon


  • The Lord K'avar you meet at the palace has the correct flat that is allocated to this NPC. The Lord K'avar in Castle Sentinel has the wrong flat.
  • The amulet is a clever trap laid out for you by the tavern contact (who is indeed one of Lord K'avar's men). However, you can avoid it altogether if you drop or sell the amulet before meeting the Fighter Quester's friend.
  • The location of Lord K'avar's stronghold will not be revealed on your map unless you have read his letter. If you have not done so before giving the letter to Queen Akorithi, you will have to find another way to reveal the location of the dungeon.
  • The Unity version of this quest only sends five waves of 3 archers, rather than one hundred waves.


  • If you attempt to give the letter to the Lord K'avar found in Castle Sentinel, the game will crash.
  • The Fighter Quester at the Fighters Guild where you accepted the quest will be gone forever after it ends. This means no one will offer Fighters Guild quests in the guildhall of that town.
    • You can revert this, however, by deleting from your savegame directory the ATF file that is allocated to the specific town. The downside is that you will also lose all map information for this town.
    • Alternatively, installing DFQFIX will correct this error, and the Fighter Quester will return after the quest is over.

Additional Dialogue[edit]

After you have accepted this quest, NPCs may say when asked for any news:

  • "(Tavern contact's name) has been recruiting mercenaries at (stronghold dungeon). I wonder what for?"

If you fail the quest, NPCs may say when asked for any news:

  • "Did you hear about that ambush in (town)? An agent of the Queen of Sentinel was killed."

If you successfully complete the quest, NPCs may say when asked for any news:

  • "It seems that one of the court nobles of Sentinel was plotting against the throne, but the Queen found out and destroyed his fortress at (stronghold dungeon)."
  • "Queen Akorithi's forces attacked (stronghold dungeon), but I hear that the target of the whole attack, a Lord K'avar, got away."

If you successfully complete the quest, the quest giver may later greet you with:

  • "I hear you got through to Queen Akorithi, although (friend's name) bought the farm."

If you failed the quest, the quest giver will greet you with:

  • "What happened with that mission to escort (friend's name) to Queen Akorithi)?"

Quest Log[edit]

Lord K'avar Quest Part I (m0b11y18)
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
0 (Date): (Fighter Quester's name) asked me to meet (friend's name) at (residence) at 10:00 tonight. I know nothing else except that (friend's name) is in danger from powerful enemies.
1 (Date): I met with (friend's name), and we are proceeding to Sentinel.
2 (Date): I was ambushed leaving (residence), and (friend's name) was killed. Before (he/she) died, however, (he/she) slipped me a letter exposing Lord K'avar, a member of Queen Akorithi's court in Sentinel, as a traitor. (Friend's name)'s dying wish was that I deliver the letter to Queen Akorithi.
3 (Date): I showed Queen Akorithi the treasonous letter, but Lord K'avar had already fled to his fortress of (stronghold dungeon). The Queen asked me to infiltrate the fortress and capture or kill Lord K'avar. She gave me (time limit) days to accomplish this mission and return to Sentinel.