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Daggerfall:Betony Demo Quest

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An introduction to the Daggerfall Betony Demo.
Location(s): Betony
Reward: Information
Rescue a kidnapped individual

Note: this quest only appears in the Betony Demo.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Start a new game or load a pregenerated character from one of the six save slots.
  2. Allow the Demo Tutorial Lessons and Demo Hint screens to appear at regular intervals.
  3. When prompted, agree to play the sample quest.
  4. Travel to the dungeon named in the note and enter it.
  5. Find and speak to the kidnapping victim inside.
  6. Exit the dungeon and travel to the victim's town.
  7. Find and enter the victim's residence for your reward.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Start a new game or load one of the pregenerated characters. Once the demo begins, the tutorial will activate after a few seconds:

Welcome to the Daggerfall demo! This is a small version of the complete game of Daggerfall. If you enjoy this demo, you can pick up a copy of the complete game at a local computer game retailer.

The remaining lessons and tips will appear at regular intervals after you close this window. Note that you are not required to follow these instructions for the tutorial to continue until Lesson 7.

Demo Tutorial Lesson 1[edit]

You are standing in front of the city gates to the town of Betony on the isle of the same name. The first thing to do is get used to moving around. As you move your cursor around on the screen, you will notice that it changes shape. By holding down the left mouse button, you move in that direction. The closer to the edge of the screen, the faster you move. Try moving around for a short while. I'll be back soon for the next lesson.

Demo Tutorial Lesson 2[edit]

Lets get you equipped. Press F6 to look at your inventory. The top row are the categories of items. Currently you are looking at your weapons and armor. Click on a weapon. It pops into your hand! Equip your character however you want.

Demo Tutorial Lesson 3[edit]

Even though there isn't a monster around lets go through the motions of combat. Press the A key to arm yourself. Hold down the right mouse button and move the mouse around. Your weapon will swing and stab. Do this when a monster is in front of you and you will be fighting it.

Demo Tutorial Lesson 4[edit]

Talking to people is just as important as killing monsters. First, put away your weapon by pressing the A key again. Nobody will want to talk to you with that drawn! Now move up close to a townsperson. When you stop moving, so will they. Get the cursor on them and click with the left mouse button.

Demo Tutorial Lesson 5[edit]

This would be a good time to join a guild. Guilds are one of the main places to find adventures. Which guild you should join depends upon what type of character you created. Wizardly types of characters should join the Mages Guild. Characters with predominately weapons skills should join the Fighters Guild.

Demo Tutorial Lesson 6[edit]

Once inside the town walls, press M to see the map. All buildings in blue are guild halls. Find the guild that is most appropriate for your character. Click on the door to enter it. Once inside, click on the people. Each has a special role for the guild that shows up in their menu. All of them will enroll you in the guild, if you qualify.

Demo Hint 1[edit]

Don't try to sleep outside in the town. The guards will try to arrest you for vagrancy. You can only sleep at inns, or in the Fighters Guild, if you are a member of course.

Demo Hint 2[edit]

When you are in a shop, click on the shelves to see what is for sale. Moving stuff from the shelf into your inventory or just plain equipping it, selects it for purchase. To sell something, click on the shopkeeper.

Eventually you will receive the final Lesson:

In the complete version of Daggerfall, you would have to do quests to advance in the guilds. Your guild rank determines what guild benefits you can use. In this demo, most guild benefits are available as soon as you join. That way you can see what these functions are like.

Demo Tutorial Lesson 7[edit]

If you want to try a sample quest, one can be started right now. Do you want to play the sample quest?

Select "Yes" to activate the quest, and the tutorial continues:

OK. Let's see...I know! You look down in the dirt at your feet. A crumbled piece of paper is stuck to your leg by the wind. You bend over a pick it up.
(Press F6 to open your inventory. Click on the Miscellaneous button at the top. You should see a piece of parchment. Select USE, then click the parchment.)

Enter your inventory screen and read the note:

(A hastily scrawled note)
I have been kidnapped. They are taking me to (dungeon). Whoever you are, please rescue me!
(There is a crudely drawn map showing the location of (dungeon).)

Find the Kidnapping Victim[edit]

Head to the dungeon and enter it. Once inside:

Now that you are here, you will need to search this place for a person. When you see someone that is not trying to attack you, click on them.

Make your way through the dungeon until you find the target. Speak to the kidnapping victim and hear,

"Thank the stars! Somebody did read that message I scratched in the dirt. If you can take me to (residence) in (town) I can reward you properly."
(Now its time to get out!)


Exit the dungeon and travel to the victim's town. Locate the victim's residence and enter it. Note that the door may be locked. Once inside, the victim thanks you,

"Here is your reward (player's first name). You have my eternal gratitude for saving me from (dungeon).""'

You receive some gold for your troubles.

Additional Dialogue[edit]

If you ask about the NPC in need of rescue:

  • "(Victim's name)? I just heard that (he/she) vanished from (his/her) home! What is this town coming to?"

If you ask about the dungeon:

  • ""That [sic] horrible place? Why would you want to know about it? Make sure you are well armed before going there!"
(Press W to see all the world places. Click FIND to type in (dungeon) and travel to it.)

Quest Log[edit]

Betony Demo Quest (_DEMO__)
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
0 (Date): I found a note scratched in the dirt that reads:

"I am kidnapped - (dungeon)"

I think I should investigate it. Since I have no idea where this place is, maybe I should ask people in town about it (hint, hint)