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This category contains Elder Scrolls Online memento icons.
Media in category "Online-Icons-Mementos"
The following 150 files are in this category, out of 150 total.
- ON-icon-memento-Accursed Gray Reliquary.png 64 × 64; 9 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Aether-Traveled Varla Stone.png 64 × 64; 9 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Agonymium Stone.png 64 × 64; 9 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Anchorite's Carved Bone.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Antiquarian Eye.png 64 × 64; 6 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Antiquarian's Telescope.png 64 × 64; 5 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Apple Bobbing.png 64 × 64; 8 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Astral Aurora Projector.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Bell.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Blade of the Blood Oath.png 64 × 64; 5 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Blizzard Globe.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Blossom Bloom.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Bone Colossus Illusion Gem.png 64 × 64; 9 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Bone Dragon Summons Focus.png 64 × 64; 6 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Boomerang Blunder.png 64 × 64; 3 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Box of Forbidden Relics.png 64 × 64; 8 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Breda's Bottomless Mead Mug.png 64 × 64; 6 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Bright Moons.png 64 × 64; 9 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Brittle Burial Urn.png 64 × 64; 6 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Butcher Haefal's Accursed Knife.png 64 × 64; 8 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Cadwell's Surprise Box.png 64 × 64; 8 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Campfire Kit.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Chains of the Ice Witch.png 64 × 64; 5 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Cherry Blossom Branch.png 64 × 64; 6 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Clockwork Obscuros.png 64 × 64; 8 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Coin of Illusory Riches.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Corruption of Maarselok.png 64 × 64; 8 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Crimson Bone Hammer.png 64 × 64; 5 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Crow's Calling.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Cursed Reach Doll.png 64 × 64; 5 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Daedric Unwarding Amulet.png 64 × 64; 6 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Daedroth Illusion Gem.png 64 × 64; 9 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Dark Lady's Headrest.png 64 × 64; 8 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Darkswarm Talisman.png 64 × 64; 5 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Dhulef's Bubble Ward.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Dibella's Sweetroll Stack.png 64 × 64; 8 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Draoife Old Growth Sigils Basin.png 64 × 64; 8 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Dream Amulet of Argon.png 64 × 64; 8 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Dust of the Conqueror's Flame.png 64 × 64; 4 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Dwarven Lightning Staff.png 64 × 64; 3 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Dwarven Puzzle Orb.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Dwarven Tonal Forks.png 64 × 64; 5 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Dwemervamidium Mirage.png 64 × 64; 6 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Echo of the Abolisher.png 64 × 64; 6 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Echonir Examination.png 64 × 64; 5 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Echonir Fragment.png 64 × 64; 9 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Enchanted Saturalia Tree.png 64 × 64; 4 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Everlasting Snowball.png 64 × 64; 4 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Eye of the Infinite.png 64 × 64; 12 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Fargrave Occult Curio.png 64 × 64; 9 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Festive Noise Maker.png 64 × 64; 5 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Fiery Orb.png 64 × 64; 3 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Fighter's Guild Blade Barrel.png 64 × 64; 6 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Flame Eruption.png 64 × 64; 2 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Flame Pixie.png 64 × 64; 3 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Floral Swirl Aura.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Full-Scale Golden Anvil Replica.png 64 × 64; 5 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Fungimancer's Prayer-Beads.png 64 × 64; 8 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Ghastly Visitation.png 64 × 64; 4 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Ghost Haven Caravel.png 64 × 64; 8 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Ghost Lantern.png 64 × 64; 4 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Gold Dragon Hand Projector.png 64 × 64; 10 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Gourd-Gallows Stump.png 64 × 64; 6 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Grave Stick.png 64 × 64; 4 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Gryphon Feather Talisman.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Guardian's Frozen Shard.png 64 × 64; 11 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Haunted Mirror of Introspection.png 64 × 64; 6 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Hoard of the Schemers.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Hunter's Carved Bone.png 64 × 64; 10 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Illusory Salamander Stone.png 64 × 64; 9 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Impartial Decision Coin.png 64 × 64; 9 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Incarnate Illusion Gem.png 64 × 64; 9 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Inferno Cleats.png 64 × 64; 8 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Iterative Onyx Glyphic.png 64 × 64; 10 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Jester's Festival Joke Popper.png 64 × 64; 6 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Jester's Scintillator.png 64 × 64; 8 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Jubilee Cake 2016.png 64 × 64; 8 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Jubilee Cake 2017.png 64 × 64; 8 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Jubilee Cake 2018.png 64 × 64; 5 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Jubilee Cake 2019.png 64 × 64; 5 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Jubilee Cake 2020.png 128 × 128; 30 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Jubilee Cake 2022.png 64 × 64; 6 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Jubilee Cake 2023.png 64 × 64; 8 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Jubilee Cake 2024.png 64 × 64; 5 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Jubilee Cake 2025.png 64 × 64; 6 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Juggler's Knives.png 64 × 64; 5 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Kick Ball.png 64 × 64; 6 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Kyne's Tablet of Storms.png 64 × 64; 6 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Lover's Quandary Flower.png 64 × 64; 8 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Malacath Helm Haunt.png 64 × 64; 8 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Malkhest's Accursed Mirror.png 64 × 64; 5 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Maormer Ocean Pearl.png 64 × 64; 9 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Mariner's Nimbus Stone.png 64 × 64; 8 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Meln's Soul Gem.png 64 × 64; 6 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Meridian Possession Prism.png 64 × 64; 4 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Miniature Dwarven Sun.png 64 × 64; 10 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Mire Drum.png 64 × 64; 6 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Mostly Stable Juggling Potions.png 128 × 128; 18 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Mud Ball Pouch.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Murderous Strike.png 64 × 64; 5 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Nascent Netherroot Brew.png 64 × 64; 5 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Orb of Magnus.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Painter's Easel and Canvas.png 64 × 64; 4 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Phial of Clockwork Lubricant.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Playful Prankster's Surprise Box.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Plunder Skull Blunder.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Prism of Moribund Sapience.png 64 × 64; 11 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Prismatic Banner Ribbon.png 64 × 64; 6 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Psijic Celestial Orb.png 64 × 64; 8 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Psijic Scrying Talisman.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Relic of the Sentinel.png 64 × 64; 9 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Reliquary of Dark Designs.png 64 × 64; 8 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Remnant of Meridia's Light.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Rind-Renewing Pumpkin.png 64 × 64; 8 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Ritual Circle Totem.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Sands of the Lucent Citadel.png 64 × 64; 8 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Sapiarchic Discorporation Lens.png 64 × 64; 6 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Scalecaller Frost Shard.png 64 × 64; 3 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Sea Sload Dorsal Fin.png 64 × 64; 4 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Snow Cadwell.png 64 × 64; 6 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Soul Crystals of the Returned.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Spellcrafted Sand Stronghold.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Storm Atronach Aura.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Storm Atronach Transform.png 64 × 64; 8 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Storm Orb Juggle.png 64 × 64; 9 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Summoned Booknado.png 64 × 64; 10 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Surprising Snowglobe.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Swarm of Crows.png 64 × 64; 5 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Sword-Swallower's Blade.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Tablets.png 64 × 64; 6 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Temperamental Grimoire.png 64 × 64; 9 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Temporary Candlefly Lantern.png 64 × 64; 9 KB
- ON-icon-memento-The Pie of Misrule.png 64 × 64; 8 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Throwing Bones.png 64 × 64; 5 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Tome of Forbidden Appetites.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Twilight Shard.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Ulfsild's Tome of Legends.png 64 × 64; 8 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Umbral Projector.png 64 × 64; 4 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Unstable Emerald Glyphic.png 64 × 64; 10 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Vaermina's Shadow.png 64 × 64; 9 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Void Shard.png 64 × 64; 10 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Wall of Life Brush.png 64 × 64; 3 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Werewolf Behemoth Sigil.png 64 × 64; 6 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Wild Hunt Leaf-Dance Aura.png 64 × 64; 7 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Wild Hunt Transform.png 64 × 64; 4 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Wilting Weed Killer Phial.png 64 × 64; 5 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Witch's Bonfire Dust.png 64 × 64; 8 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Witchmother's Whistle.png 64 × 64; 6 KB
- ON-icon-memento-Wooden Grave-Stake.png 64 × 64; 9 KB
- ON-icon-tool-Jubilee Cake 2021.png 64 × 64; 5 KB