Events in Castles are limited time Tasks and provide unique rewards and Atronite for completing tasks and clearing quests on a limited time map.
Quests that become active during certain Events can be replayed for a chance at extra Atronite three times a day, but can continue to be replayed beyond that.
Task only Events[edit]
Task only (or Mission only) are small Events that contain only Tasks, without a separate Quest map. They take place at the beginning of the week, around from Tuesday to Thursday [verification needed].
- Ancient Redguard Magic[1]
- The Archery Tournament
- Baby Boom
- Border Patrol
- Ill-Gotten Gane[2]
- The Imperial Curator
- Masters of the Blade[1]
- New Fashion
- Rise of the Battle Mages
- Shiny Business[2]
- A Well-Trained Militia
Task and Quest Events[edit]
Events with Quest maps are taken place at the end of the week, around from Friday to Monday. The Events quest map can be found either by clicking on a special icon on the common map or via related Task. Dedicated quest map is available only during a specific Event and does not save progress. These Events are internally marked as Generic.
- Archival Knowledge
- Blood for Bricks[1]
- Chasing Ra'Zhid[2]
- Cull the Bandit Threat
- A Fine Blade
- Of Ogres and Trolls
- Sharpened to Perfection
- Skeevers of Unusual Size
- A Strange Gathering
- Swords & Ledger[1]
- Tonal Vision[2]
- The Undead Scourge
Seasonal Events[edit]
Seasonal Events are dedicated to a specific occasion, they replace the classic Events for a certain period of time and run in a strict order. The major ones do not keep the sequence of 2 Events per week, and the time period for each Event is individual.
Witches Festival[edit]
- A Shadow over the Festival
- Magical Preparations
- The Warlock's Gambit
- The Disappeared
- The Goblins' Demands
- The Witch of the Black Forest
Winter Holiday[edit]
Heart's Day[edit]
Possible backgrounds for Events notification: