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Bloodmoon:Fallaise of Glenmoril Wyrd

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Quests: written by Elanor, checked by MolagBallet

Services: written by MolagBallet (none)

Personal Inventory: written by MolagBallet

House Contents: written by Jeancey (none), checked by MolagBallet

Unique Dialogue: written by MolagBallet

Spells: written by MolagBallet
Fallaise of Glenmoril Wyrd (glenmoril_witch_cave_2)
Location Gloomy Cave
Race Imperial Gender Female
Level 30 Class Witch
Other Information
Health 154 Magicka 172
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Fallaise of Glenmoril Wyrd

Fallaise is an Imperial witch who can be found in Gloomy Cave. She and her two sisters, Ettiene and Isobel, have traveled to Solstheim to help those unfortunate individuals infected by a certain disease. Fallaise waits in the Gloomy Cave once the quest has started.

She wears a Glenmoril Witch Robe and a pair of Common Shoes. She carries a note in her pockets.

Related Quests[edit]


You must speak with her before accepting a task from Isobel.

"In order for the Rite of the Wolf Giver to proceed, my sisters and I need the petals of a wolfsbane flower. Wolfsbane is rare, and grows on Solstheim in only one place. You must go to the southern end of the Moesring Mountains, to the top of Hvitkald Peak. There you will find a single wolfsbane flower in bloom. Retrieve the petals of this wolfsbane flower and return them to me. Take this Rising Force Potion. You may need it to reach the peak."

If you speak to her again before procuring what she needs:

"Return to me when you have obtained the petals of the wolfsbane flower."

When you return with the Wolfsbane petals, she takes them from you. Her dialogue depends on whether or not you've also completed Isobel's task. If you haven't:

"Ah, %PCName, you have returned, and with the petals of the wolfsbane flower. Very impressive. The petals will be added to the cauldron, and infuse our brew with the essence of the wolf. Remember, you must also complete my sister Isobel's task as well before talking to Ettiene."

If you have:

"Ah, %PCName, you have returned, and with the petals of the wolfsbane flower. Very impressive. The petals will be added to the cauldron, and infuse our brew with the essence of the wolf. I see you have also completed my sister Isobel's task as well. Excellent. Speak now with Ettiene to learn what you must do next."

If you speak to her again, she says:

"You've already brought my the petals of the wolfsbane flower, %PCName. Now please, I have much work to do. The brew is delicate. One wrong miscalculation and you may end up turning into a warthog every night. We wouldn't want that, now would we?"
