Blades:Mining Misfortune
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Locate the mining camp.
- Find out what happened to the missing miners.
- Find all five miners.
- Find the temple entrance.
- Destroy the evil in the temple.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

As you arrive, Varro Matius will be standing to the right of you, you can optionally speak to him where he will just tell you to be careful. Just after this encounter is the mining camp, villagers, miners and guards can be talked to here, with the guard standing by the entrance telling you that the miners took the other entrance in. You will have to go down the other path until you reach Louis, the head miner, he explains how his boss went in a few days ago and went missing, and the subsequent missing miners who went in looking for his boss.
Once you enter the mine, you will come across the body of a dead miner, with a message popping up saying "This appears to be one of the missing miners' remains.", just after this body you will have to fight two Skeleton Heroes who are standing over the body of another dead miner. Go up the stairs that are left of the body and you will encounter another Skeleton Hero, after defeating it continue up the scaffolding where you will have to fight another two Skeleton Heroes. Yet again, you will find another dead miner, and then another in the next cave section.
In the next cave section, there are two paths, the one to the left is guarded by a Cave Troll and contains a golden chest. The one to the right is the way to the objective, as you go through the opening, you will see a dock area with a ship in the middle, as you walk down the stairs to this dock, a Skeleton Hero will attack you, deal with it and then continue along the wooden dock, you can go down some optional wooden stairs to claim a wooden chest that is guarded by a Skeleton Hero. You will have to deal with another three Skeleton Heroes before getting onto the ship. On the ship is a miner who says that the spirits of the pirates spoke to him, he will then be possessed by a spirit of the Fellhorn Raiders who states that they sailed from the North and stole from the local Imperials, the miner will then regain control of his mind and give you a key while asking you to deal with the evil.
You will then have to backtrack a tiny bit and go up the stone stairs, they are quite easy to miss, use the key from the miner to unlock the wooden door. In this next section is a Cave Spider and a Giant Cave Spider, they guard the first secret area, with the lever being a torch on the wall, the secret area contains a wooden chest and some breakables.
Once you have finished with looting, continue on through another wooden door that will lead to the temple entrance, you will then enter an Ayleid temple.
Secret Areas[edit]
The first secret area is activated by a pulley torch in one of the cavern passages. The second secret area is activated by using a welkynd stone sconce in Haeliaran's chamber.
- Skeleton Heroes (undead pirates of the Fellhorn Raiders) x 5
- Cave Spiders
- Giant Cave Spiders
- Cave Troll x 1
- Haeliaran, undead Ayleid warlord