Blades:Loading Screens

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These loading screens appear when the game is loading.

Loading Messages[edit]

  • There are four elemental damage types: fire, frost, shock and poison.
  • Deal enough fire damage to a target in a short time to set them On Fire.
  • A target On Fire takes continuous fire damage and cannot regenerate Health.
  • Deal enough frost damage to a target in a short time to Freeze them.
  • A Frozen target is Slowed and cannot regenerate Stamina.
  • A Slowed target attacks and blocks more slowly.
  • Frost damage also reduces a target's Stamina. Use it against warriors to limit their Abilities.
  • Deal enough shock damage to a target in a short time to Drain them.
  • A Drained target cannot heal themselves or regenerate Magicka.
  • Shock damage also reduces a target's Magicka. Use it against casters to limit their Spells.
  • Deal enough poison damage to a target in a short time to Poison them.
  • A Poisoned target takes continuous poison damage, and their maximum Health is reduced until the end of combat.
  • There are three physical damage types: slashing, cleaving and bashing.
  • Holding your weapon up can bait enemies into using defensive skills.
  • Swipe down while your weapon is raised to cancel your attack.
  • Press (Attack Cancel Button) while your weapon is raised to cancel your attack.
  • Perform successive hits on an enemy to deal extra combo damage. This is easier with light weapons such as daggers.
  • Daggers, hand axes and light hammers are fast and deal lots of bonus damage on combo attacks.
  • Swords deal slashing damage. Axes deal cleaving damage. Maces and hammers deal bashing damage.
  • Greatswords, battleaxes and warhammers deal high damage and brutal critical hits.
  • Longswords, war axes and maces can be used with a shield, or held in two hands for bonus damage.
  • Some pieces of armor have a lower Armor Rating, but provide additional protection against certain damage types.
  • Some shields have a lower Block Rating, but provide additional protection against certain damage types.
  • Out of combat, your Health does not regenerate on its own. If you are hurt, drink a potion or look for food.
  • Broken weapons and armor are far less effective. Visit a blacksmith to have them repaired.
  • Visit a blacksmith to sell or salvage unwanted weapons and armor. Selling can be a great source of gold, but salvaging provides valuable smithing materials.
  • Visit a blacksmith to temper your weapons and armor. Tempering greatly increases effectiveness and durability.
  • Precious stones like Rubies and Diamonds are used for advanced tempering. Look for them in chests.
  • Getting hit while casting certain spells, like Fireball or Frostbite, will cancel the spell.
  • Some spells, like Absorb and Wall of Fire, can be cast instantly and at any time, except when Paralyzed.
  • Your town's Prestige increases with each shop and house you build. More construction options will unlock as your town's Prestige grows.
  • An upgraded shop has a larger selection of goods for sale and more crafting options.
  • Keep your eyes open for hidden triggers that reveal secret areas.
  • Ancient Dragons are weak to slashing and shock damage, but resist cleaving and poison damage, as well as their breath's damage type.
  • A Flame Atronach's claws slash and burn at the same time. Wear Daedric Mail against them as soon as you can.
  • Flame Atronachs are weak to cleaving and frost damage, immune to fire and poison damage, and resist bashing damage.
  • Frost Atronachs sharpen their arms to deal cleaving and frost damage, and the extreme cold of their Power Attack can Paralyze.
  • Frost Atronachs are weak to slashing and fire damage, immune to frost and poison damage, and resist bashing damage.
  • An Atronach's Health regenerates while protected by a storm armor spell. Destroy the armor as quickly as possible.
  • Storm Atronachs use their stones to bash into opponents and deliver a serious shock.
  • Storm Atronachs are weak to bashing damage and immune to shock and poison damage.
  • Bandits are weak to poison damage, but resist frost and shock damage.
  • Bears deal both slashing and bashing damage with their mighty paws.
  • Bears are weak to slashing and shock damage, but resist bashing, frost, and poison damage.
  • A Dragon's physical attacks deal both cleaving damage and their breath's damage type.
  • Dragons are weak to slashing and frost damage, but resist cleaving, fire, and poison damage.
  • Every Dremora's weapon deals additional fire damage.
  • Dremora Raiders are weak to slashing and frost damage, but resist cleaving, fire, and poison damage.
  • Dremora Warlocks are weak to slashing and frost damage, but resist cleaving, fire, and shock damage.
  • A Goblin caster's staff is enchanted to deal fire damage as it bashes.
  • Goblin casters are weak to bashing and frost damage, but resist fire and shock damage.
  • All Goblin warriors are weak to bashing damage and resist poison damage, but additional weaknesses and resistances vary.
  • Mercenaries are weak to poison damage, but resist cleaving, fire, and frost damage.
  • Necromancer daggers are enchanted to also deal frost damage. Consider wearing Dwarven Mail Armor against them.
  • Necromancers are weak to poison damage, but resist fire and frost damage.
  • Nether Liches imbue their blades to deal additional poison damage.
  • Nether Liches are weak to slashing and fire damage, but resist all other damage types.
  • Ogre fists are bulky enough to deal bashing damage. So, wearing tempered Stalhrim Armor will provide great protection. (Unused)
  • Ogres are weak to poison and cleaving attacks, but resist bashing, frost, and shock damage. (Unused)
  • An Outcast's staff deals bashing and shock damage. Wear tempered Leather Armor for good protection.
  • Outcasts are weak to cleaving and shock damage, but resist bashing, fire, and poison damage.
  • Skeevers, Giant Skeevers, and Wolves have powerful, cleaving bites. Orcish Scale Armor resists cleaving damage well.
  • A Venomfang Skeever's bite inflicts poison damage as it cleaves through flesh.
  • Skeevers are weak to fire damage, but resist shock and poison damage.
  • Skeletons are weak to bashing and shock damage, immune to poison damage, and resist slashing and fire damage.
  • Spider strikes deal both cleaving and poison damage. Chitin Armor helps protect against poison damage.
  • Spiders are weak to cleaving and frost damage, but resist slashing, shock, and poison damage.
  • As Spriggans slash opponents with their sharp claws, they also deal poison damage.
  • Spriggans are weak to cleaving and fire damage, but resist bashing, frost, and shock damage.
  • Thalmor Agents infuse their sword attacks with shock damage. Glass Armor provides extra shock resistance.
  • Thalmor Agents are weak to poison damage, but resist slashing, fire, and shock damage.
  • Troll claws are pointed enough to deal slashing damage.
  • Trolls are weak to bashing and fire damage, but resist slashing, frost, and shock damage.
  • Warmasters are weak to cleaving and poison damage, but resist frost and shock damage.
  • Wights are weak to cleaving and fire damage, but resist bashing, shock and poison damage.
  • Wispmothers inflict slashing and frost damage, but Wisps only deal frost damage. Tempered Dwarven Mail will help against both.
  • Wispmothers and Wisps are weak to fire damage, immune to frost damage, and resist poison and all physical damage.
  • Wolves are weak to slashing and shock damage, but resist bashing, fire, and frost damage.
  • During combat, tap on your Health bar to instantly open the Potions Menu and access your potions and poisons.
  • During combat, press (Use Health Potion Button) to instantly open the Potions Menu and access your potions and poisons.
  • You can change audio settings and toggle virtual joysticks in the Settings Menu.
  • You can change audio settings and toggle motion controls in the Settings Menu.
  • Volume for music and sound effects can be tweaked in the Settings Menu.
  • To open the Tips Menu, tap the question mark icon at the bottom of the Side Menu.
  • To open the Tips Menu, select the question mark icon at the bottom of the Side Menu.

When you die to a relevant enemy, you may get one of these tips[verification needed — exact conditions?]:

  • Take fire resistance enchantments, potions of Resist Fire, and a frost-imbued weapon into battle against Flame Atronachs.
  • Fire damage helps against Frost Atronachs, but high frost resistance, thanks to enchantments and Resist Frost potions, is essential.
  • Against Storm Atronachs, combine a bashing weapon with high shock resistance from enchantments and Resist Shock potions.
  • Use poison spells or a poison-enchanted weapon to take Bandits down quickly.
  • Combining shock damage with an Aversion to Shock poison will make short work of a Bear's high Health.
  • Come at Ancient Dragons with shock damage, Aversion to Shock poisons, and high fire and frost resistances.
  • Dragons are best fought with high fire resistance, frost enchantments and spells, and Aversion to Frost poisons.
  • Frost and poison resistance, as well as fire damage, are essential against Undead Dragons.
  • Whether Raider or Warlock, frost weapons and spells, and high fire resistance, are effective against all Dremora.
  • The Resist Elements spell is invaluable against Goblin casters, as is a weapon enchanted to damage Magicka.
  • Frost damage is doubly effective against shielded Goblin warriors, as it greatly damages both their Health and Stamina.
  • Inflict shock damage, enhanced by an Aversion to Shock poison, to quickly take down shieldless Goblin warriors.
  • Use frost enchantments and spells against Giant Spiders, and make sure your poison resistance is high.
  • Keep your shock and poison resistances high against Liches, and attack with a fire-enchanted weapon coated with Aversion to Fire poison.
  • Boost your poison resistance, and enchant a weapon to deal fire or Magicka damage, before taking on Nether Liches.
  • Mercenaries are especially vulnerable to poison damage, while Stamina damage and Vigor Poisons will limit their abilities.
  • Protect yourself from a Necromancer's spells with high frost resistance, then inflict poison damage.
  • Outcasts are weak to shock enchantments and spells, which will also drain their Magicka and limit their spellcasting.
  • Skeletons are quick to block, but vulnerable to shock spells, which are fast and hard to predict.
  • High poison resistance and a fire-enchanted weapon are essential when fighting Spriggans.
  • The magic that animates statues can be most easily disrupted with shock-imbued weapons and shock spells.
  • Against Thalmor, boost your fire and shock resistances with potions or the Resist Elements spell, then attack with poison damage.
  • Kill trolls as fast as possible with a fire-enchanted weapon and fire spells, combined with Aversion to Fire and Healing Poisons.
  • Restrict a Warmaster's abilities by dealing Stamina damage or use a poison-enchanted weapon to end the fight quickly.
  • Fire-enchanted axes are great against Wights, but always keep Absorb or a Dodging Strike ready to counter their Power Attacks.
  • Hit Wispmothers with as much fire damage as you can, and counter its frigid attacks with high frost resistance.
  • Have poison-enchanted axes with you when battling against Ogres, but remember to watch out for their shield bash abilities. (Unused)
  • Against Golden Saint Warriors, boost your Fire and Shock resistances with potions or the Resist Elements spell, then attack with poison-bashing weapons while watching out for their Shield of Mania. (Unused)
  • When battling against Dark Seducers, use a frost-enchanted weapon to beat them as fast as you can. (Unused)

Death Messages[edit]

When dying in the Abyss, the message will read

  • "The Daedra Lords are pleased..."
  • "The Daedric gods are pleased"

When dying elsewhere, the message will read "Your death was inevitable..." followed by a quote from one of the Nine divines:

  • "Be strong, and waver not, for the enemies of life are ever watchful, ready to punish negligence with swift and ruthless cruelty."Arkay, Lord of the Wheel of Life
  • "When in doubt, seek wisdom from the wise."Julianos, God of Wisdom and Logic
  • "Use Nature's gifts wisely. Respect her power, and fear her fury."Kynareth, Goddess of Air
  • "Live soberly and peacefully. Honor your parents, and preserve the peace and security of home and family."Mara, the Mother-Goddess

Error Messages[edit]

Error Text
AcceptLegalDocuments Please read and accept the legal documentation before proceeding.
AccountAlreadyLinkedToFirstParty This account has already been linked. Please try again using a different account.
AccountAlreadyLinkedToFirstParty.Long This account is already linked to a game service. To continue, please disconnect your account from the first-party service (e.g. GameCenter, Google Play Games) and try again.
AccountBanned This account has been banished forever. Please contact Customer Support if you believe this was done in error.
AccountError There is an issue with your account. Please visit the support site for more information.
AccountGuildNotAllowed Your account does not allow access to Player Guilds. Visit the support site for more information.
AccountPvPNotAllowed Your account does not allow access to Player-vs-Player combat. Visit the support site for more information.
AccountSuspended Your account has been banished to Oblivion for now. Please visit the support site for more information.
AlreadyInAGuild You are already in a guild. Leave the current guild before joining a new one.
AppStoreError What in Oblivion? There is an issue with your request on the App Store. Please visit the support site for more information.
AuthenticationError You're not on the list. To avoid going to the chopping block, please visit the support site for more information.
BNetError Trouble connecting to Bethesda.Net after taking an arrow to the knee. Please visit the support site for more information.
BNetFriendError There was an error completing your friend request. Please try again, or visit the support site for more information.
BNetIDError There was an error connecting to Bethesda.Net. Please verify your credentials and try again, or visit the support site for more information.
BNetInvalidPassword Invalid BNet username/password. Please try again.
BNetPassword Password cannot be empty. Please enter a valid password and try again, or visit the support site for more information.
CannotBanSelf You cannot ban yourself from a guild.
CharacterNameInappropriate I will not speak that tongue. Please choose something more civil.
CharacterNameProblem Has Mephala obscured your name? It is not recognized. Please try a different name.
CharacterNameTooLong No one can remember a name that long. Please choose something shorter.
CharacterNameTooShort It's hard to pronounce a name that has less than 3 letters. Please try a different name.
ConnectionError You are unable to return to Tamriel. Please try again or visit the support site for more information.
CoppaNotAccepted You need to be 13 years or older to register.
EmailAndConfirmationEmailDontMatch Email and confirmation email don't match.
EmptyEmail Please enter an email address.
EmptyPassword Please enter a password.
EmptyUserName Please enter a user name.
GameCenterError Could not connect to Game Center. Verify your credentials and try again, or visit the support site for more information.
GameCenterRequestError There was an error processing the requested Game Center action. Visit the support site for more information.
GenericError By the Nine! Please visit the support site for more information.
GenericGuildError There was an error processing your guild action. Please try again, or visit the support site for more information.
GLDMismatch A Dragon Break is unwinding time and space: you have already played an updated version of the game on another device. Go back to play on that device, or download an update for this one if available.
GooglePlayError Mundus is out of alignment, and you could not connect to Google Play. Please visit the support site for more information.
GooglePlayRequestError What in Oblivion? There was an issue with your request on Google Play. Please visit the support site for more information.
GuildExchangeRequestedAmountReached Requested amount has already been fulfilled.
GuildFull You have reached the maximum number of players allowed for a guild. Please visit the support site for more information.
InvalidEmail Please enter a valid email and try again.
InvalidPassword Invalid username/password. Please try again.
InvalidUserID Thalmor agents guarding do not recognize this name. Verify your log in information is correct, or visit the support site for more information.
InvalidUsername Username invalid. Please try again using a different name.
LoginError You are unable to return to Tamriel. Please try again or visit the support site for more information.
MarketError Zenithar does not bless this trade. Please visit the support site for more information.
MarketNotAvailable The market district is not open yet. Please try again later or visit the support site for more information.
MaxFriends Mara blesses you, but you are unable to make any more commitments. Please visit the support site for more information.
MaxPendingFriendRequests You must be blessed by Dibella, because you have hit your maximum number of friend requests. Please try again later.
MissingAccount Hermaeus Mora has no knowledge of this user. Please visit the support site for more info on how to have him add it to the Oghma Infinium.
NameNotValid Has Mephala obscured your name? It is not recognized. Please try a different name.
NintendoError Could not connect to Nintendo. Please visit the support site for more information.
NintendoEshopError What in Oblivion? There was an issue retrieving purchases from the Nintendo eShop. Please visit the support site for more information.
NotYourFriend Friend ID does not appear in player's Friend List.
OfferNotAvailable The Gray Fox has stolen this offer. Please visit the support site for information on how to get it back.
ReauthenticationRequired The Thalmor are double-checking everyone's credentials. Please restart the application to re-authenticate them and be granted access.
ServerError Mundus is not in order and Jyggalag needs time to restore it. Please visit the support site for more information.
TimeOut Ran out of magicka trying to conjure a portal to Tamriel. Check your internet connection and try again, or visit the support site.
TooLowToJoinGuild Your character's level is too low to join a guild. Please try again later.
TownNameInappropriate Even Stendarr couldn't forgive a town with that kind of name. Please give your town a non-profane name.
TownNameTooLong This town name could never fit on a map. Please choose a shorter name.
TownNameTooShort Were you silenced by the Dark Brotherhood before finishing the name? This name is too short.
UnexpectedError.Restart An unexpected error has occurred. Restart the game from the launcher.
UpdateRequired Blessings from Akatosh! A new version of the game is available. Please update to continue playing.
UsernameTaken The Dark Brotherhood have a contract on this name. Please choose another.