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Blades:Gabrielle's Treasure

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Bloodfall Queen Questline
Ensure the Bloodfall Queen and Wanum are safe.
Rarity: Epic
Quest Giver: Urzoga gra-Batul
Location(s): Forest, Cave, Fort
Prerequisite Quest: The Big Hit
Next Quest: Trophy Hunting
Reward(s): Headman's Cleaver
XP: 600
ID: BQ206
Recommended Level: Player Level 47
BL-icon-Secret.png Secret Areas: 2
BL-quest-Gabrielle's Treasure.jpg
I must follow Gabrielle and the Queen discreetly and provide assistance if necessary.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Escort Sabina to the cave
  2. Find the Bloodfall Queen
  3. Defeat Gabrielle
  4. Rescue the Prisoners 0/3
  5. Escape the Dungeon

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

You first start in a forest area with some Ayleid structures in front of you, after a short walk you will find Sabina standing in front of a cave entrance. Talk to her and she will thank you for bringing her along and tell you she's going to follow. As you walk into the cave, you will see Gabrielle enter a hidden passage, where a giant stone will close behind her.

Further in the cave, you will have to fight against two cave bears, after defeating them, you will see there are two pathways, you should take the right pathway and defeat an ancient troll and then activate a stone on the right wall to open the first secret area which contains a silver chest. Head back to the branching pathway and now take the left pathway, with it eventually leading to a stone brick wall. Look to your right and you will see a lever that can open this wall.

Lugash guarding the chest

Once you enter the fort you will be attacked by a patrolling mercenary, further in another three will also attack you. After dealing with all three, continue on up the staircase to your right and yet another mercenary will be waiting for you. After a short walk, you will enter a large room with another two mercenaries in it, after defeating them, head to the left hallway.

In this left hallway, a female Orc by the name of Lugash will attack you. She is weak to poison damage. After defeating her, collect the silver chest she was guarding and smash the large pot and then return to the large room. You can then go through the other hallway that was on the right, this will lead to some stairs that take you up to a room with two mercenaries in it.

This room also has two pathways to choose from, the one on the right will lead to a mercenary guarding a wooden chest, while the one to the left will lead you to a large room with the Bloodfall Queen and the River Snake in it.

Gabrielle summons storm atronachs

As you enter the large throne room, a cutscene will play, with the Bloodfall Queen, Wanum, and Gabrielle approaching the throne of the River Snake, who has two wolves next to him. Gabrielle will then show her true allegiance and go to the side of the River Snake and summon two storm atronachs, the Bloodfall Queen and The River Snake will then fight each other.

The River Snake : "Hello, daughter. So nice of you to visit your father."
Bloodfall Queen : "I have no father!"
The River Snake : "I see you've met my new associate... Gabrielle, why not show the "Queen" what you can do?"

After this, it will fade to the Bloodfall Queen being locked in a cage, with the River Snake standing in front of it:

Bloodfall Queen : "You beast! There never was a treasure, was there?"
The River Snake : "Oh, but there is... Ancient Dwemer weapons, thousands of them, hidden somewhere in these lands. With these I will be unstoppable. Why go for a kingdom, when you can have a whole empire?"
Bloodfall Queen : "You're insane!"
The River Snake : "I should have just drowned you when you were born."

The River Snake will then sit down on his throne and say "Now my reign can finally begin.". You will then regain control.

The final facedown

Just before the set of stairs down to the throne room, Sabina will be waiting for you, you can talk to her and she will exclaim her shock of the River Snake being the Bloodfall Queen's father. As you head down the stairs, the River Snake will say:

The River Snake : "Ah, the Queen's Champion, just in time! I wasn't sure you'd join us. Gabrielle, would you take care of our guest?"
Gabrielle : "Gladly."

Two potent strom atronachs will then attack you, they are weak to bashing damage. After defeating them, Sabina will approach and shout "For the Queen!" and summon a flame atronach behind Gabrielle, Gabrielle will then run to you and start attacking, she is weak to frost and slashing damage. Once she is dealt with, speak to Sabina and she will exclaim her joy at being able to summon an atronach and will then run out of the fort while you go and free the prisoners.

There are three prisoners to free, Vilfred The Unseen, the Bloodfall Queen and Wanum. You can free Vilfred first, he is to the left of you down a small hallway, the Queen and Wanum are both behind the flame atronach, but it will not attack you. Once they have been freed, go to the hallway where Vilfred was, and look to the right wall, you will see a lever that unlocks the second secret area, this secret area contains some marble and a silver chest. You can then exit the dungeon by continuing down the hallway and going through the door.
