Blades:Deadly Neighbor
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Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Find Murzog
- Slay the troll
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
After Murbak asks you to check in on his sister, you will arrive in a forest, there is some lumber and breakable stumps in this first area. As you progress you will have to defeat four spriggans, there are a few breakables on the way, eventually you will encounter a villager who will stop you and say:
- "Don't go that way! Danger looms over there."
- What happened?
- "It attacked in the night, as hulking and foul as one can imagine... We tried to scare it off with fire, but it all went wrong."
- Scare what off?
- "It was a troll, but much bigger than normal... The guards tried to scare it off with torches, but the beast tossed them around and threw them into the buildings. The guards' torches set the buildings on fire, and nobody could put it out..."
- I'm looking for Murzog.
- "Oh, she's gone, her and the priestess Odette. The troll knocked them out and dragged them off to its lair. Those poor women... I don't want to imagine their fate."
- I have to find them.
- "Don't be foolish. You'll die!"
After speaking to the villager, continue onwards and open the wooden gate, you will have to deal with two great wisps the moment you pass through the gate into the village. Once dealt with, the first secret area is in this section of the village, with the lever being a skull on a stick next to the wooden wall, activate the lever and a hidden door to the right will open, this secret area contains a silver chest.
Once you are finished with the first section, open the next wooden gate where you will be greeted by a great wispmother and two great wisps.