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Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Svenja Strong-Arm

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Svenja Strong-Arm
(RefID: xx065063)
Location Bruma Fighters Guild
Race Nord Gender Female
Level PC×1.3 (range=24-60) Class Warrior
RefID xx065063 BaseID xx003A22
Training Trainer (Expert)Two-handed (Expert)
Other Information
Health 50×? Magicka 50×?
Stamina 50×?
Primary Skills Archery, Light Armor, One-handed, Sneak, Speech
Perks Archery: Overdraw 2, Power Shot, Ranger, Overdraw 2, Overdraw 2
Light Armor: Range of Movement
Class Details TrainerTwoHandedExpert
Morality No Crime Aggression Unaggressive
Faction(s) CYRCrimeFactionBruma; CYRFightersGuildFaction; CYRJobTrainerFaction; CYRJobTrainerTwoHandedFaction; CYRTownBrumaFaction
Svenja Strong-Arm

Svenja Strong-Arm, a Nord warrior, is the head of the Bruma Fighters Guild and an expert-level trainer in Two-handed. During the related quest, she will ask you for help in putting up recruitment posters for the guild.

After waking up at 8am, Svenja will eat a quick breakfast in the common room, before heading upstairs to her office to work on her papers for an hour. On weekends, she instead makes a quick trip to Ice-Wind Traders to buy supplies. From 10am to 3pm she joins Ionalla Dark-Heart and Eranir on the training ground, smashing dummies with her axe, before heading back to her desk for more paperwork. She eats a quick dinner at 6pm and returns to training until 10pm. After lounging in the common room for two hours, at midnight she heads to bed downstairs in the basement.

Svenja wears a full suit of chainmail armor: cuirass, helmet, gauntlets and boots. She is armed with a steel battleaxe and carries a solution of vigor, potion of plentiful healing, two philters of the berserker, the key to the guildhall and a random selection of gold, lockpicks, gems, jewelry, food and drink.

Related Quests[edit]


If you ask to join up, she will disappoint you:

"Sorry, but we're not looking for new members right now. The Nibenese Branch is currently undergoing strict internal reforms. Check back soon, though."

If you press her on the reforms she notes:

"It's not something I can discuss with someone outside of the guild."

Unlike cynical Eranir and glory-hunting Ionalla, Svenja truly believes the guild's mission is helping Cyrodiil's citizens, as is evident if you ask what it means to be part of the guild:

"That's a good question, one I don't hear often enough from the other members in our hall. The Fighters Guild is here to serve those who need our help. If their coin is good enough, their fights become our fights, and we'll take our steel to their enemies. But it's more than that. I don't think I can explain it to you unless you see it for yourself. It's that look in a husband's eyes when you bring his wife back into his arms. Being able to help the people of Cyrodiil, to change their lives for the better, is what this is all about."

If you compliment her on her passion, she sighs:

"I just wish my underlings shared that passion."

If you thank her for sharing, she says:

"Oh, think nothing of it. It's nice to have someone take an interest in the true heart of the guild from time to time."

If you instead pointedly ask about poor citizens, she admits:

"Well... then we don't help them. It's not a flawless system. Nothing is without its faults, but... I just wish there was something more I could do."

If you remark that's too bad, she agrees:

"Aye, it is. I suppose that's life, right? At least we can help some of them. It's just a shame those who need our help the most probably can't afford it."

If you press her about what else she could do, she explains:

"I try to do what I can aside of guild affairs but it's a tender topic with the city guard."

Inquire as to why she refers to a "Nibenese" branch and she will explain:

"Because this guild hall belongs to the Nibenese Fighters Guild. The Colovian halls have been part of a separate branch since just after the Great War."

If you press on her on what happened, she demurs:

"That's a lot of bad blood that I'd rather not get into. Let's just say it's a dark chapter of the guild's history and there was a large divide in philosophy."

If you ask if that's what caused the divide, she will sigh:

"Just like an axe cutting into wood."

If you ask what she does at the guildhall, she will say:

"I lead this hall. It's my task to make sure it's up to the standards set by Master Coltinius and Champion Cyrus. It's also my responsibility to try and control Eranir and Ionalla - a monumental calling, believe me."

If you ask about what she does in her free time, she will reply:

"I like to train myself and others in the use of two handed weaponry. I find conditioning my body to be therapeutic. I must be strong for the time when my skills are needed the most."

Pressing her about whether Eranir and Ionalla get along will net you:

"Oh, they get along like a log cabin set ablaze! The only problem is the result is just as devastating... They can be quite the handful, let's say. Especially when they're intoxicated."

If you say you can relate, she chuckles:

"Then you know what I wrestle with most of my time."

Similarly, if you suggest knocking their heads together, she laughs it off:

"I might be strong but I don't know about taking them both on at once. If only problems could be solved so easily..."


  • Svenja's line "I try to do what I can aside of guild affairs but it's a tender topic with the city guard." does not have a voice file. ?