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Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Fort Horunn

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Military Fort:
Fort Horunn
(view on map)
# of Zones 3
Clearable Yes
Dungeon Yes
Respawn Time 10 days or 30 days
Conjurers, Daedra
Important Treasure
Corpse Preparation v I
Console Location Code(s)
County Bruma
Northeast of Frostfire Glade; southeast of the Hunter's Shack
Fort Horunn

Fort Horunn is a large fort containing conjurers and daedra, located northeast of Frostfire Glade and southeast of the Hunter's Shack. It contains three zones: Fort Horunn, Fort Horunn, Legate Assembly and Fort Horunn, Praetorian Hall.




When approaching the fort, you will first encounter a scamp just outside the walls; unless you are sneaking, expect to shortly end up fighting all seven nearby enemies. The main courtyard of the fort hosts a conjurer and the main keep, with an entrance to the first zone. If you head southwest you will be able to access a lower section of the battlements with another conjurer, a filled common soul gem, a Scroll of Soul Trap and a key-requiring door to the Legate Assembly. The stairs in the northwestern corner instead lead to a higher section of the battlements. Moving south leads to a wide area with two conjurers, a scamp and another door to the first zone.

If you go north instead you will enter a tower, with the spell tome Soul Trap, two empty lesser soul gems and an empty petty soul gem on the bottom floor, and a conjurer and two random leveled potions at the top. From here you can jump down to the battlements to the east and follow them until an open tower with a novice-locked chest and a leveled weapon. Continuing to the south leads you to the upper level of the main keep. You can also reach this point by making your way across the rock face hugging the fort's outer wall and then jumping up where a section has collapsed. From this area you can go round the tower to the southwestern corner, where you will find an adept-locked chest and a random leveled potion. Alternatively, from the southeastern corner you can jump down into a secluded balcony area with incredible vistas of Niben Bay. This area hosts a conjurer, a chest and another door to the first zone.

Fort Horunn[edit]

Entering from any of the exterior doors, you will eventually arrive in a room with a conjurer, an atronach, a leveled sword, two filled lesser soul gems and a filled petty soul gem. Taking the eastern or southern doors leads you back outside, so head down the northeastern tunnel instead. A door immediately to the north is barred form the other side, so head south into a room with two conjurers, an apprentice-locked chest, a random leveled potion and a coin purse. Head east and then south until you reach the door to the Legate Assembly.

When returning from the Praetorian Hall, you will arrive in a room with a chest, a barrel of uncommon ingredients, a potion of cure disease, a random leveled potion and a coin purse. Remove the block from the wooden door nearby and access the rest of the zone.

Fort Horunn, Legate Assembly[edit]

Entering from Fort Horunn, you arrive in a storage room with a random leveled potion, a potion of vigorous healing, a potion of plentiful magicka, a weak magicka poison, two iron ingots and the key to the fort. In the room just to the south are two conjurers and a scamp; a third conjurer is down the stairs to the northwest but will often join the fight. In the room you will also find a counter with a random leveled potion and two other copies of the fort key. A fourth copy hangs by the nearby door, which gives out to the exterior.

Head down the stairs into a room with bloody bones and chopping block. Ignore the open gate to the west and head south instead, into a room with two bedrolls and an apothecary's satchel. Press on north and you will find yourself in front of the aforementioned gate, with a scamp nearby. Duck into the room to the west, avoiding the tripwire-activated swinging mace trap, to loot a knapsack. Once you're done, head north into the Praetorian Hall.

Fort Horunn, Praetorian Hall[edit]

The flaming stone altar

Upon entering you will be faced with a three-way intersection. Head east first, tacking south into a room with an alchemy lab, an uncommon ingredient barrel, a random leveled potion and a weak poison. From here head north into a dormitory with five beds, a conjurer, a chest, an Imperial helmet, a random leveled potion, a potion of magicka, a chopping block and a coin purse. The western passage leads you to the door to the main chamber, guarded by a conjurer. On a ledge high above the door from the dormitory sits a coin purse, which can be obtained via telekinesis. Alternatively, you can head back to the entrance and go west to a balcony overlooking the chamber for sniping. The chamber itself hosts two scamps and three conjurers (one boss-level) who may at times be found praying in front of a bloody altar with a flame in the middle. Here you will also find a skeleton, an Imperial's bloody corpse, four random leveled potions, a potion of minor healing, a potion of healing, a potion of health, a potion of resist cold, a potion of minor magicka, an empty common soul gem, an empty petty soul gem, plenty of food and drink on tables, and a coin purse hidden inside a bucket.

The door to the south has an expert-level lock, but can be opened with the fort key; just beyond it is a tripwire-activated swinging mace trap. In the next room you will find an apprentice-locked chest, the spell tome Repel Lesser Undead, a gold ingot, a coin purse and plenty of coins. Avoid the nearby bear traps and pull the chain which opens the wooden gate to the south. Beyond it are a conjurer, an expert-locked strongbox, two weak magicka poisons, a magicka recovery poison, a Scroll of Firebolt and some gold. Head up the stairs and track back to the main room, along the way looting a leveled sword and two coin purses. There is a Philter of Regeneration high up on a wooden beam, which cannot be reached via jumping nor telekinesis. Take the northern corridor now and open the apprentice-locked door to the east; behind it is a small room with an uncommon ingredients barrel, three iron ingots, three random leveled potions, a potion of stamina and a solution of extra magicka.

Press on north until you arrive at the base of a tower. Down into the water to the east is a skeleton, while behind a novice-locked gate to the north (which is also opened by the fort key) is a storage area with four iron ingots, a blacksmith's potion and a random leveled potion. Head northwest up the winding stairs, looting a coin purse and some gold along the way, to the bedchamber at the top, which is guarded by a scamp and a boss-level conjurer. Here you will also find a bed, a boss chest, the Conjuration skill book Corpse Preparation v I, an expert-locked display case with a gold ruby necklace and the spell tome Lightning Rune, the spell tome Conjure Scamp, a leveled dagger, a chainmail helmet, a filled lesser soul gem, two random leveled potions, a solution of extra magicka, two potions of minor magicka, a potion of vigorous healing, a potion of lasting potency, a potion of minor healing, a potion of plentiful magicka and a portion of ogre teeth. From here head east into a room with a potion of healing and a potion of resist shock, climb up the southern stairs and you will arrive at the door back to Fort Horunn.
