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Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Castle Bruma

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Castle Bruma
(view on map)
# of Zones 6
Respawn Time 10 days
Important Treasure
Bewitching Nodachi
Circlet of Water Walking
Ebony Helmet
Flawless Gems
Grand Staff of Charming
Console Location Code(s)
In the western district of Bruma
Special Features
Shadowmark Danger Danger
Castle Bruma

Castle Bruma is a large fortress which serves as the residence of the count of County Bruma, the county's seat of political power, and the location of the county's jail.

The castle, which is divided into six sections — the Great Hall, the Lords Manor, the Guest Wing, the Service Hall, the Barracks and the Dungeon — is located in the western district of Bruma, overlooking the city.


Count Desilus Carvain
Members of Court
Afanna Eddici
Adius Vilius* (Guard Captain)
Rignar (Steward) House
Simund Gautierre
Sinja Strong-Mind
Thalmor Adjutant
Viscount Marcius Carvain
Bolar Gratius Food and Drink
Bruma guards
Bruma Jailer
Urma gra-Shazur

*Depending on your choices in A Delicate Situation and Blade of the Cutpurse, either Ereia Snow-Fist or Garceus Avoci will replace Adius as guard captain.

Related Quests[edit]

Side Quests[edit]


Castle Bruma[edit]

Great Hall[edit]

Castle Bruma's great hall

The Great Hall is divided into three large spaces: the entrance, the throne room and the dining room. In the former, County Bruma and Imperial banners adorn the walls and guards patrol tirelessly. On the northern side are doors to the barracks and dungeon, while on the southern side are doors to the Lords Manor and the Guest Wing. The southern side also hosts a religious area with a shrine of Stendarr and volumes one and two of Scripture of Saint Martin on a lectern, in addition to a number of bookshelves holding a filled common soul gem and, among others, copies of Boethiah's Glory, Invocation of Azura, Remanada and Souls, Black and White. By the door to the Lords manor is a table with a copy of Knightfall.

The throne room is usually occupied by the count, his steward Rignar and two guards. Along the southern wall is a master-locked display case with an Akaviri stone carving and a table with bottles of Cyrodilic brandy and Colovian Battlecry. Along the northern wall is a lectern with the rare Akaviri Diary Translation and a master-locked display case containing a Blades shield. By the throne are two more master-locked display cases containing a Blades armor and sword. The dining room is found behind the throne room and holds two tables laden with expensive food, drink and silverware. A large fireplace provides comfort and a nearby door provides easy access to the Service Hall.

Lords Manor[edit]

Castle Bruma's treasury

The Lords Manor is reached from the Great Hall, the Guest Wing or the Servants Hall, and is the only area of the castle where you are trespassing. Entering from the Great Hall or the Guest Wing you arrive in a room patrolled by a guard and containing a bookshelf with a gold ingot and three master-locked display cases. These contain Akaviri stone carvings, unlootable golden cups and platters, a silver emerald necklace, a silver ruby ring, an amulet of Stendarr, a ring of eminent restoration, a gold jeweled necklace, a gold and emerald circlet and a silver and sapphire circlet.

Up the staircase are the Count's living quarters and in the landing are two doors: one leads to his study, while the other has a master-level lock and gives access to the Treasury. This room holds an impressive amount of treasure, detailed in the table below. The highlight is the unique daedric sword Bewitching Nodachi, found in a master-locked display case guarded by a spear trap. Continuing along the corridor leads to the Count's chambers, which are constantly patrolled by a guard. Here the Count has his own dining area, with a large table laden with food, drink (including a bottle of Colovian Battlecry) and silverware, as well as a scroll of circle of protection and two master-locked display cases containing two Dwarven daggers and a honed Alessian sword. His sleeping area contains a double bed, a foot chest and a silver bowl with a bottle of Firebrand wine.

Guest Wing[edit]

The common area in the Guest Wing

This wing can be accessed from the Great Hall, Lords Manor or Servants Hall - three doors are located along a single long corridor. To the east from here are Sinja Strong-Mind quarters, with a bed, wardrobes, food, drink, silverware, fine hats, boots and clothes and a bookshelf with two ice wraith teeth and an ice wraith essence potion. To the west are Simund Gautierre's quarters, which require a key you can acquire during the Ugly Love quest. Inside is a bed, a strongbox, gold, his journal and an impressive collection of books, including copies of A Dance in Fire, v5, Boethiah's Glory, Children of the Sky, Chronicles of Nchuleft, Cleansing of the Fane, Effects of the Elder Scrolls, Five Songs of King Wulfharth, Fragment: On Artaeum, Glories and Laments, Invocation of Azura, Remanada, Souls, Black and White, The Adabal-a and The Legendary Scourge.

Heading down the corridor, past Akaviri stone carvings, blades and shields, is a sitting room with seven bookcases filled with common books. Various Akaviri artifacts lay scattered around the room, with four master-locked display cases holding Blades armor, gauntlets, boots and helmets. Past this, to the east are Afanna Eddici's quarters while to the west are Rignar's. In both you will find double beds, wardrobes, food, drinks, silverware and fine clothes. Further down the corridor are the Thalmor quarters where Armion and his adjutant reside; Thalmor banners drape the walls and a nearby door leads to the Servants Hall. The adjutant's room holds a bed, food, drink, silverware, hooded Thalmor robes, standard Thalmor robes, gloves and boots, as well as an elven dagger and a potion of ultimate stamina. Armion's room also contains some robes, as well as a strongbox and potions of vigorous and plentiful healing.

Service Hall[edit]

Castle Bruma's kitchens

The service hall can be entered from the Great Hall, Lords Manor or from two doors in the Guest Wing, and is patrolled by one guard. The main area is the kitchen, where Bolar Gratius toils away and is willing to sell you some of his produce. An abundance of drink (including Cyrodilic brandy), raw meat, eggs, herbs, salt piles, foodstuffs and desserts can be found near two large ovens and copies of The Merits of Shrieking Cheese and Cheeses of Tamriel. There are three other small rooms; one is occupied by storage while the other two are Farsvar and Urma gra-Shazur's humble abodes. In the former you will find a fine hat and two sets of fine clothes.


The barracks can be entered from the Great Hall or Dungeon and as you might expect, they are abuzz with guards at every time of day, both awake and sleeping on beds and bedrolls. As well as chests near most beds, there are a variety of iron weapons and pieces of guard armor scattered all across the room. There is a bar area featuring drink-laden tables and a counter with a strongbox, gold and guard reports. On the opposite side is a training area with iron weapons (including an enchanted one) and shelves containing guard armor, leather gauntlets, a gold necklace and four leveled potions.


The dungeon can be entered from the Great Hall or Barracks and is inhabited by two guards and the jailer. In his upstairs office you will find a writing table, the evidence chest, a strongbox, a Bruma guard's shield, the key to the jail and some Applewatch cider. Down the stairs is a storage area with more guard armor, the prisoner belongings chest, a draught of lockpicking, three lockpicks and a silver amethyst ring on a plate. Past this room is the jail itself: four cells (three expert-locked, one key-requiring) with bedrolls or beds. A regular prisoner is always present, as may be Alammu Nethre and Atienne Guilette, depending on your quest choices. In the middle of the jail are a torture rack, a blood-soaked table and a few crow cages.


  • A "Danger" shadowmark can be found carved into the stone to the right of the entrance.
  • The Treasury in the Lords Manor contains the following items:
Armor and Clothing
Books and Scrolls
Ingots and Gold
3 chests (one adept-locked)
1 display case (master-locked)
2 safes (master-locked)
1 strongbox (novice-locked)
1 Colovian Fine Clothes
1 Ebony Helmet
3 Fine Boots
3 Fine Clothes
3 Fine Hats
1 Mithril Boots
1 Mithril Gauntlets
1 Scroll of Dead Thrall
1 Spell Tome: Force Rune
1 The Posting of the Hunt
2 Knightfall
9 Ebony Ingots
10 Gold Ingots
40 gold coins
12 gold coin purses
5 Meteoric Iron Ingots
1 Amethyst
1 Diamond
1 Flawless Amethyst
1 Flawless Diamond
1 Flawless Jade
3 Flawless Garnets
1 Flawless Ruby
1 Flawless Sapphire
2 Sapphires
1 Circlet of Water Walking
1 Gold Emerald Ring
1 Gold Jeweled Necklace
1 Elixir of Health
1 Enchanter's Elixir
1 Potion of Cure Disease
1 Potion of Extreme Healing
1 Potion of Prolonged Invisibility
1 Virulent Paralysis Poison
1 Bewitching Nodachi
1 Grand Staff of Charming
2 Steel Tantos