Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Bruma Synod Conclave

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Guild Hall:
Bruma Synod Conclave
(view on map)
# of Zones 2
Respawn Time 10 days
Cadius Venucius
Elintius Rentilia
Roland Wickhart
Important Treasure
Banker's Bet
Breathing Water
Mannimarco, King of Worms
Circlet of Minor Alteration
Imperial Boots of Waning Shock
Sanctified Iron Dagger
Console Location Code(s)
Special Features
# of Alchemy Labs 1
# of Arcane Enchanters 1
The Bruma Synod Conclave

The Bruma Synod Conclave is the local chapter of the Synod in Bruma. It is located in the northern district of the city, next to the Bruma Fighters Guild and Northern Arms.

First Adjunct Cadius Venucius is the head of the Conclave and while he is not currently accepting any new members into the Synod, he will ask for your help in investigating strange objects appearing in the guildhall and extirpating a group of necromancers in Underpall Cave. Journeyman Elintius Rentilia will instead task you with finding a filled common soul gem for him.


Cadius Venucius
Elintius Rentilia
Roland Wickhart

Related Quests[edit]


Bruma Synod Conclave[edit]

The entry hall is wide and well-lit and holds a master-locked display case containing an Ayleid dagger, a shrine of Julianos, two adept-locked safes and a couple of bookcases. Two rooms can be found just beyond it. The one on the left holds a bed, a chest, a shrine of Kynareth, a solution of health, a potion of healing, three meteoric iron ores, a copy of the Black Horse Courier and a number of rare books. The room on the right holds an alchemy lab, an apothecary's satchel, the Alchemy skill book Mannimarco, King of Worms, a sanctified iron dagger, a philter of health, a potion of plentiful healing, a solution of extra magicka, an empty common soul gem, two filled lesser soul gems, a restore health recipe and cratefuls of ingredients (including two portions of fire salts and frost salts). It also hosts an arcane enchanter with a warning note on it - you are unable to use it unless you have completed Whispers of the Mountain.

To the north of the entry hall are stairs leading to the basement and a study area, boasting two desks filled with papers, bookshelves with various rare books, the Speech skill book Banker's Bet, Shalidor's Insights: Restoration, a potion of plentiful magicka, two scrolls of circle of protection, a scroll of candlelight, a scroll of calm, a Synod hood, a copy of the Black Horse Courier, a minotaur horn, an empty petty soul gem and two portions of dwarven oil. To the south and up some stairs is the library, which hosts a large collection rare and valuable books as well as a pair of Imperial boots of waning shock and some Synod robes.

A list of all rare books is as follows: A Dance in Fire, v5, A Treatise on the All-Seeing Scrolls (2 copies), An Accounting of the Scrolls (2 copies), Arcana Restored, Boethiah's Glory, Brothers of Darkness, Chimarvamidium, Cleansing of the Fane, Charwich-Koniinge Letters, v4, Chronicles of Nchuleft, Effects of the Elder Scrolls, Five Songs of King Wulfharth, Fragment: On Artaeum (2 copies), Hanging Gardens, Invocation of Azura, Knightfall (2 copies), Last King of the Ayleids, Lorkhan the Charlatan (2 copies), Lycanthropic Legends of Skyrim, N'Gasta! Kvata! Kvakis! (3 copies), The Adabal-a (4 copies), The Collected Works of Miki Aia, The Legendary Scourge (2 copies), War of the First Council. .

Bruma Synod Basement[edit]

The basement holds four rooms, in the southwestern, southeastern, northwestern and northeastern corners. The southwestern room holds two beds and a circlet of minor alteration, while the southeastern room contains two beds, a potion of destruction and a lute. The northwestern room is a study area, with two large tables filled with paper and inkwells, as well as the Alteration skill book Breathing Water, a draught of extra magicka, a potion of lasting potency, a common soul gem, a copy of Chimarvamidium and some Dwemer artifacts. The northeastern room is the dining room, and features plenty of food and drink as well as a cooking pot.
