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Arena talk:Files

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User Manual[edit]

would be nice if there was a link to the user manual... cant find one anywhere... — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:45 on March 8, 2008‎

Have a look on the Arena-Mainpage... --Deepfighter 09:55, 26 April 2008 (EDT)

Wasn't there mods[edit]

I may be wrong but I could have sworn there used to be mods on this page... — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:11 on February 2, 2013

I just had a scan over the page, and there is no history of mods on this page. There may have been mods on the old site which weren't copied over, but this page has been here from 2005. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 02:20, 2 February 2013 (GMT)

Arena 1.07 vs. Arena 1.06[edit]

I've always been attracted to bug-fixes, so, I was wondering: what, exactly, makes the fan-created Arena 1.07 patch better than Bethesda's official 1.06 patch? I've read on here (i.e. from various different sections on Arena on UESP) that patch 1.07 fixes some of Arena's final cut-scenes, allows the player to carry more items (or, at least, more potions), and solves some of the original memory issues (which still occur in the Anthology Edition). Is there anything I'm missing? If preferred, I can update this page to be more descriptive concerning fan-patch 1.07. --Gandoril The Spell-Binder (talk) 05:56, 2 November 2014 (GMT)

This topic section confused me for quite a long time when I first got here. If you've explored the Arena topics for a while, it probably doesn't need answering, but if you're completely new, I think this sends you in the wrong direction. So, I'm leaving a little note for redirection. - First 1.07 is an official release on CD. That was a "thing" in the 90's, to release a "CD Version" of a game with certain enhancements because of the increased storage space over floppies. I've been collecting info on the differences because there's more than you think. Although, beyond the obvious ones, they are mostly tiny variations and many, I feel, were unintentional. There are some minor fan patches (alterations), but as far as I know, there is no comprehensive fan patch. --Satribe (talk) 13:17, 5 February 2021 (UTC)

Should ArenaSetup Be Installed Outside C:\Program_Files\ ?[edit]

I was just reading various Daggerfall articles and talk pages where various players discuss difficulties with Ancestral Ghost's DaggerfallSetup, and, after checking out various answers, it seems that DaggerfallSetup should not be installed to C:\Program_Files\ . I downloaded ArenaSetup and installed it in C:\Program_Files(x86)\Bethesda_Softworks . I'm running a 64-bit Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, and have not encountered any bugs other than the exploitable 'Cheap Repairing' glitch. Are there any known bugs specific to installing ArenaSetup in C:\Program_Files\ or C:\Program_Files(x86)\ ? It would be nice to know before making too much progress . . . --Gandoril The Spell-Binder (talk) 07:27, 8 November 2014 (GMT)

I can't comment on specific bugs, but as a general rule, any older game not designed for Windows Vista or above should be installed somewhere other than the Program Files folder(s). Windows Vista and above redirect certain attempts to create or modify files in those folders, or forbid access to them in ways that older programs just aren't expecting. Many things won't be affected by this, but older games have a moderately high rate of problems when installed there. Robin Hood  (talk) 15:55, 8 November 2014 (GMT)
Well, I did move it to its default install location, C:\Games\Bethesda_Softworks\ , just to be on the safe side. There does seem to be one (perhaps?) unique glitch: after exiting the equipment store closest to Rockspring's (that's in Black Marsh) north-gate after fleeing from the city-guards for unsuccessfully stealing an item, the game will freeze-up. I'm playing Arena very regularly, so, if I encounter this again (and I've encountered it several times with two different characters, all under the same basic circumstances, one with the game installed in Program Files x86 , the other in the default location), this may worth putting up on the Arena:Glitches page. At any rate, thank you for clarifying that! I'll be more careful in the future. --Gandoril The Spell-Binder (talk) 22:17, 8 November 2014 (GMT)

Criteria for Uploading Save Games?[edit]

I was just wondering if there are any specific criteria for uploading save games from Arena, such as a minimum level requirement or having escaped the Imperial Sewers. I'm still thinking of uploading my save games, so long as they meet any potential criteria. If there are any such requirements, please do let me know. I feel that this would also be handy for others who may wish to do the same as I to know. Thanks, Gandoril The Spell-Binder (talk) 03:42, 18 March 2015 (GMT)

The only criteria is that there be something significant about the game. It's been left deliberately vague, since there could be a number of different things that would be considered "significant", like having all stats maxed out (as a couple of the saves already do), all built-in spells, and, as you suggest, after key points in the main quest. I wouldn't go uploading a game saved in every single town, but certainly one where you've escaped the Imperial Sewers seems significant enough. Robin Hood  (talk) 08:18, 18 March 2015 (GMT)
Thanks, Robin! Yeah, I'll see if I get some decent starting equipment in the Imperial Sewers, but I wasn't going to save in every single town. Besides, having a save game that basically starts in a random town would also avoid the headache of the rather lame (at least by today's standards) copy protection system in Arena. One bad thing about that is it sometimes glitches, giving you a "spell" whose name is comprised of a random jumble of ASCII characters. I've never gotten more than two at a time (if that), but it at least could have been coded better, if not made somewhat stronger than just two or three numbers. Again, thanks for the heads-up! Gandoril The Spell-Binder (talk) 13:28, 18 March 2015 (GMT)

DOS Game Song Files[edit]

Hey there, I know theres not many files for Arena compaired to Daggerfall but I was wondering if someone could make the song files from Arena available on this page, like Daggerfall ones are on its file page (Battlespire and Redguard on their pages too if possible). You see I'm making my own libriary of TES music and the tracks from the older games are pretty hard to obtain if you don't have the smarts to find stuff in the files (like me), Thanks in advance and for your time. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:24 on 16 October 2015 UTC

File Request: Mods We Should Consider Uploading[edit]

I've found two mods that I think would be nice to upload or simply add to this page. They each are from the same author and where uploaded to a YouTube channel showing off what each does. The problem? The links are broken and cannot be retrieved thought Wayback due to Robots.txt. The first video is here, second here. If anyone has a copy of either of these mods on their harddisk, I'm interested. --3371-Alpha (talk) 00:52, 12 May 2017 (UTC)

I don't think that any mod should be hosted here. The page so far has been confined to editors, tools, translations, things that improve the game. Aesthetic changes or other modifications should be confined to the mod sites, as two of the recent additions have been. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 17:59, 12 May 2017 (UTC)
I think we should add a mods section (or "Unofficial Add-Ons") then much like the Daggerfall page has. It would be nice to have a common place for all things Arena too. --3371-Alpha (talk) 20:33, 12 May 2017 (UTC)

Do we care about file sizes?[edit]

A number of the new entries have question marks for file sizes. Do we care about these? Other mod pages, like this one for Morrowind don't have them. Would it be better just to remove them? -Thunderforge (talk) 00:44, 14 February 2018 (UTC)

Yes, because this is not a "mod" page, it is in the Arena namespace. There is a mix of official and unofficial content on the page and for consistency of presentation it should be on both. The size of a patch/mod is an indication of how much content it adds or changes, something that is never readily available by the description of it. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 01:54, 14 February 2018 (UTC)

Website with macOS wrappers[edit]

GamesNostalgia has Arena (floppy disk version) and Daggerfall in a Mac OS X wrapper. They are free, pre-installed, and pre-configured. Could I add links under the appropriate sections of their respective pages for Mac users? I already asked the people in charge of the site if they are okay with it, and they are. I also have the CD-ROM version of Arena from ArenaSetup in a Mac wrapper, as well. If I could find someplace to post it, then I would. 04:56, 17 July 2018 (UTC)

Sure if they work, I prefer to use it in DOSBox myself athf (talk) 08:07, 17 July 2018 (UTC)
The wrappers use DOSBox. 09:00, 17 July 2018 (UTC)

Missing patches and 1.0 version[edit]

The patches listed only go to 1.04. Furthermore I have been trying to find a way to play the 1.0 version of the game but haven't been able to get anywhere. I want to experience what it was like. Is there a possibility it to be uploaded or linked? TheSeldomConsitentEditor (talk) 18:00, 11 April 2024 (UTC)

To get an unpatched version of the game you'll want to find a disk image of the original floppy. is the first place I'd look.
As for the early patches, I haven't uploaded them because the ones I found have been messed with by someone and I don't want to risk sharing dodgy or misleading files. Since you're interested in the patch notes I've copied the text of each readme here. If you want to hunt down some clean, unmodified update files your best chance might be to sift through cover disks from old PC gaming magazines - again, the best place I know to find that kind of thing is on Boustrophedon (talk) 19:57, 11 April 2024 (UTC)
Thank you for your reply Boustrophedon, I have found them on archive but don't know how to handle these images TheSeldomConsitentEditor (talk) 21:04, 12 April 2024 (UTC)
To install them you first need to mount them in DOSBox. If you haven't done that before you'll definitely want to look up a tutorial. Boustrophedon (talk) 22:04, 12 April 2024 (UTC)
Turns out it was very easy, just some disk img files and while it was riddled with the same error message, it seemed it was a false positive. All files seemed to work. At the moment I cannot play the game as it crashes when fast traveling but that might be something nothing can help me with. I tried patching it to 1.06 and no change. TheSeldomConsitentEditor (talk) 06:13, 5 May 2024 (UTC)