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SR-icon-food-Cabbage.png This user really hates vegetables. SR-icon-food-Potato.png
User-userbox-Xbox.png This user plays on the Xbox.
OB-mapicon-Landmark.png This user scaled the Throat of the World.


This is where I list my favorite characters.


An Argonian I made in Skyrim. As one might guess, he was completely reckless. His specialty is destruction magic, but he is well versed in all schools. Often, Scissors will take the shortest path to his goal. This has led him to scale(*rimshot*) many, many mountains. When directed to High Hrothgar, he overshot and ended up at the very top of the Throat of the World. His habit of lobbing a fireball at anything that moves outside of a town has occasionally caused him some trouble. His habit of lobbing fireballs at anything that moves inside a town when he's bored has caused substantially more trouble.
One of Scissor's favorite hobbies is using Fus Ro Dah to send the Mage College staff flying out the windows of the courtyard. On a related note, he is the leader of the college and the dark brotherhood. After the fiasco at Goldenglow(which was exploded off the face of Nirn), the thieves guild will have nothing to do with him. He has no interest in joining the companions, and regularly plants runes all over Jorrvaskr. He joined up with the Stormcloaks only because he hates Altmer.
Scissors is on bad terms with most Daedra. The only one he really likes is Sheogorath. Given his penchant for murder, one might think he would get along with Mehrunes Dagon. However, Scissors finds him to be too bossy. He ended up with the Skull of Corruption after he got tired of dealing with a certain priest of Mara, and killed him. He got into a fight with Boethia after killing her followers, which escalated until he destroyed her shrine. He built a cage around Molag Bal's shrine, and they haven't spoken since. Scissors finds Namira to just be gross. He took Meridiah's beacon to Sovngard and left it there.
Scissors has killed every dragon in Skrim. Not to save people, but to establish himself as the deadliest fire wielding lizard around.


Kain is a character from Morrowind. He's a breton, born under the sign of the atronach. His custom class: Dragoon. Kain's major skills are spears, acrobatics, light armor, alteration, and enchanting, and his minor skills are athletics, alchemy, mercantile, security, and mysticism. His favored attributes are strength and endurance. He specializes in stealth.
Kain is the last dragoon of Tamriel. He learned the secrets of the class from an Akaviri ghost. Sadly he had no dragons to slay, and had to make due with cliff racers. His first encounter with a cliff racer ended when he speared it after jumping. It was then that he knew he was truly a dragoon.
Backing up a bit, Kain arrived at Morrowind after being imprisoned in the imperial city for vandalizing the roads; frequently jumping great heights, he would shatter the cobbles upon landing. While he was in jail, the Emperor ordered him to be sent to Morrowind. His journey there was unusually lengthy, and his skills and muscles atrophied somewhat.
Almost a year of adventure(which may be chronicled someday) after arriving in Morrowind, Kain was back on top of the world. His glass armor was enchanted to subtly enhance his jumping, save for his helmet, which granted him night eye, and his boots, which granted him slow fall. In addition, he had a ring which, for 2 seconds, would send his acrobatic abilities to terrific heights(*rimshot*). With it, he could jump clear across Solstheim in a single bound. It was called "The Ring of Iccarian Flight", after an encounter he'd had shortly after arriving. He keeps the scrolls from said encounter locked away within his Telvani fortress. He always kept at least 4 spears on him at all times, one of which he received from Hircine. The other three were daedric, and each one enchanted with a different element. He also tries to keep a silver spear with him, just in case, but they tend to break quickly.
In addition to being the bane of cliff racers, Kain is also the bane of Vivec(the city). He enjoys jumping from canton to canton, leaving dent where he lands. Atop each canton is also a pile of various trophies from his adventures. In front of the palace of Vivec, blocking the door, he keeps a pile of spears. This makes him the bane of Vivec(the bard) as well. As well, he is the bane of Almalexia. When it came time to fight her, as he knew would happen, he used the dwemer weather device to create a huge storm. He then jumped above the clouds, and came back down with a lightning bolt, which he ran through Almalexia. He is not, however the bane of Sotha Sil. On the contrary, he became lost in Sotha Sil's dungeon for over three weeks, where he was driven mad by the constant grinding of gears and other devices. He also bashed his head on the ceiling an uncountable number of times.
Kain is a follower of Kynareth, for obvious reasons. He does everything in his power to anger Akatosh, in the hopes of one day fighting him. Regarding Talos, he has mixed feelings. The Daedra are his enemies, except Molag Bal, to whom he owes a debt.
Kain ended up as nerevar, having been led to believe Dagoth Ur had taken the form of a dragon.