User:Serjo Redoran Indrasi Sarano

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Indrasi Indoril
User-Serjo Redoran Indrasi Indoril-PC.png
Indrasi Indoril circa 4E 201
Race Dunmer/Chimer Gender Female
Born 3E402
Great Chapel of Arkay, Cheydinhal
Appears in Morrowind, Skyrim

Indrasi Sarano, born as Indrasi Indoril, also called the Nerevarine, the Hero of Red Mountain, Blodskal and Godkiller is a Noble of House Redoran, the Grandmaster of the Treasure Hunter's Guild, and the Grandmaster of the Bal Molagmer, she was also formerly the Archmage of the Mages Guild, Master of the Fighters Guild, Master Thief of the Morrowind Thieves Guild before it was reformed as the new Bal Molagmer, Grandmaster of the Morag Tong, Matriarch of the Tribunal Temple, Primate of the Imperial Cult in Vvardefell, Knight of the Imperial Dragon, an operative in the Blades, and Factor of the East Empire Company at Raven Rock, which she helped to found.

Indrasi was sent to Vvardenfell as a prisoner of the Empire in 3E 427. Her arrival was directly linked to a prophecy which dictated that Lord Indoril Nerevar would be reincarnated and return to Morrowind to defeat Dagoth Ur and restore the glory of Resdayn. As destiny unfolded, she battled against living gods, and then, in the frozen wastes of Solstheim, against the champions of the Daedric Prince Hircine.[1][2][3][4]



On the 21st of First Seed, in the 402nd year of the third era, a Dunmer woman entered the chapel of Arkay in Cheydinhal seeking aid, she was in labor and had a deep wound festering with a magic poison. The priests of Arkay tried their best to save the woman but their magics and potions could not stop the cursed wound from taking her life shortly after giving birth to a girl with the skin of a Chimer. Before she passed away she held her newborn child and said “My beautiful Indrasi Indoril, May Azura Guide you, May Boethiah Inspire you to be Strong, May Mephala Cloak you from those who would do you harm..."

Early Life[edit]

Indrasi was raised by the Priests of The Chapel of Arkay with the help of a local dunmer woman, Marilia Sarano .

Marilia was an imperialized Redoran that acted as a teacher and caretaker for Indrasi, Teaching her of their homeland, Imprinting on her ideals and values of Redoran Culture, The Psijic Endeavor and to worship the ALMSIVI Tribunal while simultaneously honoring the Aedra at the Imperial Chapel.

When Indrasi reached the age of 4 Marilia Sarano adopted her.

When Indrasi was 14 she ran away from home in search of adventure, going south to Bravil.

At age 16 she returned home for a week before moving to the Imperial City, where she formed a small crew affiliated with the Cyrodiil Thieves Guild.

When she was 25 she was arrested in the Imperial City for stabbing a man in the gut when he tried to steal 8 dozen sweetrolls she had stolen from a Salmo's Bakery delivery man at the King and Queen Tavern, on an operation by the Cyrodiil Thieves Guild to give them to the children and beggars of the Waterfront District. She was then sent to the Imperial City's Prison along with a co-conspirator from the guild. Indrasi is kept in the Imperial City Prison for 7 days, during this time she is questioned by the Blades about her past.

To the East to Morrowind[edit]

-Indrasi arrived in Vvardenfell

-Travels to Balmora and Joins the Blades

-Joins the Thieves Guild, Mages Guild, Fighters Guild, and Imperial Cult as part of her cover story, completes a small job for the fighter's guild and collects some ingredients for the mage's guild.

-Travels to Ald Ruhn where her adopted mother's sister lived. She vists with Blades Agent Gildan, who allows indrasi to live with her until she can get her own place. She buys some redoran armor and clothes then travels to the temple where her cousin Lloros Sarano tells her that her aunt had went east to the Telvanni lands to seek treatment for a blight disease she had caught. she agrees to take the Pilgrimage of Seven Graces. She then goes to the Redoran Council Hall to swear her oath to the house before returning to balmora.

-meets a dunmer rogue named Telania Neloth who joins indrasi in her travels

-Completes Blades first mission, Entering the Dwarven ruins and retrieving the puzzle box for of the fighter's guild ~ -Completes Blades second mission, Retrieving the skull for of the mage's guild from the andrano family tomb

-Is Promoted to Blades Apprentice then told to continue working on her cover story by performing guild work before returning for more orders, she returns to ald'ruhn and completes work for house redoran


-Travels to the city of Vivec to meet with 3 informants, Joins the Morag Tong

-Receives the Ring of Khajiit from Mephala

-Travels to Ald Ruhn to meet with another Blades Informant

-Becomes Primate of the Imperial Cult

-Helps the Thieves Guild reestablish the Bal Molagmer and purges the Comonna Tong influence over the Fighters Guild, Becoming Guildmaster of The Fighters Guild & Thieves Guilds

-Becomes Archmage of the Mages Guild

-Helps Rebuild the Shrine of Boethiah

-Helps Azura win a Bet against Sheogorath

-Joins the Imperial Legion

-Becomes Knight of the Imperial Dragon in Vvardenfell

-Meets the Urshilaku Ashkhan to learn about the nerevarine prophecies

-Becomes Afflicted with the Corpus Disease, Travels to Tel Fyr and recieves the partial cure from Divath Fyr

-Meet the Dissident Priests

-Meets Azura in the Cave of The Incarnate

-is Declared the Nerevarine by the Ashlanders, Becomes Archmaster of Redoran and Hortator of Redoran, Hlaalu, & Telvanni

-Meets Archcannon Saryoni & Vivec

-Becomes Matriarch of the Temple


-Meets an aspect of Tiber Septim on Red Mountain

-Defeats Dagoth Ur at Red mountain

-Becomes Grandmaster of the Morag Tong

-Travels to Mournhold, ...

-Travels to Solstheim, Becomes Blodskal

Expedition to Akavir[edit]

Rumors swirled at the end of the Third Era that the Nerevarine went on an expedition to Akavir and hadn't been seen as of 3E433[5]

Reappearance in Blacklight[edit]



  • Many people, notably Dagoth Ur and his followers, recognized no distinction between Nerevar and the Nerevarine.

See Also[edit]



  1. ^ Events of Morrowind
  2. ^ Neloth's dialogue in Dragonborn
  3. ^ Events of Tribunal
  4. ^ Events of Bloodmoon
  5. ^ Radiant Conversations in Oblivion