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Skyrim talk:Pieces of the Past

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Xarxes turns into bucket[edit]

"Possible Easter Egg/Glitch: If you open the storage with remaining page from Mysterium Xerxes and burn it/freeze it...

It will turn into a bucket."

i just did this, and it actually does turn into a bucket, any idea what we should do with this information? (Eddie The Head 12:54, 18 November 2011 (UTC))
Looks like an Easter egg to me, but till we get mod tools this could be a werid bug, I'd test on all platforms and add it as a note but I'm not sure where. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:43 on November 20, 2011
I can confirm it works on PS3 Andil the mage 19:02, 20 November 2011 (UTC)
i am on the ps3 also and i can confirm it and my system has never had any contact with mods or anything of that sort — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 01:35 on November 24, 2011
Confirmed on PC with me. It took a few shots of firebolt to do it. I'll also add that it's not a bucket you can pick up. And I'll admit I found it hilarious. (EDIT: What adds to the humour for me is that the rope of the handles of the bucket looks like a smiley face from the right angle.)The Invisible Chocobo 14:03, 9 December 2011 (UTC)
Works on my PC too. But it does it with shock spells and the staff of magnus as well as flames/frost. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 11:01 on December 10, 2011
Is anyone else having trouble getting the hilt of the razor? Every time i get near the area in morthal where it's located, my game just shuts down. Anyone know how i can fix this? This doesn't happen anywhere else i've been. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 06:44 on November 26, 2011
I can confirm it on xbox, works with fire, frost, and shock. 14:31, 6 December 2011 (UTC)
I can confirm this on PC too. Should the note about the bug be changed into Confirmed, then? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 11:13 on 13 September 2013‎

() This bug is not related to this quest, so it was removed from this article. It is documented in the article for Silus Vesuius's House, where it has been confirmed. --Xyzzy Talk 03:24, 3 November 2013 (GMT)

Problem : farming daedra hearts[edit]

Anyone who knows why dremora never respawn inside mehrunes dagon's shrine ? I've been waiting for over a month now, but people seem to say they respawn after 2-3 days ... What seems weird is that the ( awesome ) loot did respawn after a week, but not the dremora ! Neither inside nor outside ... Any idea why ? I also noticed that the " mehrunes dagon's shrine " location wasn't depicted as " cleared" on my map . Did some of you manage to get it " cleared " ? --Gaija 16:18, 17 December 2011 (UTC)

--Same happens for me. My second time there the dremora did respawn, but every time I go and its reset the loot, no more dremora. Got 6 hearts total, but no more. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:37 on December 19, 2011

Actually, i don't complain about earning no daedra hearts, but what's more boring is knowing that something in my game is wrong ! Well, I guess the main page should erase the " always respawning dremora" part, since it is apparently not true ( many players on other websites do complain about it), and not to say it gives people false hope ! The only reliable sources are kodlak's room and enthir's stock, IMO.--Gaija 18:32, 19 December 2011 (UTC)
Question for the person that had them respawn then stop. Do you know the date(real time) that they repawned and the date they stopped? It's concievable that they stopped respawning as of patch 1.3 — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 15:34 on December 28, 2011
I can say with great certainty that on the PC with patch 1.3 (PC) the Dremora outside and inside the shrine DO respawn. They respawned with the 1.1 patch aswell. I never had 1.2 installed so can't day anything about that one. I never tried to farm them so I never tried to wait for them to respawn but I distinctly remember re-killing all 4 of them later, long after I finished the quest when I was in the neighborhood.-- 00:43, 23 January 2012 (UTC)
--My guess is that the game chooses whether the Dremora or the loot respawns. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:47 on December 23, 2011
I already erased this comment. The dremora do NOT respawn. Tested it over 30 days. Twice! Some ass put it back in though. Go figure. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 12:59 on December 27, 2011
I just wanted to throw in there that the inside two respawned for me on my first character every 2 to 3 days, then none respawned at all, ever, on my remake of my main, and have yet to test it on my 2nd and current remake of my main character. --Mikeyy 09:43, 21 January 2012 (UTC)
Confirmed on my 2nd remake of my main character; All 4 dremora and all three loot chests, including the enchanted items + ebony ingot, do respawn every 2-3 days. Tested at level 30 and 56. At level 30, I fast traveled to the shrine, and they spawned the instant I got out of loading screen. At 56, I walked up the steps to the shrine, and they spawned the instant I hit the top step. (Post 1.3) --Mikeytalkemail 07:08, 23 January 2012 (UTC)

Getting to Dead Crone Rock from Markarth[edit]

I've tried to do a fair job of describing the journey from Markarth to Dead Crone Rock. It is fairly complex and I'll leave it to others to improve upon it. Jreynolds2 03:42, 27 December 2011 (UTC)


Is it worth noting that the repaired Razor (3lbs) somehow weighs less than the sum of its parts (2lbs, 2lbs, 6lbs = 10lbs)? --Debatra 13:03, 30 December 2011 (UTC)

No more so than noting that many crafted items weigh more than the sum of their components. Conservation of mass was obviously not a big priority for the developers. --Rasimpson 21:17, 24 January 2012 (UTC)

Soul trap bug[edit]

I'm not sure that this is the right place to post this, but there was no mention of it on the souls or soul trap pages. I let Vesuius go, prompting the two Dremora (Kynreeve at my level, although I'm not sure if they are levelled) to appear. I cast soul trap on both of them, and captured the soul of the first upon killing it. Upon the death of the second however, I recieved a message something along the lines of 'no soul gem large enough,' despite carrying several empty grand soul gems in my inventory. The death of the two Dremora inside the shrine (both Churl for me) prompted the same message. -- 14:46, 31 December 2011 (UTC)

I believe dremora are treated as NPCs, which would mean they require a black soul gem. It'll lead to the no gem large enough message if you don't. MuddlingThrough 00:21, 3 January 2012 (UTC)
Kynreeve--indeed, all Dremora--are NPCs in Skyrim, as they have been in past Elder Scrolls games as well. You must've had a black soul gem lying around that allowed you to capture the first soul.
EDIT: Just noticed that someone else had already said the same thing. Allow this to serve as corroboration, then :) — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:37 on January 4, 2012

Two Different Mythic Dawn Robes[edit]

Is it worth noting here (or on the page for Silus) that the two Mythic Dawn robes in his display case are not identical? One of them (the one on the left in his case) has a hood, while the other does not (so one allows the player to wear a helmet or other headgear, but the other doesn't). The value, weight, and enchantment are the same on both, so I'm assuming that it was just to give players the option if they decide to wear it. MuddlingThrough 23:41, 4 January 2012 (UTC)

It seems worth a note to me, on the quest page. I'm not sure about also putting one on the NPC/People page for Silus. It seems logically more relevant to the place (Silus' house and/or Museum of the Mythic Dawn). At the moment, however, it looks like the museum (as a place) is most thoroughly described on the Silus' NPC/People page, and no page appears to yet exist for the museum. Maybe a detailed description of the museum on his house's place page, with a place page for "Museum of the Mythic Dawn" created and re-directed there? I don't yet have enough sense of how such things are typically integrated to perform any editing on this. Maybe you or someone else will do it, or I will re-visit it later when I'm older and hopefully wiser. --Jreynolds2Talk 03:07, 5 January 2012 (UTC)
For my game, one of the robes had the same stats as the normal robe, but my other robe was classified as light armor, had 918 armor, 500% less mana cost to cast a spell in any school of magic, and 500% mana regen. I have no idea why it was like that, even my armor that I made with the enchant/alchemy method didn't get that much armor. Can someone explain this to me? — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 15 April 2012
That has to be either a serious glitch (a single light armor piece with 918 armor?!) or someone trying to get us going (especially since going over 100% spell cost reduction would be pretty redundant). Anyway, it's been nearly a year and nobody's replied to it, so I suspect we'll never know whether that was the Secret Uber-Glitched Armor or just another troll. :) --Morrolan (talk) 21:08, 12 April 2013 (GMT)
I also got a mythic dawn robes with 618 armor and 500% less mana to any spell and 500% mana regeneration. I think this is a Easter Egg, a very useful Easter Egg :)


I would like to formally commend the author of this article. Thus far, it has been the best, most comprehensively written page I have read, and am astonished at the expertise of the author. Well done! Esoterik 01:22, 18 January 2012 (UTC)

Wow. I did a certain amount of expanding and revising an already-excellent page. .... Thanks, Dad!!!
Seriously, I have some strong doubts about what I did; I felt sure that SOME people would like it, but I haven't seen this kind of detail on other quest pages, and I'm sure that at least some will find it to be way too much. One issue relates to the sections "Getting to x". It would be totally ridiculous to do or attempt to do the same thing on every quest page requiring or potentially requiring such journeys (the majority of them), and then: how many possible starting places and different routes should be described like this? It's actually nuts! When I was writing those parts, I thought I recalled having seen similar things on the Oblivion quests, and I thought that I remembered personally liking them as a user/player. But after writing this stuff, I looked at a lot of Oblivion quests and I found nothing like it--so I don't know what I was remembering or thought I was remembering. Given how well-developed the Oblivion pages are, I feel a lot of doubt about this and also about the level of detail on enemies and combat strategies. I think that some people would like it (like myself) and some would be like turned off by dense blocks of extensive text and think, "Well, why don't you just play the game for me?" I was thinking that show/hide labels for such things as "getting to ..." and maybe something like "specific example strategies" or something like that could provide a best-of-both-worlds kind of solution, but I don't know. Finally, detailed information on locations and types of enemies will eventually come out on detailed place pages, so I'm quite uncertain about revising/expanding more quests like this. Anyway, I know that it will eventually get discussed and changed by some people who are more familiar with what works best for users. That's what makes this wiki stand out. Anyway, to the extent that your reaction is to my portions of the contributions here, I have to admit it's nice to have the first one be so positive. It was fun to add to it, and it will be fun to do more--in whatever style turns out to be useful or acceptable. Thanks for taking the time to comment. More, and various, kinds of feedback will be good. --Jreynolds2Talk 04:40, 18 January 2012 (UTC)
The work produced is wonderful. Unlike many of the other articles I have read, this contains a sizable amount of thorough detail which allows me to conceive a mental image of how to navigate an area, particularly one like this which can prove easily confusing. Ordinarily, long paragraphs contain redundancies, extraneous information that does not help with whatever the article is about, and various facts that do relate to it, although are not exceedingly important, whereas this one consistently remained on topic, and pointed out key landmarks that effectively guide the player to the location. This may not be very easily achieved in a brief paragraph. Again, well done. Esoterik 03:42, 19 January 2012 (UTC)

Quest Conflict that should be noted or at least checked out[edit]

Visiting Dawnstar with both the Kill Beitild quest and Visit Dawnstar Museum task caused Silus Vesuius to be aggressive towards me. I purposefully stayed well away from him, killed Beitild, handed in the quest back at the DB sanctuary, then returned. Silus was then open for conversation. — Unsigned comment by Erenar (talkcontribs) at 10:43 on 14 August 2012


I got a reward of 3600 gold for bringing all pieces at once to silus(and a remark about being efficient :)). — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:37 on 9 October 2012‎

I think the gold award is leveled. I've seen this as well. At level 20 it's 1000 gold per piece though. --Morrolan (talk) 01:58, 21 September 2013 (GMT)

Bug (PC) - Silus died in an empty house?[edit]

So I let Silus live at the end of the quest, and it seemed that he ran away while I fought the Dremora. He was nowhere to be found once they were dead, so I assumed he had made it out okay. I looted the room under the altar and went back to town to sell my stuff. A courier ran up to me and gave me an inheritance letter stating that Silus had died.

I thought maybe some wildlife had attacked him on his way home. Went back to his house to steal his stuff (not like he needs it anymore!) and found him DEAD on the floor next to his bed. — Unsigned comment by Tea vea (talkcontribs) at 21:59 on 4 November 2012‎

It's a little mysterious, but not necessarily a bug, I think. --JR (talk) 04:27, 5 November 2012 (GMT)
Maybe he met a Frostbite Spider or something and the poison killed him? --Morrolan (talk) 01:09, 13 April 2013 (GMT)

Bug (PC): Quest fails if you obey Dagon too quickly.[edit]

I shot Silus with an enhanced dwarven crossbow and an exploding ice bolt as soon as Mehrunes Dagon told me to, without waiting for Silus to offer me 500 gold. When I did this (it was an instant kill of course), the quest came up as failed and the altar could no longer be interacted with. Someone else should check this out and if confirmed, add it to the bugs list. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:06 on 12 January 2013‎

Unable to start quest[edit]

I had a problem where I was unable to initiate dialogue with Silus Vesuius to start the quest. Upon getting the museum pamphlet and going to Dawnstar the first time, Silus was talking to Brina Merilis, and after their chat I started talking to Brina. During that time Silus entered his house, and going inside I can not start any dialogue with him, he just gives a standard phrase as response. Has anyone else noticed this problem? — Unsigned comment by Totmes (talkcontribs) at 21:16 on 20 January 2013‎

No Option to Let Silus Live[edit]

I can confirm the bug where there is no option to let Silus live. He became hostile as soon as I exited the dialogue with Mehrunes Dagon, and the objective to kill him popped up. I think the "this bug is unconfirmed" mark should be removed if someone else has experienced it. It may have to do with exiting the dialogue rather than letting it exit on its own. Obviously it doesn't happen every time. 04:55, 26 April 2013 (GMT)

Is he able to die[edit]

Whenever I go into dawnstar and look for the museum there is nobody in the intiere city can the quest initiater be killed or is he non-killable. I'm level 57 smithing 100 and I need the deadra hearts. (Potentialy screwed)— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 08:49 on 29 April 2013

He's not essential, and can die. Sorry. --Morrolan (talk) 00:42, 25 September 2013 (GMT)
When I go to the shrine in one save (xbox) he's instantly hostile and cant be killed, but I thought this was due to me casting fury/pacify on people around Dawnstar. Its kinda annoying I cant finish the quest in that game. 02:42, 23 December 2013 (GMT)

Also available through innkeeper rumor dialogue[edit]

Just wondering if it's noteworthy enough that you can also start this quest at the appropriate level by asking about rumors from inkeepers, like many other quests. Ejia (talk) 23:12, 5 November 2013 (GMT)

If this is true, then yes, I think it's worth mentioning. --Xyzzy Talk 03:39, 6 November 2013 (GMT)

Shouting Silus off the cliff bug - moved from article[edit]

Throwing silus off the edge of the cliff using unrelenting force can lead to a bug where his death is not registered. ENcounted on Xbox 12/11/2013

This sounds like a one-off glitch. If it's repeatable, it can be added back. --Xyzzy Talk 04:11, 13 November 2013 (GMT)

Silus Vesuius killed dog sound[edit]

When I killed Silus at the shrine, he made the sound that a wolf would when killed. Threw me through a loop because there were no wolves around me That were killed. I reloaded to see if it would happen Again but it didn't. I suppose I killed him like the dog he is? Anyways, Odd. Has anyone had This happen to them? — Unsigned comment by ‎ Cjesseg (talkcontribs) at 01:46 on 9 March 2014

Immortal Silus Vesuius[edit]

I've encountered a bug. I speak to Dagon, chose to kill Silus Vesuius. He starts running home. At his home I speak to him and tell that he must die. He turns hostile, but don't attack me, just standing. I can't kill him because he is set as essential. I've tried to turn it off, but he remains essential. Before bug appears nothing was done in console to Silus Vesuius or quest. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:26 on 4 June 2014

Speech Checks[edit]

I didn't want to pickpocket or intimidate Jorgen, so I tried to persuade him. With an effective Speech of 65, persuasion fails, but bribing and intimidation succeed. Can someone please add the Speech level required for the different options? And is the persuade option bugged the way it is in Azura's quest? 21:04, 21 February 2019 (UTC)

Not more if brought all at once - reward[edit]

Level 81 player character. If bring all pieces at once, Silus will give you 3600 gold. If turn it in one by one, you will get 1200 apiece. So it is still 3600 gold. Same amount of leveled gold regardless. 04:55, 21 September 2021 (UTC)

Was kinda curious about this, given the phrasing here: --> "...he will pay you a leveled amount of gold (MORE if brought all at once)..."
Maybe the phrasing chosen should be changed? As it currently stands, it could be interpreted as receiving a lesser amount of gold if turning in the pieces one at a time. TTRM (talk) 15:15, 3 November 2023 (UTC)

Missed conversation between Silus and Madena[edit]

Don't know if it's relevant to the quest page, but if you missed conversation between Silus and Madena then following dialogue with Madena about museum (which is quiet common if don't go to museum on your first visit to Dawnstar), you can use following console commands:

resetquest DA07Intro - resets misc objective "Visit the museum in Dawnstar".

setstage DA07Intro 5 - adds back misc objective "Visit the museum in Dawnstar".

setstage DA07Intro 7 - initiates conversation between Silus and Madena.

You might want to wait and hour for Madena to come back from The White Hall.

If everything goes right, after they done the quest DA07Intro should move to stage 15. You can check with following command getstage DA07Intro