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Skyrim talk:Nenya

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Easter Egg[edit]

"Nenya" is the name of Galadriel's Elven ring of power in the Lord of the Rings. Considering that the name isn't exactly common fare, it should probably be noted as an Easter egg or convenient coincidence. 15:37, 12 December 2011 (UTC)

While not common, there would need to be more similarity than just a name for it to be notable as an Easter Egg. Robin Hoodtalk 07:08, 8 January 2012 (UTC)

Nenya Sleeps[edit]

A minor thing I know, but I pickpocketed her while she was sleeping. I was actually sneak-standing on a barrel beside her bed, so I could get at the soul gems on the top shelf, and decided to go for it since she was within reach. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:06 on 28 September 2017‎

Can't say I've ever seen her sleep, but the amount of times I've seen her come out of her room when I've been using the enchanting table makes me tend to agree. She doesn't have a basic package for movements listed in the cs, just one for if she gets expelled to the Blue Palace, and USKP doesn't have any "fixes" listed. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 18:09, 28 September 2017 (UTC)