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Skyrim talk:Marked for Death

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Does anyone have information on a) duration of the effect, or b) are multiple shouts cumulative, or do new ones / stronger ones replace existing / weaker ones? Dalvoron 20:34, 2 January 2012 (UTC)

I'm pretty sure the effects stack, so using the first word multiple times might be as efficient as using the full shout. I'm not sure about the duration, but I'd say about a minute. I don't think it lasts longer depending on the number of words used, but it needs some verification 17:36, 3 January 2012 (UTC)
Duration of all three versions is 60 seconds. Barastas 19:12, 16 January 2012 (UTC)Barastas

Not activating[edit]

Sometimes when I try to use Marked for Death, the game will react as if I hadn't pushed the Power button at all. When it does that, sometimes it won't even let me switch Shouts in the Favorites list. Has anybody else encountered this problem, and if so is there any way to fix it? If it helps, this is on the 360 version. Felindre 01:18, 6 January 2012 (UTC)

I've encountered this with various shouts. I must go to the shout menu and manually unequip the shout and reequip. --Killfetzer 17:36, 8 January 2012 (UTC)

Incorrect note (the first one)[edit]

Repeated shouts have exactly the same effect. Tested on Pc using console. Results of tests show that the only resistance taken into account is magic resistance, that decreases the magnitude of both health drain and armor damage. E.g. target with 35 percent magic resistance will suffer 78 points of health damage (i.e. 65 percent of 60 (seconds) x 2 (magnitude of drain). The same target will have its damageresist (armor rating) attribute reduced by 1950 points (i.e. 65 percent of 60 x 50). Magnitude of health drain portion is always at least one, regardless of magic resistance, probably because of rounding.

I would correct the page, but I have never done it and don't know proper social protocol...

Also of note for players is the fact, that negative damage resistance increases vulnerability of the target. E.g. -1500 damage resistance causes the target to receive additional 180 percent of damage plus the displayed damage of weapon. One test example - NPC with HA skill 35 and Steel Plate Armor, Boots and Gauntlets. Displayed armor 105. Hidden armor bonus 75 (verified by striking with different weapons). Total damage resistance prior to shout 21.6 percent. One strike with a given weapon (displayed damage 33, rounded from 32.66) caused 25.61 damage. After shouting basic version (one word) and waiting 60 seconds for full effect (displayed armor -1395), the same weapon caused 84.42 damage.

Hope this helps. Barastas 19:12, 16 January 2012 (UTC)Barastas

I can confirm this. There is no "shout resistance" actor value, aside from generic magic resistance and elemental resistances when they apply, and Marked for Death does not affect them. All that has happened with this shout is that the "Recover" flag was not applied to the effect when it should have been, and as a result the effect damages damageresist over its duration rather than applying a temporary debuff. A consequence of this, noted elsewhere, is that any target hit with this shout, including followers, will have its armor rating permanently reduced for the rest of the game, as there is no way to recover the damageresist stat aside from using the console.
The source of the confusion was likely that the damage *rate* will stack, so hitting the target with the tier-1 effect then the tier-2 effect will result in 25 + 50 = 75 damage per second to damageresist, however the same happens if you reverse the order. I've seen this misinformation spreading elsewhere (the bugtracker for the unofficial patch), so I'm removing the note. --Bluedanieru 02:20, 28 February 2012 (UTC)

Need confirmation on armor damage[edit]

Can somebody with the PC version check how the armor damage works? The way it was added, it looks like it damages 25/50/75 armor points per second. However, this damage would be done in about 5-6 seconds for any enemy I can think of. Is this correct, or does it actually damage armor for a flat 25/50/75 pts and it lasts for 60 seconds? Or does it take out that percent of the opponent's armor rating? Chris3145 21:18, 18 January 2012 (UTC)

From what I remember, it damages armor instantly - or at least, quickly enough that you don't care - and by absolutely huge amounts. "getav damageresist" values of -1000 or worse aren't at all uncommon. I don't know what that actually means in game terms for things like dragons that don't have armor to begin with (I'll test it when I remember) but it turns things like Draugr Bosses into automatic wins as long as you can survive the one or two hits they'll get off before dying. Aliana 22:07, 18 January 2012 (UTC)
After the shout runs off armor rating it simply continues into negative numbers (so the total damage is 1500, 3000 and 4500 points of armor and it is permanent). Any damage the target takes, while his armor is negative, is automatically increased by the negative armor rating (times*0.12) - in a similar way that positive armor decreases damage. From a mathematical point of view it is really as simple as subtracting negative number. I have tried to show an example up the discussion. Let's see one more example. NPC without any armor (e.g. mage without protective spells). First level of shout will cause him -1500 armor rating. This will increase any damage done to him by 1500*0.12 percent. So if your weapon normally does 100 points of damage, after full 60 seconds of shout duration your weapon will cause 280 points of damage.
If you stumble upon fully armored magic resistant opponent, it will not bump into so much negative numbers, but it still offers significant attack improvement. E.g. Briarheart bosses can easily sport 130 displayed + 100 hidden damage resistance, while simultaneously having 35 percent magic resistance. Quick math shows, that after the first level shout they will have -845 displayed damage resistance (130-1500*0.65) for total damage resistance of -745. This in turn translates to 89.4 percent increase in weapon effectiveness. Weapon from the above example would cause 189.4 points of damage (while without the shout it would be 72.4 damage).
So yes - the Marked for Death is very useful even if your opponent has no armor at all and even the first word can double or triple damage dealt. Full shout increases damage against unarmored target by obscene levels (cca six times). Additionally, the longer your enemy takes to attack you, the more effect you see from the shout. The less magic resistance he has, the better. So ideal targets are, you guess, dragons. But it can be of use in any fight of significant duration (say more than 10-15 seconds).
May be less precise but certainly more clear description of the effects of the shout would be - it increases effectiveness of your weapon by at least 3/6/9 percent every second of its duration up to 180/360/540 percent increase.Barastas 19:34, 19 January 2012 (UTC)
The reason why it is actually continually reducing the armor, and not restoring it to its normal value is becuase of something that was not set. there is a fix to this though, all you would need to do is in the creation kit is go to the Magic Effect that the shout is using, which should be "Marked for Death - Armor Damage" if i remember correctly, and check the box "Recover" so it will return to its value back to normal after the duration is over, it should also make it so the amount is a static decrease, instead of constantly reducing the armor throughout the duration, you might want to increase the armor reduction done as well. At the moment it is overpowered, since im finding dragons that respawned by the word walls that are still affected by it even though i did not use it on them when i fought them the second time.--Twinblade 02:37, 11 April 2012 (UTC)
Is this fixed OFFICIALLY (by that I mean the mention that it permanently destroys your followers)? I ask because I am not on the PC. Does Bethesda know about this bug? Are we going to ever see crap like this fixed? The fact that players have fixed this and Bethesda hasn't doesn't make me wish I had the PC version, it makes me wish I didn't buy the game at all. If it's so easy for a player to fix it, why can't the people that wrote the code in the first place fix it? AbsolutgrndZer0 (talk) 05:21, 16 February 2013 (GMT)
Can anyone confirm whether this stacks with the Bone Breaker / Skull Crusher perks for maces and warhammers from the One and Two Hand trees? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:47 on 14 November 2013 (GMT)


How near must an opponent be to you for the shout to hit them? 20:04, 3 February 2012 (UTC)

Looks like about the range for Unrelenting Force. You definitely can't snipe someone with it... 07:38, 25 March 2012 (UTC)

Drain Vitality Glitch?[edit]

So I have Marked for Death, but it comes up as two shouts in my book. It has Marked for Death (Krii Lun Aus), but then it has a copy of Drain Vitality as well (also Krii Lun Aus). The Drain Vitality spell of the expansion still works. And unlocking a word from either the Marked for Death or the alternate works for both of them. Seems to be purely an aesthetic glitch. Anyone else have this issue? — Unsigned comment by Tabber42 (talkcontribs) at 18:30 on 30 June 2012

I two have experienced this glitch, however I have two dummy Drain Vitality Shouts with identical words of power to Marked for Death, giving me three total in the shouts menu. One does 1 health, 1 stamina, 1 magicka damage for 20 seconds and the other does 2 health, 2 stamina, 2 magicka damage for 20 seconds. Neither of these shouts actually are vocalized by my character when used. They appear to harmless, but cluttersome nonetheless. Garland the Elder 00:34, 28 July 2012 (UTC)
I have the same glitch. I got it after getting the word of power from Forsaken Cave. 04:48, 28 July 2012 (UTC)
Just so we're clear, the word "learning" refers to spending a dragon soul to unlock the word, right? I have both Drain Vitality and Marked For Death in my shouts menu. I have not unlocked a single word of Drain Vitality but I have unlocked Marked For Death. Everything is normal. I think the word "learning" should be changed into something more specific (like "unlocking"). We wouldn't want some players avoiding dragon word walls because they think it will causes glitches, would we? Just Cav 08:07, 2 August 2012 (UTC)
I agree with your point. Go ahead and edit the word. — Unsigned comment by Dickson916 (talkcontribs) at 18:41 on 4 August 2012

() I began with two unlocked words for Marked for Death. After loading the new DLC, I went to get the last word at Forsaken Cave to avoid one of the glitches mentioned in the bugs list. When I learned the word, it also learned the dummy Drain Vitality with the same words as MfD. I unlocked the word for MfD. The same word in DV unlocked as well. Now, I don't know if this dummy DV shout is just annoying or going to cause me problems. I don't particularly want to retread past steps. What do you all think? Will this cause problems? Guðsþegn 00:20, 13 August 2012 (UTC)

Console Appears Unable to Recognize Dummy Drain Vitality Shouts[edit]

I have been trying to remove the two extra "Drain Vitality" Shouts fro my game via the console with the "player.removeshout" command. Clicking on either of the dummy shouts identifies them with the ID 000DF589, an seemingly unique ID. However the console claims that 000DF589 is not a valid shout parameter and so the shouts remain. It looks to be that this issue may not be solved without an official patch, unless if someone more creative than me comes along. Garland the Elder 17:52, 3 August 2012 (UTC)

player.removeshout 02018244
It removed the dummie shout leaving my Drain Vitality DLC shout with all three words. But my Marked for Death is still two words and one locked.— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:44 on 17 August 2012
Confirmed that this removes the dummy shout. I do not think I have unlocked the other words thus far so I have Kill and Leech in 'Marked for Death', and Stamina as part of 'Drain Vitality'; as it should be. So far it is looking good. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:04 on 27 March 2013 (GMT)

The health bar lock is not a bug[edit]

Because this shout place a dot on the target, you are considered continuously damaging them and thus locked the health bar. I tried removing the drain health part of the shout (no one needs a 3pt/sec health drain anyway) and the issue got solved. — Unsigned comment by Hugeheadliang (talkcontribs) at 19:21 on 25 July 2019 (UTC)