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Skyrim talk:Deceiving the Herd

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Archive 1: Jul 2012 - Sep 2014


Not a very logical quest. Unless you use one of the mentioned subterfuges to avoid incurring the bounty, the guards would IRL find out who you are and that you are not a member of the Donguard, thus defeating the purpose of the quest. A bit of suspension of disbelief required for this one.

This type of comment is better suited to our Discord chat or our forums. Wiki talk pages tend to be primarily discussions of what content should be on the page. Robin Hood  (talk) 15:34, 14 May 2019 (UTC)


This article contradicts itself several times. Like, must wear DG armor, or can wear what you want. And, must not be a steal kill, or avoid bounty by doing stealth kill. I think this one needs better investigation and a rewrite. 12:12, 26 February 2020 (GMT)

Incorrect. The article does not contradict itself on those points and did not contradict itself on them at the time you posted. Please read carefully. The Dawnguard armor objective is optional. It must be completed by wearing Dawnguard armor and having the kill be witnessed by a non-player character. However, since the objective is optional, you can fail this optional objective (by not wearing Dawnguard armor or not having the kill be witnessed) and still successfully complete the quest. TrigHorsey (talk) 08:23, 16 May 2021 (UTC)
Actually I agree. It does contradict itself. In the notes it says that you *must* be wearing Dawnguard armor and that you *must* be witnessed. It does not clarify that these must only be done to fulfill the optional objective. Easily resolved. I will do so. Vainamoinen -Talk -Stuff 16:56, 24 July 2021 (UTC)

Repost - Bypass This Quest[edit]

Reposting an older post of mine from seven years ago because some people might need to know:

For PC users who find this quest incongruous with the rest of the quests (most of which seem to focus on vampires keeping a low profile and killing those who won't do so), the quest can be immediately bypassed. As soon as the quest is received, tab out of the conversation and open the console, and enter the following: SETSTAGE DLC1RV03 255 Result: Quest is immediately concluded, you are handed the reward and you can move on. Paste that code to a batch file and you can use it anytime the quest is given.

Note: For console users (and those who don't want to use the 'setstage' command), there's a small bear cave near Ivarstead that has two dead hunters outside. Use the 'Dead Thrall' spell on one of them, fast travel to wherever you need to go to do the quest, and gank the thrall on the streets where people can see you do it, and place the note on their corpse. Use an attack that will NOT behead them (such as your fists). You will miss the "high profile" objective, but complete the quest otherwise. You can then use Dead Thrall again, fast-travel back to Castle Volkihar, walk the thrall to someplace convenient, then gank him again. The corpse will remain there, ready to re-animate and use the next time you get the quest.

The result of both methods is that you complete the quest without gaining bounties in the holds for murder, or killing non-respawning NPC's and breaking whatever quests they may be involved in. 10:16, 31 March 2020 (GMT)

I'll leave this here because it adds a fair bit of information to your older post, but generally speaking, we don't document workarounds unless they solve an actual bug. Since this isn't really a bug, but more of a possible conceptual issue, it would fit better on our forums. Robin Hood  (talk) 20:39, 31 March 2020 (GMT)
I completely understand your position on this. However, I actually DO consider this a bug, it's why I made the original post - the quest information given by the NPC says the murder will be pinned on the Dawnguard. This is flatly not so - it will be pinned on you, even if you do everything the quest demands perfectly right. It is not possible to frame the Dawnguard in any way, or affect how any guard or other NPC reacts to seeing them. So, either Faran Sadri is intentionally trying to get the law to chase you down and kill you (I.E. he's a traitor to the clan), or something's wrong with the quest - A.K.A: A bug. 18:55, 23 June 2020 (UTC)
No, that's simply how the quest is designed. It's working as intended: not a bug. That you don't like how it's designed is immaterial to whether it's appropriate for the "Bugs" section. TrigHorsey (talk) 08:11, 16 May 2021 (UTC)
So you're telling us that in your view having a quest designed so that the character has to fail in order for the player to succeed is NOT a bug even when it lacks the thin rationalization that the failure is needed for the story? Uhm ... ooookay then. Valeria (talk) 17:45, 21 December 2024 (UTC)


Should there be a section added about completing the quest, and the reward? For example, I was sent to Whiterun, killed some lady at random while wearing Dawnguard armor, paid half the bounty (I was in the thieve's guild) and was told "Good job! Wish you had picked someone higher profile, but hey it was in front of everyone and you wore Dawnguard armor and planted the incriminating letter, so excellent!" And I got a dwarven shield (presumably this was a random leveled item) in addition to a blood potion. Emma of Falkreath (talk) 23:00, 26 September 2021 (UTC)

Bugged on the Xbox One[edit]

Someone posted that the way to bypass this quest was to use the dead thrall spell at a cave near Ivarstead. This is false as it didn't advance the quest for me.

Remove and clarify[edit]

Saffir is not a high-profile target so should come off the list. She's also how I found out the "reanimate, take them outside, re-kill them" fails at making the kill public (the note doesn't specify that it doesn't count, which makes it imply that it does). Tried again by tagging her in the console, going outside, and doing 'moveto player' to kill her to confirm - achieved witnessed objective, failed high profile objective. 01:26, 23 May 2023 (UTC)

Reloading a save from before entering the city should fix this.[edit]

Well it didn't fix it for me.

High profile target reward[edit]

Is it even worth going for high profile targets? Killing named NPC or merchants doesn't sound like a great idea in terms of quest and merchant access, killing guards sounds just like a more sensible option. What's the reward for going after those potentially quest essential NPCs?

No. No, it is not worth it. In fact, the only time I do this side quest is if there is an NPC in that city that I already wanted or planned to kill. I think you can get a random enchanted item as your reward, but you might get nothing more than a few Potions of Blood. Whoo hoo. Valeria (talk) 19:18, 21 December 2024 (UTC)

Using the dead peddler method.[edit]

"Reanimating the corpse named "Peddler" from the unmarked "Peddler's Misfortune" location north of Sunderstone Gorge, taking him to the required city (Whiterun in my case), and killing him..." did not pass the 2 optionals for me. Could it have been the Dawnguard armor was my own temper upgraded and not what I was given from Feran for the quest? I did not have a high conjuration dead thrall so I carried his corpse to the gates of Whiterun and casted Vampires Servant right before entering the city gate load zone. He followed me to the city well near the stores where I killed him. No bounty, passed the quest, but failed the options? Note that it took many CTD's and saves to get the corpse to Whiterun and Serana was not helpful when she tried to raise my corpse for the accosting enemy along the way.FalloutIII 2013 (talk) 01:13, 25 February 2025 (UTC)