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Skyrim talk:Dark Brotherhood Initiate

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I don't know how to format this but there are two of these NPCs with the same name. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:50 on 9 December 2011 (UTC)

Female Initiate, Dunmer or Nord?[edit]

I noticed that the Female Initiate information was change from Nord to Dumner. In my game however she is a Nord as you may be able to see from the image I added. This is on the xbox. I dont want to edit the page unless its just my game thats wrong. Kimi the Elf 07:51, 28 December 2011 (UTC)

According to the game data, both are Nords. --NepheleTalk 16:38, 28 December 2011 (UTC)
As followup... I've now figured out a bit more about how templates are used for NPCs (e.g., Skyrim talk:Hag), and therefore feel like I understand some other pages where the game data race didn't match the race being reported from in-game play. However, I went back and double-checked on the initiates, and they are not template NPCs. So I feel even more certain than I was this morning that Nord is the correct race. --NepheleTalk 06:31, 29 December 2011 (UTC)

"Currently not able to be completely killed"[edit]

The Followers page states that these followers can't be killed. This page does not state this. Could someone please verify one way or another? Do they, perhaps, respawn? That would make them good targets for the Ebony Blade or Boethiah's quest. --Theothersteve7 20:36, 16 February 2012 (UTC)

They cannot die. I think this may be a bug however as I dont think any other follower are like this. — Kimi the Elf (talk | contribs) 21:44, 16 February 2012 (UTC)
Cicero himself is (if not killed during the quest to do so) also essential, Mjoll the Lioness is another essential follower, Serana from Dawnguard DLC too. Check the Followers page for more.

No Max Level?[edit]

Can anyone check if the Dark Brotherhood Initiates have a max level? Last time I've tested, they went past level 50, something J'Zargo does as well. Also, double check, I believe their main skills are One Handed, Archery, Light Armor and Sneak. -- 05:47, 20 February 2012 (UTC)

Yes, you're right, they go up to level 100. Since the player can only go to level 81, that means they essentially have no maximum. I'll also add their skills in a moment. The only one you missed was Alteration, which is a minor skill for them (which we're not adding, apparently, so you were right). Robin Hoodtalk 04:02, 15 March 2012 (UTC)

Serious Bug[edit]

There is a bug involving the Dark Brotherhood Initiates. When you give them items E.G. Armour and go somewhere that takes them a long time to reach you, there inventory resets leaving them with only the Shroude gear and Ebony dagger tht they have as standard. This occurred with the female to me in Blackreach when I jumped off the side of a high point and entered a building she didn't follow me in because she wasn't close at the time. When I finally found here she was no longer wearing the legendary dragon scale armour that I had originally gave to her. This may have something to do with the game teleporting her to your location if she is far away. I was using Ps3 version Of the game on latest patch as of 2/3/2011. This need confirming as I have not found anything even vaguely related to this anywhere else on the net. KingK 16:12, 2 April 2012 (UTC)

I can confirm this bug, though I'm not sure of the exact conditions. Can we put this in the notes section? I would do it, but have no idea how. Some further details: I'm on the PC (which would mean that at least 2 platforms experience this bug), I was using the female brotherhood initiate, and her inventory reset after dismissing her and sending her back to the dawnstar sanctuary. It sucks big ones, since otherwise I considered my game perfect and losing some named items was not the happiest moment of my life... 02:53, 3 November 2012 (GMT)
Confirmed, i lost my nightingale equipment. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:23 on 5 April 2013
This issue is due to the fact that the 2 Dark Brotherhood Initiates are set to "Respawn", meaning their gear and they in fact reset, when releasing them it is best to do so in the sanctuary and remove all their gear first, store it in a dresser/nightstand for later use.

Two Followers[edit]

It is possible to get two followers using the initiates. Not sure how its done but there are a few clips on YouTube showing how to do it. YouTube Link... [1]

Needs to be included in article and possibly glitches page.

This page needs to be linked somewhere in a main article.

KingK 16:16, 2 April 2012 (UTC)

Dont have follower dialogue[edit]

Im having a problem with my initiates, they dont have the "follow me" dialogue, i can only tell them that i dont nead them right now, this could possibly have something to do with Cicero. In my previus characters i killed him instead of letting him live and the initiates worked fine then. But now the first time i have let Cicero live this bug happens. I would be happy if someone could help me out or if someone else is experiencing this (this also might have something to do with my downloaded mods, i will check that in). 06:47, 17 July 2012 (UTC)

I found the problem, it is the Ultimate Follower Overhaul that made this bug, but i am going to keep this section to anyone else having this problem while using UFO. 06:54, 17 July 2012 (UTC)
I found the same thing. I let Cicero live and he can be a follower but not the two initiates. I improved the sanctuary and completed the find the treasure quests but have not done the assassination the night mother asks yet. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:44 on 4 October 2012‎
The initiates won't follow me either. And I killed Cicero, so that doesn't seem to be the problem. (I've done all upgrades and many contracts from the Night Mother.) 20:29, 7 October 2012 (GMT)
Oh, what an easy fix! The dialogue option for the initiates to follow me did immediately appear when I dismissed my current follower (Aela). I didn't try this until now since the "follow me"-option is usually visible anyway (though they of course won't agree to follow you when you already have a follower). Hopefully this works for other players with the same issue. 21:48, 7 October 2012 (GMT)
I have the UFO mod and i dismissed all my followers but i still couldnt get the follow me option to show up... does this mean i have to uninstall my UFO mod to get them to follow me? 11 December 2014

DBI missing.[edit]

There seems to be a problem with my DBI. I cant find her, I went to blackreach and she stoped following, and when I went back to downstart she wasnt there. I tried to get the male DBI, but he says I alrready have a follower. I also tried going to blackreach's entrance and she wanst there neither. I saw some vids on youtube on how to get your follower back, nothing seems to work. Im using the PS3 version, if anyone can help me I would appreciate it. — Unsigned comment by‎ (talkcontribs) at 01:59 on 6 November 2012

Ran into this problem. Jail seemed to fix the bug. Mikeyboy52 (talk) 03:49, 6 February 2013 (GMT)


"They are found in the Dawnstar Sanctuary after you complete Hail Sithis! and buy all the improvements for the Dawnstar Sanctuary from Delvin Mallory of the Thieves Guild in Riften" This is not can buy one(any)upgrade and then return to the Sanctuary and they will be there. — Unsigned comment by Devilush (talkcontribs) at 03:26 on 1 December 2012‎

Dual wielding[edit]

The sentence in the second-to-last paragraph regarding dual wielding is entirely false, as far as I can tell. The Assassin class only determines the skills used by the initiates, and has nothing to do with dual wielding. Additionally, any NPC in the game will almost always dual wield if given a Forsworn sword, Forsworn axe, or pickaxe, because of a bug in the vanilla game concerning these weapons.

In fact, it is the combat style and not the class of an NPC that determines one's ability to dual wield. The Initiates use the DEFAULT combat style, which does not allow for dual wielding (except when using the aforementioned bugged weapons). Combat styles such as csForswornBerserkerLow, used by Jenassa and some Forsworn, or csWEThiefMelee, used by random encounter Assassins who sometimes attack the player if the player has not joined the Dark Brotherhood, DO ALLOW for dual wielding. This is why some NPCs dual wield and some do not. At least, I think it is...

Hopefully, someone else here will confirm this and perhaps update the Dark Brotherhood Initiate page accordingly. Kozol (talk) 20:23, 22 November 2013 (GMT)
Confirmed - at least the part involving combat styles. Unlike the random encounter DB Assassins (csWEAssassinMelee), the initiates have the default combat style, which should not allow dual wielding. So any weapon that allows them to dual wield, should probably be considered to be bugged.Digital Utopia (talk) 10:52, 22 January 2014 (GMT)

How to best use the initiates[edit]

Some tips for the initiates. By quickly dropping a follower, adding the initiate, then ask them to part ways and backing out of the conversation with circle or whatever the back command is for xbox and PC then re-adding your initial follower; they will both follow you. Initiates can level beyond 50 and will dual wield with forsworn weapons. Do not give them bows, they are terrible at archery. If you give them ancient shrouded gear and pickpocket their initial gear minus one piece, boots preferred, you can have them wear almost any gear you want. Light armor is of course what you should give them. If you enchant their gear with stamina and magic resistance bonuses, weapons with absorb health and stamina buffs, and the hands with increased light armor stats they are beasts and will kill elder dragons on master difficulty with ease. Before you release them clean out their inventory as they will lose non equipped items if they travel long distances or you leave them for long periods. Even their equipment will sometimes reset so if you drop them take everything. Besides the annoyance of pushing you off ledges and spooning you all the time, they are beast mode followers. Especially with mjola, or serana. Plus if you strip the female she is pretty hot and her eyes give way to her being a total stoner. Hope this helps

Attack other Follower[edit]

I have the dark brotherhood initiate as a follower but for some reason every now and again he/she will attack my other follower PS3 version

Stats At 81 or 100?[edit]

Is the information for their HP, Stamina and Magicka their stats at 81 or does it take the 1.9 patch into account and go up to 100? Torgover (talk) 19:15, 27 September 2020 (UTC)


Can they use lockpicks

-- 14:36, 31 January 2021 (UTC)